path: root/PlugIns
diff options
authorBrian Cully <bjc@kublai.com>2008-04-02 19:20:20 -0400
committerBrian Cully <bjc@kublai.com>2008-04-02 19:20:20 -0400
commitab10720260e2c184b319026da89f4dfd338500bb (patch)
treea692a27435da0296972e43b21b2f35762e720bfd /PlugIns
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'PlugIns')
7 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PlugIns/Ansi-Color.lisp b/PlugIns/Ansi-Color.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6f64af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/Ansi-Color.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+(defpackage ansi-color
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils))
+(in-package :ansi-color)
+(defvar *black-color* '(0 0 0))
+(defvar *red-color* '(200 0 0))
+(defvar *green-color* '(0 200 0))
+(defvar *yellow-color* '(200 200 0))
+(defvar *blue-color* '(0 0 200))
+(defvar *purple-color* '(200 0 200))
+(defvar *cyan-color* '(0 200 200))
+(defvar *white-color* '(200 200 200))
+(defun active-attributes (&optional (world *world*))
+ (world-var 'active-attrs world))
+(defsetf active-attributes (&optional (world '*world*)) (values)
+ `(setf (world-var 'active-attrs ,world) ,values))
+(defun add-attribute (attribute)
+ (remove-attribute (car attribute))
+ (setf (active-attributes)
+ (cons attribute (active-attributes))))
+(defun attribute-value (attribute)
+ (cdr (assoc attribute (active-attributes))))
+(defun remove-attribute (attribute)
+ (setf (active-attributes)
+ (remove attribute (active-attributes) :key #'car)))
+(defun set-attribute-for-code (code)
+ (case code
+ (0 (when (active-attributes)
+ (setf (active-attributes) nil)))
+ (1 (add-attribute '(:bold 1)))
+ (3 (add-attribute '(:italic 0.25)))
+ (4 (add-attribute '(:underline 1)))
+ (7 (add-attribute '(:inverse 1)))
+ (9 (add-attribute '(:strikethrough 1)))
+ (22 (remove-attribute :bold))
+ (23 (remove-attribute :italic))
+ (24 (remove-attribute :underline))
+ (27 (remove-attribute :inverse))
+ (29 (remove-attribute :strikethrough))
+ (30 (add-attribute (cons :color *black-color*)))
+ (31 (add-attribute (cons :color *red-color*)))
+ (32 (add-attribute (cons :color *green-color*)))
+ (33 (add-attribute (cons :color *yellow-color*)))
+ (34 (add-attribute (cons :color *blue-color*)))
+ (35 (add-attribute (cons :color *purple-color*)))
+ (36 (add-attribute (cons :color *cyan-color*)))
+ (37 (add-attribute (cons :color *white-color*)))
+ (39 (remove-attribute :color))
+ (40 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *black-color*)))
+ (41 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *red-color*)))
+ (42 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *green-color*)))
+ (43 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *yellow-color*)))
+ (44 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *blue-color*)))
+ (45 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *purple-color*)))
+ (46 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *cyan-color*)))
+ (47 (add-attribute (cons :background-color *white-color*)))
+ (49 (remove-attribute :background-color))))
+(defun end-of-ansi-position (string start)
+ "Returns the position in STRING after START where an ANSI escape sequence ends."
+ (position-if (lambda (c)
+ (or (and (char< c #\z) (char> c #\a))
+ (and (char< c #\Z) (char> c #\A))))
+ string :start start))
+(defun colorize-ansi-string (string)
+ (declare (ignore keywords))
+ (let* (*print-pretty*
+ (string (concatenate 'string
+ (aif (world-var 'cached-escape)
+ (progn
+ (setf (world-var 'cached-escape) nil)
+ it)
+ "")
+ (if (stringp string) string (car string))))
+ (scanlen (length string))
+ (attr-index 0)
+ (attributes nil)
+ (skipped-chars 0)
+ (result (with-output-to-string (stripped-string)
+ (let ((final-scan (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((>= i scanlen) i)
+ (when (eql (elt string i) #\Escape)
+ (aif (end-of-ansi-position string i)
+ (progn
+ ;; When we have a code, we should dump the last
+ ;; set of attributes.
+ (princ (subseq string attr-index i) stripped-string)
+ (awhen (active-attributes)
+ (push (cons (make-range (- attr-index skipped-chars)
+ (- i attr-index))
+ (active-attributes)) attributes))
+ ;; Grab the code sequence, break it up, and set the
+ ;; attributes for it.
+ (let ((code-str (subseq string (+ i 2) it)))
+ (flet ((code-in-bounds (start end)
+ (let ((start (or start 0))
+ (end (or end (length code-str))))
+ (set-attribute-for-code (or (and (= start end) 0)
+ (parse-integer (subseq code-str start end)
+ :junk-allowed t))))))
+ ;; Coalesce attributes split up by semicolons.
+ (do* ((last-pos 0 (1+ semi-pos))
+ (semi-pos (position #\; code-str)
+ (position #\; code-str :start last-pos))
+ (code (code-in-bounds last-pos semi-pos)
+ (code-in-bounds last-pos semi-pos)))
+ ((null semi-pos)))))
+ (setf skipped-chars (+ skipped-chars (- (1+ it) i)))
+ (setf i it)
+ (setf attr-index (1+ i)))
+ ;; We have an escape, but can't parse it.
+ ;; save it in a buffer for later use.
+ (progn
+ (setf (world-var 'cached-escape) (subseq string i scanlen))
+ (setf scanlen i)))))))
+ ;; Append final attributes and string.
+ (when (<= attr-index scanlen)
+ (princ (subseq string attr-index scanlen) stripped-string)
+ (push (cons (make-range (- attr-index skipped-chars) (- scanlen attr-index))
+ (active-attributes)) attributes))))))
+ (if attributes
+ (apply #'make-attributed-string result attributes)
+ result)))
+(defun test-output (&rest vars)
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (dolist (v vars)
+ (format t "first char: ~S, var ~S~%" (elt v 0) v)
+ (princ v s))))
+(defun printer-test ()
+ (test-output "string-1" (format nil "string-2~%")))
+(defun make-ansi-sequence ()
+ (format nil "~C[~A;~Am~A ~C[~A;~A;~AmAnd another" #\Escape 0 31 "A sequence" #\Escape 1 22 37))
+(add-hook 'colorize-ansi-string :output-from-server-hook)
diff --git a/PlugIns/Idle-Monster.lisp b/PlugIns/Idle-Monster.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..827813a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/Idle-Monster.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(defpackage idle-monster
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils))
+(in-package :idle-monster)
+(defun send-idle-cmd (&rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ "Sends a command to the current world when idle."
+ (print-to-world *world* (format nil "Idle!~%")))
+;(add-hook 'send-idle-cmd :timer-hook) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PlugIns/Logger.lisp b/PlugIns/Logger.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f456fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/Logger.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;; $Id: Logger.lisp 20 2005-12-27 15:21:23Z bjc $
+(defpackage default-logger
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils))
+(in-package :default-logger)
+(defvar *default-log-directory* (merge-pathnames "Documents/Moxie Transcripts/"
+ (user-homedir-pathname)))
+(defun start-logging-hook (&optional arg)
+ (let ((log-filen (car (world-var :log-file-path))))
+ (setf (world-var :log-stream)
+ (open log-filen :direction :output
+ :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create))
+ (awhen (world-var :log-stream)
+ (format it "[Logging started on: ~A]~%" (format-timestamp (get-universal-time)))
+ (finish-output it)
+ (print-to-world *world* (format nil "Now logging to: ~A~%" log-filen)))))
+(defun stop-logging-hook (&optional arg)
+ (awhen (world-var :log-stream)
+ (format it "[Logging ended on: ~A]~%" (format-timestamp (get-universal-time)))
+ (finish-output it)
+ (close it)
+ (setf (world-var :log-stream) nil)
+ (print-to-world *world* (format nil "Logging is now disabled.~%"))))
+(defun log-output (string)
+ (awhen (world-var :log-stream)
+ (let* (*print-pretty*
+ (string (if (stringp string) string (car string))))
+ (format it "~A ~A" (format-timestamp (get-universal-time)) string)
+ (finish-output it))))
+(defun log-input (string)
+ (awhen (world-var :log-stream)
+ (let* (*print-pretty*
+ (string (if (stringp string) string (car string))))
+ (format it "~A -> ~A~%" (format-timestamp (get-universal-time)) string)
+ (finish-output it))))
+(defun format-timestamp (universal-time)
+ (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour date mon year day daylight-p zone)
+ (decode-universal-time universal-time)
+ (format nil "[~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D]" year mon date hour min sec)))
+;; Convienence aliases
+(defun logger-alias (arg)
+ (if (> (length arg) 0)
+ (start-logging-to arg)
+ (if (world-var :log-stream)
+ (disable-logging *world*)
+ (enable-logging *world*)))
+ nil)
+(defun start-logging-to (filename)
+ (awhen (world-var :log-stream)
+ (disable-logging *world*))
+ (setf (world-var :log-file-path)
+ (list (merge-pathnames filename *default-log-directory*)))
+ (enable-logging *world*))
+(add-hook 'start-logging-hook :start-logging-hook)
+(add-hook 'stop-logging-hook :stop-logging-hook)
+(add-hook 'log-output :output-from-server-hook)
+(add-hook 'log-input :input-from-client-hook)
+(add-keyword 'logger-alias "log") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PlugIns/MXP.lisp b/PlugIns/MXP.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8694608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/MXP.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;; $Id: MXP.lisp 20 2005-12-27 15:21:23Z bjc $
+(defpackage mxp
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils))
+(in-package :mxp)
+(defun parse-mxp-args (string)
+ (let ((last-space 0))
+ (loop as next-space = (position-if (lambda (c)
+ (or (eql c #\Space) (eql c #\Tab) (eql c #\Newline)))
+ string
+ :start last-space)
+ collect (if next-space
+ (prog1
+ (subseq string last-space next-space)
+ (setf last-space (1+ next-space)))
+ (subseq string last-space (length string)))
+ while next-space)))
+;; We have to get the world name here, which isn't being set
+;; for some reason in the world-opened-hook.
+;; Update: the reason is that world-opened-hook doesn't have
+;; anything on it. We need to create a function to make the
+;; alist in args the environment for the world, and figure out
+;; where to put it.
+;; Built in plugin via runhook?
+;; Do we want runhook at all, since this is so low-level we may
+;; not want people messing with it.
+(defun play-sound (args)
+ (format t "msp dir: ~S~%" (merge-pathnames (car args)
+ (merge-pathnames "Library/Moxie/MSP/"
+ (user-homedir-pathname)))))
+(defun dispatch-mxp-command (string)
+ (let* ((strlen (length string))
+ (lp-pos (position #\( string))
+ (rp-pos (and lp-pos (position #\) string)))
+ (cmd (subseq string 0 (or lp-pos strlen)))
+ (args (and rp-pos (parse-mxp-args (subseq string (1+ lp-pos) rp-pos)))))
+ (cond ((or (string= cmd "MUSIC") (string= cmd "SOUND"))
+ (play-sound args))
+ (t (format t "Found MXP cmd: ~S, args: ~S~%" cmd args)))
+ (subseq string (1+ rp-pos))))
+(defun scan-mxp-data (string)
+ (let ((string (if (stringp string) string (car string))))
+ (when (and (> (length string) 2)
+ (string= (subseq string 0 2) "!!"))
+ (dispatch-mxp-command (subseq string 2)))))
+(add-hook 'scan-mxp-data :output-from-server-hook)
diff --git a/PlugIns/Numpad-Movement.lisp b/PlugIns/Numpad-Movement.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5924b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/Numpad-Movement.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+;;; Keystroke macros to use the keypad for directional movement.
+;; $Id: Numpad-Movement.lisp 20 2005-12-27 15:21:23Z bjc $
+(defpackage :numpad-movement
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils))
+(in-package :numpad-movement)
+(defun keystroke-north (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "north~%")))
+(defun keystroke-south (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "south~%")))
+(defun keystroke-east (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "east~%")))
+(defun keystroke-west (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "west~%")))
+(defun keystroke-northeast (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "northeast~%")))
+(defun keystroke-northwest (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "northwest~%")))
+(defun keystroke-southeast (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "southeast~%")))
+(defun keystroke-southwest (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "southwest~%")))
+(defun keystroke-up (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "up~%")))
+(defun keystroke-down (&rest keywords)
+ (send-to-mux *world* (format nil "down~%")))
+(defun clear-screen-fun (&optional args)
+ (declare (ignore arg))
+ (format t "clear-screen ~S~%" *world*)
+ (clear-screen *world*)
+ nil)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-north :numpad-8)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-south :numpad-2)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-east :numpad-6)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-west :numpad-4)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-northeast :numpad-9)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-northwest :numpad-7)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-southeast :numpad-3)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-southwest :numpad-1)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-up :numpad-+)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'keystroke-down :numpad--)
+(add-keystroke-macro 'clear-screen-fun :clear)
+(add-keyword 'clear-screen-fun "clear") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PlugIns/Sample-Plugin.lisp b/PlugIns/Sample-Plugin.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..434cc8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/Sample-Plugin.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#-cl-ppcre (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cl-ppcre)
+(defpackage sample-plugin
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils :cl-ppcre))
+(in-package :sample-plugin)
+(defvar *page-highlight-attrs* (list (make-color 240 10 240)))
+(defun print-mandel (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
+ "Prints a mandelbrot set to STREAM."
+ (loop for y from -1 to 1.1 by 0.1 do
+ (format stream "~%")
+ (loop for x from -2 to 1 by 0.04 do
+ (let* ((c 126)
+ (z (complex x y))
+ (a z))
+ (loop while (< (abs
+ (setq z (+ (* z z) a)))
+ 2)
+ while (> (decf c) 32))
+ (princ (code-char c) stream)))))
+(defun mandel-in-string ()
+ (escape-mux-string (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (print-mandel s)
+ s)))
+(defun mandel-page (string)
+ "Sends a mandelbrot set to the first arg in STRING."
+ (map-variables "p $1$=$2$"
+ (list (car (split "\\s+" string))
+ (mandel-in-string))))
+(defun highlight-pages (string)
+ "Highlights a page if it comes in."
+ (let ((string (if (stringp string) string (car string))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (match names)
+ (scan-to-strings "^((.*)\\s+pages:|From afar, (\\w+))" string)
+ (when match
+ (format t "You were paged by: ~A.~%" (elt names 1))
+ (make-attributed-string string *page-highlight-attrs*)))))
+(defun complex-attribute (keystroke)
+ (let ((attr-string (make-attributed-string "Foobarbaz"
+ `(,(make-color 255 255 255) (:italic 0.25))
+ `(,(make-range 3 3)
+ ,(make-super 1)
+ ,(make-color 127 127 127))
+ `(,(make-range 6 3)
+ ,(make-super 2)
+ ,(make-color 63 63 63)))))
+ (format t "complex attribute: ~S~%" attr-string)
+ (print-to-world *world* attr-string)))
+;; Now that we have the functions defined, hook 'em into Moxie.
+(add-hook 'highlight-pages :output-from-server-hook)
+; Register MANDEL-PAGE for the command "/MANDEl"
+(add-keyword 'mandel-page "mandel")
+(add-keystroke-macro 'complex-attribute :f1)
diff --git a/PlugIns/Telnet.lisp b/PlugIns/Telnet.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2410af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PlugIns/Telnet.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;; $Id: Telnet.lisp 20 2005-12-27 15:21:23Z bjc $
+(defpackage telnet-options
+ (:use :cl :cl-user :moxie :bjc-utils))
+(in-package :telnet-options)
+(defconstant +iac+ 255
+ "Interpret as Command")
+(defconstant +se+ 240
+ "End of subnegotiation parameters.")
+(defconstant +nop+ 241
+ "No operation.")
+(defconstant +data-mark+ 242
+ "The data stream portion of a Synch.
+This should always be accompanied
+by a TCP Urgent notification.")
+(defconstant +break+ 243
+ "NVT character BRK.")
+(defconstant +interrupt-process+ 244
+ "The function IP.")
+(defconstant +abort-output+ 245
+ "The function AO.")
+(defconstant +are-you-there+ 246
+ "The function AYT.")
+(defconstant +erase-character+ 247
+ "The function EC.")
+(defconstant +erase-line+ 248
+ "The function EL.")
+(defconstant +go-ahead+ 249
+ "The GA signal.")
+(defconstant +sb+ 250
+ "Indicates that what follows is
+subnegotiation of the indicated option.")
+(defconstant +will+ 251
+ "Indicates the desire to begin
+performing, or confirmation that
+you are now performing, the
+indicated option.")
+(defconstant +wont+ 252
+ "Indicates the refusal to perform,
+or continue performing, the
+indicated option.")
+(defconstant +do+ 253
+ "Indicates the request that the
+other party perform, or
+confirmation that you are expecting
+the other party to perform, the
+indicated option.")
+(defconstant +dont+ 254
+ "Indicates the demand tha the
+other party stop performing,
+or confirmation that you are no
+longer expecting the other party
+to perform, the indicated option.")
+(defconstant +option-binary+ 0
+ "Enable binary (8 bit) data transmission, instead of the stripped 7 bit ASCII default.")
+(defconstant +option-echo+ 1
+ "Enable remote echo, suppressing local echo.")
+(defconstant +option-supress-go-ahead+ 3
+ "Enable go-ahead suppression.")
+(defconstant +option-status+ 5
+ "Enable option spamming for easier negotiations.")
+(defconstant +option-timing-mark+ 6
+ "Return a timing mark when this is recieved.")
+(defconstant +option-terminal+ 24
+ "Return terminal type.")
+(defconstant +option-window-size+ 31
+ "Negotiate about window size.")
+(defconstant +option-authentication+ 37
+ "Negotiate authentication.")
+(defconstant +option-environment+ 39
+ "Negotiate environment variables.")
+(defconstant +option-extended-options-list+ 255
+ "Read the next byte for further options.")
+(defconstant +option-mccp1+ 85
+ "Mud Client Compression Protocol version 1.")
+(defconstant +option-mccp2+ 86
+ "Mud Client Compression Protocol version 2.")
+(defconstant +option-msp+ 90
+ "Mud Sound Protocol.")
+(defconstant +option-mxp+ 91
+ "Mud eXtension Protocol.")
+(defun ack-cmd (cmd)
+ "Computes the ACK code for CMD."
+ (cond ((eql cmd +do+) +will+)
+ ((eql cmd +will+) +do+)
+ ((eql cmd +dont+) +wont+)
+ ((eql cmd +wont+) +dont+)))
+(defun nack-cmd (cmd)
+ "Computes the NACK code for CMD."
+ (cond ((eql cmd +do+) +wont+)
+ ((eql cmd +will+) +dont+)
+ ((eql cmd +dont+) +will+)
+ ((eql cmd +wont+) +do+)))
+(defun send-option (cmd option)
+ (let ((options (world-var 'options)))
+ (unless options
+ (setf (world-var 'options) (make-hash-table))
+ (setf options (world-var 'options)))
+ (unless (eql cmd (gethash option options))
+ (setf (gethash option options) cmd)
+ (send-bytes (list +iac+ cmd option)))))
+(defun send-bytes (bytes)
+ (write-array-to-mux *world* bytes))
+(defun handle-command-array (array)
+ "Array is a byte-vector of the complete IAC code, including any IAC characters."
+ (format t "(handle-command-array ~S)~%" array)
+ (when (and (> (length array) 1) (eql (elt array 0) +iac+))
+ (let ((cmd (elt array 1)))
+ (cond ((or (eql cmd +do+) (eql cmd +will+))
+ (awhen (aand (> (length array) 2) (elt array 2))
+ (cond ((eql it +option-timing-mark+)
+ (send-bytes (list +iac+ ack-cmd cmd) it))
+ ((or (eql it +option-binary+)
+ (eql it +option-supress-go-ahead+)
+ (eql it +option-status+)
+ (eql it +option-msp+)
+ (eql it +option-mxp+))
+ (send-option (ack-cmd cmd) it))
+ (t (send-option (nack-cmd cmd) it)))))
+ ((or (eql cmd +dont+) (eql cmd +wont+))
+ (awhen (aand (> (length array) 2) (elt array 2))
+ (send-option (ack-cmd cmd) it)))
+ (t (format t "Can't handle command ~S.~%" cmd))))))
+(add-hook 'handle-command-array :telnet-option-hook)