path: root/src/mysqlerl.erl
diff options
authorBrian Cully <bjc@kublai.com>2012-02-06 19:44:47 -0500
committerBrian Cully <github.20.shmit@spamgourmet.com>2012-02-06 19:46:56 -0500
commit50f3c688a7cd4819680dbd19b9933c6cb5e62ca7 (patch)
tree5d9bf2edac40d874ec05bafc1e1e38b443879ce3 /src/mysqlerl.erl
parentd3b118481833acd44d724c06ce8c9d6b6ff2838a (diff)
Move most files into lib, add top-level makefile
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mysqlerl.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/src/mysqlerl.erl b/src/mysqlerl.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 946e9c5..0000000
--- a/src/mysqlerl.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-%% Modeled from ODBC
-%% http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/odbc/
--export([test_start/0, test_msg/0, test_query/0, test_param_query/0]).
--export([start/0, start/1, stop/0, commit/2, commit/3,
- connect/6, disconnect/1, describe_table/2,
- describe_table/3, first/1, first/2,
- last/1, last/2, next/1, next/2, prev/1,
- prev/2, select_count/2, select_count/3,
- select/3, select/4, param_query/3, param_query/4,
- sql_query/2, sql_query/3]).
--define(CONFIG, "/Users/bjc/tmp/test-server.cfg").
-test_start() ->
- {ok, [{Host, Port, DB, User, Pass, Options}]} = file:consult(?CONFIG),
- mysqlerl:connect(Host, Port, DB, User, Pass, Options).
-test_msg() ->
- commit(mysqlerl_connection_sup:random_child(),
- rollback, 2000).
-test_query() ->
- sql_query(mysqlerl_connection_sup:random_child(),
- "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user", 2000).
-test_param_query() ->
- %% This should really be an update or something, since that's how
- %% it'll be used.
- param_query(mysqlerl_connection_sup:random_child(),
- "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username=?",
- [{{sql_varchar, 20}, "bjc"}]).
-start() ->
- start(temporary).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Type = permanent | transient | temporary
-%% Returns:
-%% ok | {error, Reason}
-start(Type) ->
- application:start(sasl),
- application:start(mysqlerl, Type).
-stop() ->
- application:stop(mysqlerl).
-commit(Ref, CommitMode) ->
- commit(Ref, CommitMode, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% CommitMode = commit | rollback
-%% Reason = not_an_explicit_commit_connection |
-%% process_not_owner_of_odbc_connection |
-%% common_reason()
-%% ok | {error, Reason}
-commit(Ref, commit, Timeout) ->
- case sql_query(Ref, "COMMIT", Timeout) of
- {num_rows, _} -> ok;
- Other -> Other
- end;
-commit(Ref, rollback, Timeout) ->
- case sql_query(Ref, "ROLLBACK", Timeout) of
- {num_rows, _} -> ok;
- Other -> Other
- end.
-%% Arguments:
-%% Host = string()
-%% Port = integer()
-%% Database = string()
-%% User = string()
-%% Password = string()
-%% Options = list()
-%% Returns:
-%% {ok, Ref} | {error, Reason}
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-connect(Host, Port, Database, User, Password, Options) ->
- mysqlerl_connection_sup:connect(Host, Port, Database,
- User, Password, Options).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Returns:
-%% ok | {error, Reason}
-disconnect(Ref) ->
- mysqlerl_connection:stop(Ref).
-describe_table(Ref, Table) ->
- describe_table(Ref, Table, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Table = string()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {ok, Description} | {error, Reason}
-%% Description = [{col_name(), odbc_data_type()}]
-describe_table(Ref, Table, Timeout) ->
- Q = ["DESCRIBE ", Table],
- {selected, _, Rows} = sql_query(Ref, Q, Timeout),
- Description = [{Name, convert_type(T)} || {Name, T, _, _, _, _} <- Rows],
- {ok, Description}.
-first(Ref) ->
- first(Ref, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-first(Ref, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_first{}, Timeout).
-last(Ref) ->
- last(Ref, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-last(Ref, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_last{}, Timeout).
-next(Ref) ->
- next(Ref, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-next(Ref, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_next{}, Timeout).
-prev(Ref) ->
- prev(Ref, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-prev(Ref, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_prev{}, Timeout).
-select_count(Ref, SQLQuery) ->
- select_count(Ref, SQLQuery, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% SQLQuery = string()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {ok, NrRows} | {error, Reason}
-%% NrRows = n_rows()
-select_count(Ref, SQLQuery, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_select_count{q = SQLQuery}, Timeout).
-select(Ref, Pos, N) ->
- select(Ref, Pos, N, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% Pos = integer()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-select(Ref, Pos, N, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_select{pos = Pos, n = N}, Timeout).
-param_query(Ref, SQLQuery, Params) ->
- param_query(Ref, SQLQuery, Params, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% SQLQuery = string()
-%% Params = [{odbc_data_type(), [value()]}]
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-param_query(Ref, SQLQuery, Params, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_param_query{q = SQLQuery, params = Params}, Timeout).
-sql_query(Ref, SQLQuery) ->
- sql_query(Ref, SQLQuery, infinity).
-%% Arguments:
-%% Ref = connection_reference()
-%% SQLQuery = string()
-%% Timeout = time_out()
-%% Returns:
-%% {selected, ColNames, Rows} | {error, Reason}
-%% Rows = rows()
-sql_query(Ref, SQLQuery, Timeout) ->
- conn_fwd(Ref, #sql_query{q = SQLQuery}, Timeout).
-conn_fwd(Ref, Msg, Timeout) ->
- gen_server:call(Ref, {Msg, Timeout}, infinity).
-%% Convert type needs some love! Cover all bases here instead of
-%% fudging.
-convert_type("timestamp") ->
- sql_timestamp;
-convert_type("int") ->
- sql_integer;
-convert_type("int(" ++ Rest) ->
- Size = find_data_size(Rest),
- {sql_numeric, list_to_integer(Size)};
-convert_type("decimal(" ++ Rest) ->
- Size = find_data_size(Rest),
- {sql_decimal, list_to_integer(Size)};
-convert_type("float(" ++ Rest) ->
- Size = find_data_size(Rest),
- {sql_float, list_to_float(Size)};
-convert_type("char(" ++ Rest) ->
- Size = find_data_size(Rest),
- {sql_char, list_to_integer(Size)};
-convert_type("varchar(" ++ Rest) ->
- Size = find_data_size(Rest),
- {sql_varchar, list_to_integer(Size)}.
-find_data_size(Str) ->
- find_data_size(Str, []).
-find_data_size([$) | _Rest], Accum) ->
- lists:reverse(Accum);
-find_data_size([H | T], Accum) ->
- find_data_size(T, [H | Accum]).