path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index f48edae..59f6c77 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,152 +1,182 @@
-* How dCVS is different
-** Everything is implicitly a branch
-The only ``central'' repository is the one you're in. Distribution of
-changes is a separate command. This means every repository is an
-inevitable branch of the first commit.
-** Merge becomes a required operation
-Since everything is a branch, a history merge is required in order to
-share changes up-or-downstream.
-** History is non-linear
-No more monotonically increasing version numbers. Instead version
-numbers must be crafted to at least identify the data of the commit
-itself so they can be universally addressable.
-* Create a demo repo
-** create
- ~% mkdir sifl
- ~% cd sifl
- ~/sifl% git init
- Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/bjc/Documents/git/sifl/.git/
-** clone
- ~/sifl% cd ..
- ~% git clone sifl olly
- Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/bjc/Documents/git/olly/.git/
- ~% cd olly
- ~/olly% git remote show origin # Automatically set up and pointing to
- # ../sifl
- * remote origin
- URL: ../sifl
-* Add some data
-** sifl commands
- ~% cd sifl
- ~/sifl% echo sifl > whoami
- ~/sifl% git add whoami; git commit -m "Set whoami to sifl."
- [master (root-commit) b211a60] Set whoami to sifl.
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 whoami
-** A moment on git refs
-*** commit id
-A git commit id includes a hash of the commit blob as well as a
-reference to the commit's parent. In this way a given commit and its
-history can be compared simply by checking the id. All other refs
-inevitably point to a commit id as the fundamental unit.
-*** HEAD
-This is the commit the working copy is based off of. Upon commit this
-will be used as the parent commit.
-*** branch
-A branch is a moving HEAD pointer. All working directories are
-implicitly branches, although it's easier to use a named one.
-*** tag
-A tag is a commit id with an optional message and signature.
-** sifl commit history graph
- (b211a60)
- O
-** olly commands
- ~/sifl% cd ../olly
- ~/olly% echo olly > whoami
- ~/sifl% git add whoami; git commit -m "Set whoami to olly."
- [master (root-commit) 536a095] Set whoami to olly.
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 whoami
-** olly commit history graph
- (536a095)
- O
-* Sharing changes
-** sifl commands
- ~% cd sifl
- ~/sifl% git pull ../olly
- warning: no common commits
- remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
- remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
- Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
- From ../olly
- * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD
- Auto-merging whoami
- CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in whoami
- Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
- [1] 16566 exit 1 git pull ../olly
- ~/sifl% cat whoami
- <<<<<<< HEAD:whoami
- sifl
- =======
- olly
- >>>>>>> 536a095305749bacf3357e37eeb13676e8f9c4d0:whoami
- ~/sifl% echo sifl > whoami; echo olly >> whoami
- ~/sifl% git add whoami; git commit -m "Fix conflicts."
- [master eb69ba9] Fix conflicts.
-** sifl commit history graph
- (b211a60)
- O ------- O (eb69ba9)
- /
- O -----/
- (536a095)
+* democratized Version Control Systems (dVCS)
+ Sharing complete repositories is a simple concept which poses subtle
+ constraints in whose solution yields a form of democratized version
+ control.
+* A look back at SVN
+** Linear history is normal, all graphs are trees
+ In other words, any given commit can have many children, but only
+ one parent.
+** Merging is painful and error prone
+ Most solutions to this problem involve writing appropriate commit
+ logs or writing out to files so merges can be traced. Screwing this
+ up can be bad, and as a result it is avoided as much as possible.
+** Sharing changes consists of mailing patches
+ Obviously this was all workable, but it didn't exactly engender
+ itself to lazy people like myself. The existance and popularity of
+ CVSup in spite of being written in Modula 3 shows the value of
+ repository sharing.
+* Constraints
+** Repositories are collections of interwoven histories
+ So:
+*** Linear history is a thing of the past
+*** Merging must be easy
+*** Sharing changes must be easy
+* How git satisfies dVCS constraints
+** History is no longer linear
+ Time is no longer a useful identifier when comparing the history of
+ disparate repositories, and thus can't be used for commit
+ identifiers.
+** git uses SHA hashes to identify repository objects
+ SHA is a critical factor in determining correct sharing of file
+ data. The hash is computed from file contents and mapped to
+ file names.
+** Merging is elevated to a first class operation
+ Git makes merging easy(ier). It will probably never be trivial, but
+ git at least automates the grunt work of tracking down common
+ ancestors to reduce conflicts and ease merging.
+** Branching is trivial and encouraged
+ Creating a branch is just creating another ref pointing to an
+ existing commit. It's very fast and efficient. It's very easy to
+ move things between branches, and they are encouraged for any
+ non-trivial work. It doesn't even mess up your history graph a lot
+ of the time, and when it does you can often alter it so it does not.
+*** What is the object store?
+**** blobs
+ Blobs are blobs of binary data.
+**** trees
+ Trees point to blobs or other trees.
+**** commits
+ Git commits contain a tree, its parent commits, and a tree object,
+ along with meta-data: message, author, commiter, and so forth.
+**** tags
+ Tag objects contain a commit id and an optional message and
+ cryptographic signature. If neither are present, a tag is merely a
+ symbolic ref.
+*** All objects are identified by SHA hashes.
+ The unit of history is the commit which can be soley identified by
+ its contents. The hash is easy to compute and provides good entropy
+ properties when building a hash table.
+*** History is immediately verifiable (barring hash collisions)
+*** Some measure of security comes for free
+ All commits are effectively signed by all their previous commits, so
+ verifying a repository becomes trivial given only a valid commit id.
** merge commits
-* No semantic difference between branches and repositories
-** repositories are just part of the ref
-Repositories are implicitly branches, therefor, you can push and pull
-to branches in local repositories, although it is a little silly.
+ In git, a commit can have many parents, as opposed to SVN where a
+ commit can have only one parent. Merge commits can also contain
+ blobs themselves to mark conflict resolutions.
-* Rewriting (some) history
-** Rewrite as much as you want, but be careful
-You can make your local history look however you want, but since git
-commit ids include parent references as well as the commit itself, you
-can make your repository look totally different from everyone else's,
-making sharing changes difficult.
+** SHA hashes are a pain to type
-** git complains under some circumstances for push and pull - elaborate
+ Git has a concept of `refs' which are typically symbolic references
+ to commits. At the end of the day, every ref ends up as a SHA hash.
-** Reordering and merging patches
-*** Why would you do this?
-1. Need to get a feature out, but mixed in unwanted code.
-2. Presenting a logical history
-3. Segregating features for independant testing and acceptance.
+*** SHA hashes can typically be shortened to a few characters
-** Splitting patches w/ git-add --patch
-** git rebase -i
-** Using rebase with git-add --patch/git-reset to split changes
+*** tags are fixed refs
+ Tags have optional descriptions and GPG signatures.
+*** branches and HEAD
+ Branches are moving refs and always reference their tips. HEAD is a
+ pointer to the tip of the current branch.
+*** $ref^ and $ref~$n
+ You can follow parents by using caret or tilde notation. Merge
+ commits are followed in their order in the commit blob.
+ # ^ is the parent, ^^ is the paren't parent, and so on
+ e.g: HEAD^ (The next most-recent commit on the current branch)
-* Screwing up your repo and fixing your changes
-** git reflog
-** git reset
+ # ~2 is shorthand for ^^
+ e.g: HEAD~2 (The third most-recent commit on the current branch)
+** Sharing commits
+*** Remotes
+*** Implicit read-only "vendor" branches.
+*** Push and Pull
+*** Example
* Merge strategies
-** fast-forward
-** recursive
-** octopus
-** any more?
-* Brief `git svn' overview
-** Importing linear branches is straight-forward.
-** Use `rebase' if you intend to use `dcommit.'
-** SVN branches auto-tracked, just like master.
+*** Fast forward
+ When the merge target is an ancestor of the other branch, this just
+ points the target's HEAD at the other branch.
+*** Recursive
+ Used when more than one common ancestor exists. Builds the merge
+ base revision by recursively merging common ancestors.
+*** And others
+ See git-merge(1)
+* A brief note on the index
+ The index stores the tree object of the commit-to-be.
+ # adding to the index cache: git add
+ # removing: git rm --cached
+** git reset
+ Can be used to reset the index, or certain files in the index, to a
+ given commit, which is HEAD by default.
+* How dVCS democratizes version control
+* My seekrit agenda
+ I am a lazy programmer, and the more people who use git the easier
+ my life is. I use git because...
+* Additional Resources
+ # Git - SVN Crash Course
+ <>
+ # Git User's Manual
+ <>
+ # Extensive Man Pages