diff options
authorKim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>2023-01-29 21:37:13 +0100
committerKim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>2023-01-29 21:37:13 +0100
commit1b71a53fb7c9630684ba749608baee059af2c22c (patch)
parent5c676bab58d9f66155cf0738a8f835de845c44e2 (diff)
mod_admin_shell: Sort MUC users by relation and JID
Suggested by MattJ, our resident UI expert :)
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua b/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua
index 04e35a23..4510d3fa 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua
@@ -1361,6 +1361,8 @@ local function get_muc(room_jid)
return room_obj;
+local muc_util = module:require"muc/util";
function def_env.muc:create(room_jid, config)
local room_name, host = check_muc(room_jid);
if not room_name then
@@ -1406,17 +1408,29 @@ function def_env.muc:occupants(room_jid, filter)
{ title = "JID"; width = "75%"; key = "bare_jid" };
{ title = "Nickname"; width = "25%"; key = "nick"; mapper = jid_resource };
}, self.session.width);
- local total, displayed = 0, 0;
- for nick_jid, occupant in room_obj:each_occupant() do
- if total == 0 then
- print(row());
- end
- local nick = jid_resource(nick_jid);
- if filter == nil or occupant.role == filter or nick:find(filter, 1, true) then
- print(row(occupant));
- displayed = displayed + 1;
+ local occupants = array.collect(iterators.select(2, room_obj:each_occupant()));
+ local total = #occupants;
+ if filter then
+ occupants:filter(function(occupant)
+ return occupant.role == filter or jid_resource(occupant.nick):find(filter, 1, true);
+ end);
+ end
+ local displayed = #occupants;
+ occupants:sort(function(a, b)
+ if a.role ~= b.role then
+ return muc_util.valid_roles[a.role] > muc_util.valid_roles[b.role];
+ else
+ return a.bare_jid < b.bare_jid;
- total = total + 1
+ end);
+ if displayed == 0 then
+ return true, ("%d out of %d occupant%s listed"):format(displayed, total, total ~= 1 and "s" or "")
+ end
+ print(row());
+ for _, occupant in ipairs(occupants) do
+ print(row(occupant));
if total == displayed then
@@ -1438,18 +1452,37 @@ function def_env.muc:affiliations(room_jid, filter)
{ title = "JID"; width = "75%" };
{ title = "Nickname"; width = "25%"; key = "reserved_nickname" };
}, self.session.width);
- local total, displayed = 0, 0;
+ local affiliated = array();
for affiliated_jid, affiliation, affiliation_data in room_obj:each_affiliation() do
- if total == 0 then
- print(row());
- end
- if filter == nil or affiliation == filter or affiliated_jid:find(filter, 1, true) then
- print(row(setmetatable({ affiliation; affiliated_jid }, { __index = affiliation_data })))
- displayed = displayed + 1;
+ affiliated:push(setmetatable({ affiliation; affiliated_jid }, { __index = affiliation_data }));
+ end
+ local total = #affiliated;
+ if filter then
+ affiliated:filter(function(affiliation)
+ return filter == affiliation[1] or filter == affiliation[2];
+ end);
+ end
+ local displayed = #affiliated;
+ local aff_ranking = muc_util.valid_affiliations;
+ affiliated:sort(function(a, b)
+ if a[1] ~= b[1] then
+ return aff_ranking[a[1]] > aff_ranking[b[1]];
+ else
+ return a[2] < b[2];
- total = total + 1
+ end);
+ if displayed == 0 then
+ return true, ("%d out of %d affiliations%s listed"):format(displayed, total, total ~= 1 and "s" or "")
+ print(row());
+ for _, affiliation in ipairs(affiliated) do
+ print(row(affiliation));
+ end
if total == displayed then
return true, ("%d affiliation%s listed"):format(total, total ~= 1 and "s" or "")