Names are wacky. This is for my personal use, so it's not exactly config-file-ified. Just edit the scripts. For the record, my setup is: * macOS laptop running OpenZFSonOSX that houses a zpool for my home directory on a Core Storage encrypted volume. hostname: dialga pool: zhome filesystems: bjc * FreeBSD NAS which accepts snapshots from macOS laptop for backup purposes, as well as housing long-term archival stuff (music, random software, movies, etc.,) on a 5 drive RAIDZ1 setup. hostname: ditto pool: babar filesystems: bjc (unmounted snapshots from zhome) shared (media) various snapshots from when I was moving data around that I haven't needed to delete yet. * External USB drive for full backup of RAIDZ1 pool from FreeBSD NAS (or, at least as much of the most recent data it can get once it fills up). hostname: ditto pool: backup filesystems: all of the above (unmounted snapshots) Permissions on zhome: Local+Descendent permissions: user bjc compression,create,hold,mount,mountpoint,receive,send,snapshot Permissions on babar/bjc: Local+Descendent permissions: user bjc compression,create,hold,mount,mountpoint,receive,send,snapshot It's a good idea to run send-to-babar before running cull-snapshots, because only the most recent snapshot is kept after a run of send-backup, so if you accidentally delete that snapshot from the NAS, you're going to have a bad time. At some point this should migrate to bookmarks, rather than snapshots, so that's no longer possible, but I haven't done that yet. I probably will after I screw up following my own instructions and hate my life for a week. cull-snapshots tries to be Time Machine like, and keep hourly snapshots for 24 hours, then daily snapshots for a month, then go weekly forever. There's no logic for removing old weekly snapshots, because I've never come close to running out of space, so it can just be done by hand. send-backup is used approximately once per week or so, when I plug in an external USB drive to sync it up with the NAS, in case of catastrophic NAS failure. Scrubs are run approximately every month on both the NAS and the USB. Locations for files: On Mac: * com.kublai.zfs.make-snapshot.plist -> ~/Library/LaunchAgents * make-snapshot -> wherever it's referenced by launch agent .plist * send-to-babar -> somewhere in $PATH On NAS: *,, cull-snapshots send-backup -> /usr/local/bin