path: root/Liaison/InspectorController.m
diff options
authorBrian Cully <>2008-04-14 21:45:08 -0400
committerBrian Cully <>2008-04-14 21:45:08 -0400
commit17349a5e426dc7acf1216a3767a22f69974cbca0 (patch)
tree20029d02f07ab6257cccec36d34fb312f796e1d1 /Liaison/InspectorController.m
Initial commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'Liaison/InspectorController.m')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Liaison/InspectorController.m b/Liaison/InspectorController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453574c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Liaison/InspectorController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#import "InspectorController.h"
+#import "PluginManager.h"
+@implementation InspectorController (WindowDelegate)
+- (NSRect)windowWillUseStandardFrame: (NSWindow *)aWindow
+ defaultFrame: (NSRect)defaultFrame
+ return [self minWindowFrame];
+@implementation InspectorController
+- (id)init
+ self = [super init];
+ theInspectorViews = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ [theInspectorViews release];
+ [super dealloc];
+- (LiInspectorView *)viewForDefault
+ LiInspectorView *view;
+ view = [[[LiInspectorView alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [view setIdentifier: @"nothing"];
+ [view setName: @"Nada"];
+ [view setImage: nil];
+ [view setIsHorizontallyResizable: NO];
+ [view setIsVerticallyResizable: NO];
+ [view setView: theDefaultTabView];
+ [view setViewSize: [[view view] frame].size];
+ return view;
+- (void)awakeFromNib
+ NSEnumerator *pluginEnum;
+ NSObject <LiInspectorPlugin> *plugin;
+ [self setFile: nil];
+ // Load our default, "nothing's there" view.
+ [theInspectorViews setObject: [self viewForDefault] forKey: @"DEFAULT"];
+ // Load plug-in views.
+ pluginEnum = [[[PluginManager defaultManager] inspectorPlugins] objectEnumerator];
+ while ((plugin = [pluginEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ LiInspectorView *view;
+ NSEnumerator *viewEnum;
+ viewEnum = [[plugin allInspectorViews] objectEnumerator];
+ while ((view = [viewEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ NSString *identifier;
+ identifier = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:%@",
+ NSStringFromClass([plugin class]), [view identifier]];
+ [theInspectorViews setObject: view forKey: identifier];
+ }
+ }
+- (LiInspectorView *)inspectorViewForIdentifier: (NSString *)anIdentifier
+ return [theInspectorViews objectForKey: anIdentifier];
+- (void)showInspectorViewWithIdentifier: (NSString *)anIdentifier
+ LiInspectorView *view;
+ view = [self inspectorViewForIdentifier: anIdentifier];
+ if (view != nil) {
+ NSTabViewItem *tab;
+ tab = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier: anIdentifier];
+ [tab autorelease];
+ [tab setLabel: [view name]];
+ [tab setView: [view view]];
+ [theTabView addTabViewItem: tab];
+ }
+- (void)removeInspectorViewWithIdentifier: (NSString *)anIdentifier
+ LiInspectorView *view;
+ view = [self inspectorViewForIdentifier: anIdentifier];
+- (NSRect)minWindowFrame
+ LiInspectorView *inspectorView;
+ NSTabViewItem *tab;
+ NSRect windowFrame;
+ NSSize viewSize;
+ float newHeight, newWidth;
+ tab = [theTabView selectedTabViewItem];
+ inspectorView = [self inspectorViewForIdentifier: [tab identifier]];
+ viewSize = [inspectorView viewSize];
+ newHeight = viewSize.height + 40;
+ newWidth = viewSize.width;
+ windowFrame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: [theWindow frame]
+ styleMask: [theWindow styleMask]];
+ windowFrame.origin.y += windowFrame.size.height;
+ windowFrame.origin.y -= newHeight;
+ windowFrame.size.height = newHeight;
+ windowFrame.size.width = newWidth;
+ windowFrame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: windowFrame
+ styleMask: [theWindow styleMask]];
+ return windowFrame;
+- (void)resizeWindow
+ LiInspectorView *inspectorView;
+ NSTabViewItem *tab;
+ NSRect minWindowFrame, windowFrame;
+ BOOL displayGrowBox = NO;
+ tab = [theTabView selectedTabViewItem];
+ inspectorView = [self inspectorViewForIdentifier: [tab identifier]];
+ windowFrame = [theWindow frame];
+ minWindowFrame = [self minWindowFrame];
+ if ([inspectorView isVerticallyResizable] &&
+ [inspectorView isHorizontallyResizable]) {
+ // Resize nothing.
+ if (windowFrame.size.width < minWindowFrame.size.width)
+ windowFrame.size.width = minWindowFrame.size.width;
+ if (windowFrame.size.height < minWindowFrame.size.height)
+ windowFrame.size.height = minWindowFrame.size.height;
+ displayGrowBox = YES;
+ } else {
+ if ([inspectorView isVerticallyResizable]) {
+ // Resize the width.
+ windowFrame.size.width = minWindowFrame.size.width;
+ if (windowFrame.size.height < minWindowFrame.size.height)
+ windowFrame.size.height = minWindowFrame.size.height;
+ displayGrowBox = YES;
+ } else if ([inspectorView isHorizontallyResizable]) {
+ // Resize the height.
+ windowFrame.origin.y = minWindowFrame.origin.y;
+ windowFrame.size.height = minWindowFrame.size.height;
+ if (windowFrame.size.width < minWindowFrame.size.width)
+ windowFrame.size.width = minWindowFrame.size.width;
+ displayGrowBox = YES;
+ } else
+ windowFrame = minWindowFrame;
+ }
+ [theWindow setFrame: windowFrame display: YES animate: YES];
+ [theWindow setShowsResizeIndicator: displayGrowBox];
+- (void)setFile: (LiFileHandle *)aFile
+ NSEnumerator *pluginEnum, *tabEnum;
+ NSMutableArray *shownTabs;
+ NSString *identifier;
+ NSTabViewItem *tab;
+ NSObject <LiInspectorPlugin> *plugin;
+ shownTabs = [NSMutableArray array];
+ pluginEnum = [[[PluginManager defaultManager] inspectorPlugins] objectEnumerator];
+ while ((plugin = [pluginEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ LiInspectorView *view;
+ NSEnumerator *viewEnum;
+ viewEnum = [[plugin inspectorViewsForFile: aFile] objectEnumerator];
+ while ((view = [viewEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ identifier = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:%@",
+ NSStringFromClass([plugin class]), [view identifier]];
+ [shownTabs addObject: identifier];
+ }
+ [plugin setFile: aFile];
+ [LiLog logAsError:
+ @"Inspector plugin: %@ couldn't handle '%@': %@, %@",
+ NSStringFromClass([plugin class]),
+ [aFile filename], [localException name],
+ [localException reason]];
+ }
+ tabEnum = [[theTabView tabViewItems] objectEnumerator];
+ while ((tab = [tabEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
+ if ([shownTabs containsObject: [tab identifier]])
+ [shownTabs removeObject: [tab identifier]];
+ else
+ [theTabView removeTabViewItem: tab];
+ }
+ for (identifier in shownTabs) {
+ [self showInspectorViewWithIdentifier: identifier];
+ }
+ if ([theTabView numberOfTabViewItems] == 0) {
+ [LiLog logAsDebug: @"No tabs in view."];
+ [self showInspectorViewWithIdentifier: @"DEFAULT"];
+ }
+@synthesize theWindow;
+@synthesize theInspectorViews;
+@synthesize theTabView;
+@synthesize theDefaultTabView;
+@synthesize theFile;
+@implementation InspectorController (TabViewDelegate)
+- (void)tabView: (NSTabView *)tabView didSelectTabViewItem: (NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem
+ LiInspectorView *inspectorView;
+ NSTabViewItem *tab;
+ NSSize minSize, maxSize;
+ tab = [theTabView selectedTabViewItem];
+ inspectorView = [self inspectorViewForIdentifier: [tab identifier]];
+ minSize = [self minWindowFrame].size;
+ maxSize = NSMakeSize(800.0, 800.0);
+ if ([inspectorView isHorizontallyResizable] == NO)
+ maxSize.width = minSize.width;
+ if ([inspectorView isVerticallyResizable] == NO)
+ maxSize.height = minSize.height;
+ [theWindow setMinSize: minSize];
+ [theWindow setMaxSize: maxSize];
+ [self resizeWindow];
+@end \ No newline at end of file