diff options
authorBrian Cully <bjc@kublai.com>2008-03-01 13:10:46 -0500
committerBrian Cully <bjc@kublai.com>2008-03-01 13:10:46 -0500
commit8ffa0cdb1f19cd56d7adf63893e5d158daa9aa3c (patch)
Initial commit
9 files changed, 566 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b36fc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+priv/* \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d677b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Currently, all the MySQL drivers I've found use direct socket access
+on knowledge of wire protocol in order to connect and manipulate MySQL
+This is an attempt to fix that. This library will run as a port driver
+and use libmysqlclient instead. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3978bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/mysql/include -O2 -g
+LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/mysql/lib
+EFLAGS = -W +debug_info
+PRIVDIR = ../priv
+BEAMDIR = ../ebin
+BINS = $(PRIVDIR)/mysqlerl $(BEAMDIR)/mysqlerl.app
+MYSQLERLOBJS = mysqlerl.o
+BEAMS = mysqlerl.beam mysqlerl_app.beam mysqlerl_connection.beam \
+ mysqlerl_connection_sup.beam
+LIBS = -lmysqlclient
+ rm -rf *.o *.beam
+ rm -rf $(BINS) $(MYSQLERLOBJS) $(BEAMS) $(BEAMDIR)/mysqlerl.app
+%.beam: %.erl
+ erlc $(EFLAGS) $<
+$(BEAMDIR)/mysqlerl.app: $(BEAMDIR) $(BEAMS)
+ cp $(BEAMS) $(BEAMDIR)
+ cp mysqlerl.app $(BEAMDIR)
+ mkdir -p $(PRIVDIR)
+ mkdir -p $(BEAMDIR) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl.app b/src/mysqlerl.app
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc97b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mysqlerl.app
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+%% -*- Erlang -*-
+{application, mysqlerl,
+ [{description, "mysqlerl"},
+ {vsn, "0"},
+ {modules, [mysqlerl, mysqlerl_app, mysqlerl_connection_sup,
+ mysqlerl_connection]},
+ {registered, [mysqlerl, mysqlerl_app, mysqlerl_connection_sup]},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
+ {env, []},
+ {mod, {mysqlerl_app, []}}]}.
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl.c b/src/mysqlerl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65dba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mysqlerl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#include <mysql.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+const char *LOGPATH = "/tmp/mysqlerl.log";
+const size_t BUFSIZE = 2048;
+static FILE *logfile = NULL;
+typedef u_int32_t msglen_t;
+ logfile = fopen(LOGPATH, "a");
+ fclose(logfile);
+logmsg(const char *format, ...)
+ FILE *out = logfile;
+ va_list args;
+ if (logfile == NULL)
+ logfile = stderr;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ (void)vfprintf(logfile, format, args);
+ (void)fprintf(logfile, "\n");
+ va_end(args);
+ fflush(logfile);
+restartable_read(char *buf, size_t buflen)
+ ssize_t rc, readb;
+ rc = 0;
+ while (rc < buflen) {
+ readb = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf + rc, buflen - rc);
+ if (readb == -1) {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
+ goto READLOOP;
+ return -1;
+ } else if (readb == 0) {
+ logmsg("ERROR: EOF trying to read additional %d bytes from "
+ "standard input", buflen - rc);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rc += readb;
+ }
+ return rc;
+restartable_write(const char *buf, size_t buflen)
+ ssize_t rc, wroteb;
+ rc = 0;
+ while (rc < buflen) {
+ wroteb = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf + rc, buflen - rc);
+ if (wroteb == -1) {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rc += wroteb;
+ }
+ return rc;
+char *
+ char *buf;
+ msglen_t len;
+ logmsg("DEBUG: reading message length.");
+ if (restartable_read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)) == -1) {
+ logmsg("ERROR: couldn't read %d byte message prefix: %s.",
+ sizeof(len), strerror(errno));
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ len = ntohl(len);
+ buf = malloc(len);
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ logmsg("ERROR: Couldn't malloc %d bytes: %s.", len,
+ strerror(errno));
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ memset(buf, 0, BUFSIZE);
+ logmsg("DEBUG: reading message body (len: %d).", len);
+ if (restartable_read(buf, len) == -1) {
+ logmsg("ERROR: couldn't read %d byte message: %s.",
+ len, strerror(errno));
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ return buf;
+write_cmd(const char *cmd, msglen_t len)
+ msglen_t nlen;
+ nlen = htonl(len + 3);
+ restartable_write((char *)&nlen, sizeof(nlen));
+ restartable_write(" - ", 3);
+ restartable_write(cmd, len);
+dispatch_db_cmd(MYSQL *dbh, const char *cmd)
+ msglen_t len, nlen;
+ logmsg("DEBUG: dispatch_cmd(\"%s\")", cmd);
+ write_cmd(cmd, strlen(cmd));
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mysqlerl host port db_name user passwd\n");
+ exit(1);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ MYSQL dbh;
+ char *host, *port, *db_name, *user, *passwd, *cmd;
+ openlog();
+ logmsg("INFO: starting up.");
+ if (argc < 6)
+ usage();
+ host = argv[1];
+ port = argv[2];
+ db_name = argv[3];
+ user = argv[4];
+ passwd = argv[5];
+ mysql_init(&dbh);
+ if (mysql_real_connect(&dbh, host, user, passwd,
+ db_name, atoi(port), NULL, 0) == NULL) {
+ logmsg("ERROR: Failed to connect to database %s: %s (%s:%s).",
+ db_name, mysql_error(&dbh), user, passwd);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ while ((cmd = read_cmd()) != NULL) {
+ dispatch_db_cmd(&dbh, cmd);
+ free(cmd);
+ }
+ mysql_close(&dbh);
+ logmsg("INFO: shutting down.");
+ closelog();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl.erl b/src/mysqlerl.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68185a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mysqlerl.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+%% Modeled from ODBC
+%% http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/odbc/
+-export([test_start/0, test_msg/0]).
+-export([start/0, start/1, stop/0, commit/2, commit/3,
+ connect/6, disconnect/1, describe_table/2,
+ describe_table/3, first/1, first/2,
+ last/1, last/2, next/1, next/2, prev/1,
+ prev/2, select_count/2, select_count/3,
+ select/3, select/4, param_query/3, param_query/4,
+ sql_query/2, sql_query/3]).
+-define(CONFIG, "/Users/bjc/tmp/test-server.cfg").
+-define(NOTIMPLEMENTED, {error, {not_implemented,
+ "This function has only been stubbed "
+ "out for reference."}}).
+test_start() ->
+ {ok, [{Host, Port, DB, User, Pass, Options}]} = file:consult(?CONFIG),
+ mysqlerl:connect(Host, Port, DB, User, Pass, Options).
+test_msg() ->
+ mysqlerl_connection:testmsg(mysqlerl_connection_sup:random_child()).
+start() ->
+ start(temporary).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Type = permanent | transient | temporary
+%% Returns:
+%% ok | {error, Reason}
+start(Type) ->
+ application:start(sasl),
+ application:start(mysqlerl, Type).
+stop() ->
+ application:stop(mysqlerl).
+commit(Ref, CommitMode) ->
+ commit(Ref, CommitMode, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% CommitMode = commit | rollback
+%% Reason = not_an_explicit_commit_connection |
+%% process_not_owner_of_odbc_connection |
+%% common_reason()
+%% ok | {error, Reason}
+commit(Ref, commit, Timeout) ->
+ mysqlerl_connection:sql_query(Ref, "COMMIT", Timeout);
+commit(Ref, rollback, Timeout) ->
+ mysqlerl_connection:sql_query(Ref, "ROLLBACK", Timeout).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Host = string()
+%% Port = integer()
+%% Database = string()
+%% User = string()
+%% Password = string()
+%% Options = list()
+%% Returns:
+%% {ok, Ref} | {error, Reason}
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+connect(Host, Port, Database, User, Password, Options) ->
+ mysqlerl_connection_sup:connect(Host, Port, Database,
+ User, Password, Options).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Returns:
+%% ok | {error, Reason}
+disconnect(Ref) ->
+ mysqlerl_connection:stop(Ref).
+describe_table(Ref, Table) ->
+ describe_table(Ref, Table, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Table = string()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {ok, Description} | {error, Reason}
+%% Description = [{col_name(), odbc_data_type()}]
+describe_table(_Ref, _Table, _Timeout) ->
+first(Ref) ->
+ first(Ref, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+first(_Ref, _Timeout) ->
+last(Ref) ->
+ last(Ref, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+last(_Ref, _Timeout) ->
+next(Ref) ->
+ next(Ref, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+next(_Ref, _Timeout) ->
+prev(Ref) ->
+ prev(Ref, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+prev(_Ref, _Timeout) ->
+select_count(Ref, SQLQuery) ->
+ select_count(Ref, SQLQuery, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% SQLQuery = string()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {ok, NrRows} | {error, Reason}
+%% NrRows = n_rows()
+select_count(_Ref, _SQLQuery, _Timeout) ->
+select(Ref, Pos, N) ->
+ select(Ref, Pos, N, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% Pos = integer()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+select(_Ref, _Pos, _N, _Timeout) ->
+param_query(Ref, SQLQuery, Params) ->
+ param_query(Ref, SQLQuery, Params, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% SQLQuery = string()
+%% Params = [{odbc_data_type(), [value()]}]
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+param_query(_Ref, _SQLQuery, _Params, _Timeout) ->
+sql_query(Ref, SQLQuery) ->
+ sql_query(Ref, SQLQuery, infinity).
+%% Arguments:
+%% Ref = connection_reference()
+%% SQLQuery = string()
+%% Timeout = time_out()
+%% Returns:
+%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
+%% Rows = rows()
+sql_query(_Ref, _SQLQuery, _Timeout) ->
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl_app.erl b/src/mysqlerl_app.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be4007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mysqlerl_app.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+-export([start/2, stop/1, init/1]).
+start(normal, []) ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+stop([]) ->
+ ok.
+init([]) ->
+ ConnectionSup = {mysqlerl_connection_sup, {mysqlerl_connection_sup, start_link, []},
+ permanent, infinity, supervisor, [mysqlerl_connection_sup]},
+ {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 5},
+ [ConnectionSup]}}.
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl_connection.erl b/src/mysqlerl_connection.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa73d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mysqlerl_connection.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+-export([start_link/6, stop/1, sql_query/3, testmsg/1]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3,
+ handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-record(state, {ref}).
+-record(port_closed, {reason}).
+-record(sql_query, {q}).
+start_link(Host, Port, Database, User, Password, Options) ->
+ gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, Port, Database,
+ User, Password, Options], []).
+stop(Pid) ->
+ gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).
+sql_query(Pid, Query, Timeout) ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, #sql_query{q = Query}, Timeout).
+testmsg(Pid) ->
+ gen_server:call(Pid, {test, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user;"}).
+init([Host, Port, Database, User, Password, Options]) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Cmd = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s ~s ~w ~s ~s ~s ~s",
+ [helper(), Host, Port, Database,
+ User, Password, Options])),
+ Ref = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [{packet, 4}]),
+ {ok, #state{ref = Ref}}.
+terminate(#port_closed{reason = Reason}, #state{ref = Ref}) ->
+ io:format("DEBUG: mysqlerl connection ~p shutting down (~p).~n",
+ [Ref, Reason]),
+ ok;
+terminate(Reason, State) ->
+ port_close(State#state.ref),
+ io:format("DEBUG: got terminate: ~p~n", [Reason]),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_call({test, Str}, _From, #state{ref = Ref} = State) ->
+ io:format("DEBUG: got test message: ~p~n", [Str]),
+ port_command(Ref, Str),
+ receive
+ {Ref, {data, Res}} ->
+ {reply, {ok, Res}, State};
+ Other ->
+ error_logger:warning_msg("Got unknown message: ~p~n", [Other])
+ end;
+handle_call(Request, From, State) ->
+ io:format("DEBUG: got unknown call from ~p: ~p~n", [From, Request]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Ref, Reason}, State) ->
+ {stop, #port_closed{reason = Reason}, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ io:format("DEBUG: got unknown info: ~p~n", [Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+helper() ->
+ case code:priv_dir(mysqlerl) of
+ PrivDir when is_list(PrivDir) -> ok;
+ {error, bad_name} -> PrivDir = filename:join(["..", "priv"])
+ end,
+ filename:join([PrivDir, "mysqlerl"]).
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl_connection_sup.erl b/src/mysqlerl_connection_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa3fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mysqlerl_connection_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+-export([start_link/0, connect/6, random_child/0]).
+start_link() ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+connect(Host, Port, Database, User, Password, Options) ->
+ supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, [Host, Port, Database, User, Password, Options]).
+random_child() ->
+ case get_pids() of
+ [] -> {error, no_connections};
+ Pids -> lists:nth(erlang:phash(now(), length(Pids)), Pids)
+ end.
+init([]) ->
+ Connection = {undefined, {mysqlerl_connection, start_link, []},
+ transient, 5, worker, [mysqlerl_connection]},
+ {ok, {{simple_one_for_one, 10, 5},
+ [Connection]}}.
+get_pids() ->
+ [Pid || {_Id, Pid, _Type, _Modules} <- supervisor:which_children(?MODULE)].