path: root/Liaison/GroupTableDelegate.m
diff options
authorBrian Cully <>2008-04-14 21:45:08 -0400
committerBrian Cully <>2008-04-14 21:45:08 -0400
commit17349a5e426dc7acf1216a3767a22f69974cbca0 (patch)
tree20029d02f07ab6257cccec36d34fb312f796e1d1 /Liaison/GroupTableDelegate.m
Initial commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'Liaison/GroupTableDelegate.m')
1 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Liaison/GroupTableDelegate.m b/Liaison/GroupTableDelegate.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e744534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Liaison/GroupTableDelegate.m
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+#import "GroupTableDelegate.h"
+#import "FileTableDelegate.h"
+#import "Group.h"
+#import "ImageAndTextCell.h"
+#import "WindowController.h"
+static NSString *
+myLocalizedString(NSString *aString)
+ return NSLocalizedStringFromTable(aString, @"WindowElements", @"");
+@interface GroupTableDelegate (Private)
+- (BOOL)groupIsLibrary: (Group *)aGroup;
+@implementation GroupTableDelegate (LiTableViewDelegate)
+- (void)outlineViewDidBecomeFirstResponder: (NSOutlineView *)anOutlineView
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"[GroupTableDelegate becameFirstResponder]"];
+- (void)deleteSelectedRowsInOutlineView: (NSOutlineView *)anOutlineView
+ Group *removedGroup;
+ int selectedRow;
+ selectedRow = [outlineView selectedRow] - 1;
+ removedGroup = [anOutlineView itemAtRow: [anOutlineView selectedRow]];
+ if ([self groupIsLibrary: removedGroup] == NO) {
+ LiFileHandle *file;
+ LiFilter *groupFilter;
+ NSArray *filesInGroup;
+ NSDictionary *removedGroupAttribute;
+ NSString *groupname;
+ groupname = [removedGroup name];
+ groupFilter = [LiFilter filterWithAttribute: LiGroupsAttribute
+ compareSelector: @selector(isEqual:)
+ value: groupname];
+ filesInGroup = [[removedGroup fileStore] filesMatchingFilter: groupFilter];
+ for (file in filesInGroup) {
+ [file removeFromGroup: groupname];
+ }
+ removedGroupAttribute = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: groupname
+ forKey: LiGroupsAttribute];
+ [[[removedGroup fileStore] delegate] removeDefaultAttribute: removedGroupAttribute
+ fromFileStore: [removedGroup fileStore]];
+ [[removedGroup parent] removeChild: removedGroup];
+ [[removedGroup fileStore] synchronize];
+ [outlineView reloadData];
+ [outlineView selectRow: selectedRow byExtendingSelection: NO];
+ }
+- (void)mouseDownEvent: (NSEvent *)mouseEvent
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"[GroupTableDelegate mouseDownEvent: %@]", mouseEvent];
+ theMouseDownEvent = mouseEvent;
+@implementation GroupTableDelegate (OutlineViewDelegate)
+- (id)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
+ child: (int)index ofItem:(Group *)item
+ if (item == nil)
+ item = theGroup;
+ return [[item childAtIndex: index] retain];
+- (BOOL)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
+ isItemExpandable: (Group *)item
+ if (item == nil)
+ item = theGroup;
+ return ([item type] == BRANCH);
+- (int)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
+numberOfChildrenOfItem: (Group *)item
+ if (item == nil)
+ item = theGroup;
+ return [item numberOfChildren];
+- (id)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
+objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
+ byItem: (Group *)item
+ if (item == nil)
+ item = theGroup;
+ if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"name"])
+ return [[item name] retain];
+ return @"nil";
+- (void)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)anOutlineView
+ setObjectValue: (id)anObject
+ forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
+ byItem: (id)anItem
+ NSArray *groupFiles;
+ NSDictionary *renamedGroupAttribute;
+ NSString *oldGroupName, *newGroupName;
+ LiFileHandle *file;
+ LiFilter *groupFilter;
+ Group *renamedGroup;
+ renamedGroup = anItem;
+ groupFilter = [LiFilter filterWithAttribute: LiGroupsAttribute
+ compareSelector: @selector(isEqual:)
+ value: [renamedGroup name]];
+ groupFiles = [[renamedGroup fileStore] filesMatchingFilter: groupFilter];
+ oldGroupName = [renamedGroup name];
+ newGroupName = anObject;
+ for (file in groupFiles) {
+ [file renameGroup: oldGroupName toGroup: newGroupName];
+ }
+ [renamedGroup setName: newGroupName];
+ renamedGroupAttribute = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: oldGroupName
+ forKey: LiGroupsAttribute];
+ [[[renamedGroup fileStore] delegate] changeDefaultValueForAttribute: renamedGroupAttribute
+ toValue: newGroupName
+ inFileStore: [renamedGroup fileStore]];
+ [[renamedGroup fileStore] synchronize];
+ [self setSelectedGroup: renamedGroup];
+- (BOOL)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
+shouldEditTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)tableColumn
+ item: (id)anItem
+ Group *group;
+ group = anItem;
+ return [[group fileStore] isEditable];
+- (void)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
+ willDisplayCell: (NSCell *)aCell
+ forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aColumn
+ item: (id)theItem
+ if (theItem == nil)
+ return;
+ if ([[aColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"name"]) {
+ [aCell setImage: [[theItem icon] retain]];
+ //[aCell setStringValue: [theItem name]];
+ }
+- (BOOL)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)anOutlineView
+ shouldSelectItem: (id)item
+ return YES;
+- (void)outlineViewSelectionDidChange: (NSNotification *)aNotification
+ Group *group;
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"[GroupTableDelegate outlineViewSelectionDidChange: (Notification)]"];
+ [LiLog indentDebugLog];
+ group = [outlineView itemAtRow: [outlineView selectedRow]];
+ [self setSelectedGroup: group];
+ [LiLog unindentDebugLog];
+- (NSDragOperation)outlineView: (NSOutlineView*)olv
+ validateDrop: (id <NSDraggingInfo>)info
+ proposedItem: (id)anItem
+ proposedChildIndex: (int)childIndex
+ Group *group;
+ NSPasteboard *pboard;
+ group = anItem;
+ if (group == nil)
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+ if (childIndex != NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex)
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+ if ([[group fileStore] isEditable] == NO)
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+ pboard = [info draggingPasteboard];
+ if ([pboard availableTypeFromArray:
+ [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
+ LiaisonPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]])
+ return NSDragOperationCopy;
+ return NO;
+- (BOOL)outlineView: (NSOutlineView*)olv
+ acceptDrop: (id <NSDraggingInfo>)info
+ item: (id)anItem
+ childIndex: (int)childIndex
+ Group *item;
+ NSPasteboard *pboard;
+ NSString *groupName;
+ item = anItem;
+ if ([self groupIsLibrary: item])
+ groupName = nil;
+ else
+ groupName = [item name];
+ pboard = [info draggingPasteboard];
+ if ([pboard availableTypeFromArray:
+ [NSArray arrayWithObject: LiaisonPboardType]]) {
+ NSArray *theFileList;
+ NSData *theFileListData;
+ LiFileHandle *file;
+ theFileListData = [pboard dataForType: LiaisonPboardType];
+ theFileList = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:
+ theFileListData];
+ for (file in theFileList) {
+ [file addToGroup: groupName];
+ }
+ } else if ([pboard availableTypeFromArray:
+ [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSFilenamesPboardType]]) {
+ NSArray *pathList;
+ pathList = [pboard propertyListForType: NSFilenamesPboardType];
+ if ([pathList count] > 0) {
+ [[item fileStore] addPaths: pathList toGroup: [item name]];
+ return YES;
+ } else
+ return NO;
+ }
+ [[item fileStore] synchronize];
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)outlineView: (NSOutlineView *)anOutlineView
+ writeItems: (NSArray *)someItems
+ toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)aPasteboard
+ Group *item;
+ NSMutableArray *promisePboard;
+ promisePboard = [NSMutableArray array];
+ for (item in someItems) {
+ [promisePboard addObject: [item name]];
+ }
+ if ([promisePboard count] > 0) {
+ NSPoint dragPosition;
+ NSRect imageLocation;
+ dragPosition = [outlineView convertPoint: [theMouseDownEvent locationInWindow]
+ fromView: nil];
+ imageLocation.origin = dragPosition;
+ imageLocation.size = NSMakeSize(32,32);
+ [outlineView dragPromisedFilesOfTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @""]
+ fromRect: NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ source: self
+ slideBack: YES event: theMouseDownEvent];
+ return YES;
+ }
+ // We always return NO, because we start the drag ourselves, which is lame,
+ // but we have to in order to support promised files.
+ return NO;
+/* We get this in response to dragging a directory to another app. */
+- (NSArray *)namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination: (NSURL *)dropDestination
+ NSArray *filenames;
+ NSFileManager *defaultManager;
+ NSString *dropDir, *path;
+ int suffix;
+ defaultManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ dropDir = [dropDestination path];
+ for (suffix = 1; suffix <= 100; suffix++) {
+ NSString *myDir;
+ if (suffix > 1)
+ myDir = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DEBUGgroupName %d", suffix];
+ else
+ myDir = @"DEBUGgroupName";
+ path = [dropDir stringByAppendingPathComponent: myDir];
+ if ([defaultManager fileExistsAtPath: path] == NO) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ filenames = nil;
+ if (suffix <= 100) {
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"Create dir: %@", path];
+ if ([defaultManager createDirectoryAtPath: path
+ attributes: nil] == YES)
+ filenames = [NSArray arrayWithObject: path];
+ }
+ return filenames;
+@implementation GroupTableDelegate
+- (id)init
+ NSNotificationCenter *defaultCenter;
+ self = [super init];
+ [self setGroup: nil];
+ // We want to watch for file changes, so we can change our view.
+ defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [defaultCenter addObserver: self
+ selector: @selector(respondToFileStoreChanged:)
+ name: LiFileStoresChangedNotification
+ object: nil];
+ [defaultCenter addObserver: self
+ selector: @selector(respondToFileStoreChanged:)
+ name: LiFileChangedNotification
+ object: nil];
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ NSNotificationCenter *defaultCenter;
+ defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [defaultCenter removeObserver: self];
+ [self setGroup: nil];
+ [super dealloc];
+- (void)awakeFromNib
+ NSTableColumn *tableColumn;
+ ImageAndTextCell *imageAndTextCell;
+ tableColumn = [outlineView tableColumnWithIdentifier: @"name"];
+ imageAndTextCell = [[[ImageAndTextCell alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [imageAndTextCell setEditable: YES];
+ [tableColumn setDataCell: imageAndTextCell];
+ [outlineView registerForDraggedTypes:
+ [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
+ LiaisonPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]];
+- (void)respondToFileStoreChanged: (NSNotification *)aNotification
+ Group *myGroups, *child;
+ LiFileStore *fileStore;
+ NSEnumerator *fsEnum, *groupEnum;
+ NSMutableSet *oldFileStores, *newFileStores;
+ NSString *groupName;
+ BOOL needsRedisplay;
+ myGroups = [self group];
+ if (myGroups == nil) {
+ myGroups = [Group groupWithName: @"ALL" andType: BRANCH];
+ [self setGroup: myGroups];
+ }
+ needsRedisplay = NO;
+ newFileStores = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: [LiFileStore allFileStores]];
+ oldFileStores = [NSMutableSet set];
+ groupEnum = [myGroups childEnumerator];
+ while ((child = [groupEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ [oldFileStores addObject: [child fileStore]];
+ }
+ // Remove old file stores.
+ [oldFileStores minusSet: newFileStores];
+ if ([oldFileStores count] > 0)
+ needsRedisplay = YES;
+ groupEnum = [oldFileStores objectEnumerator];
+ while ((groupName = [[groupEnum nextObject] name]) != nil) {
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"Removing fileStore for %@ from the group list.", groupName];
+ [myGroups removeChildNamed: groupName];
+ }
+ fsEnum = [LiFileStore fileStoreEnumerator];
+ while ((fileStore = [fsEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ Group *storeGroup;
+ NSArray *allStoreGroups;
+ NSEnumerator *groupEnum;
+ allStoreGroups = [fileStore allValuesForAttribute: LiGroupsAttribute];
+ storeGroup = [myGroups childNamed: [fileStore name]];
+ if (storeGroup == nil) {
+ needsRedisplay = YES;
+ storeGroup = [Group groupWithName: [fileStore name] andType: BRANCH];
+ [myGroups addChild: storeGroup];
+ } else {
+ NSMutableSet *oldGroups, *newGroups;
+ newGroups = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: allStoreGroups];
+ oldGroups = [NSMutableSet set];
+ groupEnum = [storeGroup childEnumerator];
+ while ((child = [groupEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ [oldGroups addObject: [child name]];
+ }
+ // Remove old groups.
+ [oldGroups minusSet: newGroups];
+ if ([oldGroups count] > 0)
+ needsRedisplay = YES;
+ for (groupName in oldGroups) {
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"Removing group %@ from group list.", groupName];
+ [storeGroup removeChildNamed: groupName];
+ }
+ }
+ // Always set this.
+ [storeGroup setIcon: [fileStore icon]];
+ [storeGroup setFileStore: fileStore];
+ // Add new groups.
+ for (groupName in allStoreGroups) {
+ Group *subGroup;
+ if ([storeGroup childNamed: groupName] == nil) {
+ needsRedisplay = YES;
+ subGroup = [Group groupWithName: groupName andType: LEAF];
+ [subGroup setFileStore: fileStore];
+ [storeGroup addChild: subGroup];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (needsRedisplay) {
+ [outlineView reloadData];
+ }
+- (void)highlightDefaultGroup
+ Group *firstGroup;
+ firstGroup = [outlineView itemAtRow: 0];
+ [outlineView selectRow: 0 byExtendingSelection: NO];
+- (IBAction)addGroup:(id)sender
+ Group *group;
+ NSString *untitledName;
+ unsigned long untitledPrefix;
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"[GroupTableDelegate addGroup: sender]"];
+ [LiLog indentDebugLog];
+ group = [self selectedGroup];
+ if ([[group fileStore] isEditable] == NO) {
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"Group %@ isn't editable.", [[group fileStore] name]];
+ }
+ if ([[group fileStore] isEditable]) {
+ Group *newGroup;
+ NSDictionary *newGroupAttribute;
+ if ([group type] == LEAF)
+ group = [group parent];
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"adding to group: %@", [group name]];
+ untitledPrefix = 1;
+ untitledName = myLocalizedString(@"LiUntitledGroupName");
+ while ([group childNamed: untitledName] != nil) {
+ untitledPrefix++;
+ untitledName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %lu",
+ myLocalizedString(@"LiUntitledGroupName"), untitledPrefix];
+ }
+ newGroupAttribute = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: untitledName
+ forKey: LiGroupsAttribute];
+ [[[group fileStore] delegate] addDefaultAttribute: newGroupAttribute
+ toFileStore: [group fileStore]];
+ newGroup = [Group groupWithName: untitledName andType: LEAF];
+ [newGroup setFileStore: [group fileStore]];
+ [group addChild: newGroup];
+ [outlineView reloadData];
+ [outlineView expandItem: group];
+ }
+ [LiLog unindentDebugLog];
+- (NSSize)minSize
+ float rowHeight;
+ int numRows;
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"[GroupTableDelegate minSize]"];
+ rowHeight = [outlineView rowHeight];
+ numRows = [outlineView numberOfRows];
+ return NSMakeSize([outlineView frame].size.width, rowHeight * numRows);
+- (BOOL)validateAction: (SEL)anAction
+ //[LiLog logAsDebug: @"[GroupTableDelegate validateAction: %@]", NSStringFromSelector(anAction)];
+ if (anAction == @selector(copy:))
+ return [outlineView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0;
+ else if (anAction == @selector(delete:)) {
+ if ([self groupIsLibrary: [self selectedGroup]])
+ return NO;
+ else
+ return [[[self selectedGroup] fileStore] isEditable];
+ } else if (anAction == @selector(addGroup:)) {
+ return [[[self selectedGroup] fileStore] isEditable];
+ } else
+ return YES;
+- (BOOL)validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *)anItem
+ return [self validateAction: [anItem action]];
+@synthesize theGroup;
+@synthesize theMouseDownEvent;
+@synthesize theWindow;
+@synthesize theFileDelegate;
+@synthesize theSelectedGroup;
+@synthesize theContextMenu;
+@synthesize statusLine;
+@synthesize outlineView;
+@implementation GroupTableDelegate (Accessors)
+- (Group *)group
+ return theGroup;
+- (void)setGroup: (Group *)aGroup
+ [aGroup retain];
+ [theGroup release];
+ theGroup = aGroup;
+ [outlineView reloadData];
+ [self highlightDefaultGroup];
+- (Group *)selectedGroup
+ return theSelectedGroup;
+- (void)setSelectedGroup: (Group *)aGroup
+ [aGroup retain];
+ [theSelectedGroup release];
+ theSelectedGroup = aGroup;
+ [theFileDelegate saveSelectionOfTableView: [theFileDelegate tableView]];
+ [theFileDelegate setFileStore: [theSelectedGroup fileStore]];
+ if ([self groupIsLibrary: theSelectedGroup]) {
+ [theFileDelegate setGroup: nil];
+ } else {
+ [theFileDelegate setGroup: [theSelectedGroup name]];
+ }
+ [theFileDelegate redisplay];
+ [theFileDelegate restoreSelectionToTableView: [theFileDelegate tableView] refresh: YES];
+@implementation GroupTableDelegate (Private)
+- (BOOL)groupIsLibrary: (Group *)aGroup
+ if ([[self group] hasChild: aGroup])
+ return YES;
+ else
+ return NO;