diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2012-01-23 17:12:05 +0000
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2012-01-23 17:12:05 +0000
commit494c61264c4bc9bce278d20a92685b78c68d2e4b (patch)
parentf851289311ce15196d3dc7ae0d912b17586901b9 (diff)
xmppserver_listener: Remove
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/net/xmppserver_listener.lua b/net/xmppserver_listener.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 048c6c7d..00000000
--- a/net/xmppserver_listener.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
--- Prosody IM
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
--- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
--- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
--- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
-local tostring = tostring;
-local type = type;
-local xpcall = xpcall;
-local s_format = string.format;
-local traceback = debug.traceback;
-local logger = require "logger";
-local log = logger.init("xmppserver_listener");
-local st = require "util.stanza";
-local connlisteners_register = require "net.connlisteners".register;
-local new_xmpp_stream = require "util.xmppstream".new;
-local s2s_new_incoming = require "core.s2smanager".new_incoming;
-local s2s_streamopened = require "core.s2smanager".streamopened;
-local s2s_streamclosed = require "core.s2smanager".streamclosed;
-local s2s_destroy_session = require "core.s2smanager".destroy_session;
-local s2s_attempt_connect = require "core.s2smanager".attempt_connection;
-local stream_callbacks = { default_ns = "jabber:server",
- streamopened = s2s_streamopened, streamclosed = s2s_streamclosed, handlestanza = core_process_stanza };
-local xmlns_xmpp_streams = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams";
-function stream_callbacks.error(session, error, data)
- if error == "no-stream" then
- session:close("invalid-namespace");
- elseif error == "parse-error" then
- session.log("debug", "Server-to-server XML parse error: %s", tostring(error));
- session:close("not-well-formed");
- elseif error == "stream-error" then
- local condition, text = "undefined-condition";
- for child in data:children() do
- if child.attr.xmlns == xmlns_xmpp_streams then
- if child.name ~= "text" then
- condition = child.name;
- else
- text = child:get_text();
- end
- if condition ~= "undefined-condition" and text then
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- text = condition .. (text and (" ("..text..")") or "");
- session.log("info", "Session closed by remote with error: %s", text);
- session:close(nil, text);
- end
-local function handleerr(err) log("error", "Traceback[s2s]: %s: %s", tostring(err), traceback()); end
-function stream_callbacks.handlestanza(session, stanza)
- if stanza.attr.xmlns == "jabber:client" then --COMPAT: Prosody pre-0.6.2 may send jabber:client
- stanza.attr.xmlns = nil;
- end
- stanza = session.filter("stanzas/in", stanza);
- if stanza then
- return xpcall(function () return core_process_stanza(session, stanza) end, handleerr);
- end
-local sessions = {};
-local xmppserver = { default_port = 5269, default_mode = "*a", default_interface = "*" };
--- These are session methods --
-local stream_xmlns_attr = {xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'};
-local default_stream_attr = { ["xmlns:stream"] = "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", xmlns = stream_callbacks.default_ns, version = "1.0", id = "" };
-local function session_close(session, reason, remote_reason)
- local log = session.log or log;
- if session.conn then
- if session.notopen then
- session.sends2s("<?xml version='1.0'?>");
- session.sends2s(st.stanza("stream:stream", default_stream_attr):top_tag());
- end
- if reason then
- if type(reason) == "string" then -- assume stream error
- log("info", "Disconnecting %s[%s], <stream:error> is: %s", session.host or "(unknown host)", session.type, reason);
- session.sends2s(st.stanza("stream:error"):tag(reason, {xmlns = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' }));
- elseif type(reason) == "table" then
- if reason.condition then
- local stanza = st.stanza("stream:error"):tag(reason.condition, stream_xmlns_attr):up();
- if reason.text then
- stanza:tag("text", stream_xmlns_attr):text(reason.text):up();
- end
- if reason.extra then
- stanza:add_child(reason.extra);
- end
- log("info", "Disconnecting %s[%s], <stream:error> is: %s", session.host or "(unknown host)", session.type, tostring(stanza));
- session.sends2s(stanza);
- elseif reason.name then -- a stanza
- log("info", "Disconnecting %s->%s[%s], <stream:error> is: %s", session.from_host or "(unknown host)", session.to_host or "(unknown host)", session.type, tostring(reason));
- session.sends2s(reason);
- end
- end
- end
- session.sends2s("</stream:stream>");
- if session.notopen or not session.conn:close() then
- session.conn:close(true); -- Force FIXME: timer?
- end
- session.conn:close();
- xmppserver.ondisconnect(session.conn, remote_reason or (reason and (reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason or "stream closed");
- end
--- End of session methods --
-local function initialize_session(session)
- local stream = new_xmpp_stream(session, stream_callbacks);
- session.stream = stream;
- session.notopen = true;
- function session.reset_stream()
- session.notopen = true;
- session.stream:reset();
- end
- local filter = session.filter;
- function session.data(data)
- data = filter("bytes/in", data);
- if data then
- local ok, err = stream:feed(data);
- if ok then return; end
- (session.log or log)("warn", "Received invalid XML: %s", data);
- (session.log or log)("warn", "Problem was: %s", err);
- session:close("not-well-formed");
- end
- end
- session.close = session_close;
- local handlestanza = stream_callbacks.handlestanza;
- function session.dispatch_stanza(session, stanza)
- return handlestanza(session, stanza);
- end
-function xmppserver.onconnect(conn)
- if not sessions[conn] then -- May be an existing outgoing session
- local session = s2s_new_incoming(conn);
- sessions[conn] = session;
- -- Logging functions --
- local conn_name = "s2sin"..tostring(conn):match("[a-f0-9]+$");
- session.log = logger.init(conn_name);
- session.log("info", "Incoming s2s connection");
- initialize_session(session);
- end
-function xmppserver.onincoming(conn, data)
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session then
- session.data(data);
- end
-function xmppserver.onstatus(conn, status)
- if status == "ssl-handshake-complete" then
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session and session.direction == "outgoing" then
- local to_host, from_host = session.to_host, session.from_host;
- session.log("debug", "Sending stream header...");
- session.sends2s(s_format([[<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:server' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' from='%s' to='%s' version='1.0'>]], from_host, to_host));
- end
- end
-function xmppserver.ondisconnect(conn, err)
- local session = sessions[conn];
- if session then
- if err and err ~= "closed" and session.type == "s2sout_unauthed" then
- (session.log or log)("debug", "s2s connection attempt failed: %s", err);
- if s2s_attempt_connect(session, err) then
- (session.log or log)("debug", "...so we're going to try another target");
- return; -- Session lives for now
- end
- end
- (session.log or log)("info", "s2s disconnected: %s->%s (%s)", tostring(session.from_host), tostring(session.to_host), tostring(err or "closed"));
- s2s_destroy_session(session, err);
- sessions[conn] = nil;
- session = nil;
- end
-function xmppserver.register_outgoing(conn, session)
- session.direction = "outgoing";
- sessions[conn] = session;
- initialize_session(session);
-connlisteners_register("xmppserver", xmppserver);
--- We need to perform some initialisation when a connection is created
--- We also need to perform that same initialisation at other points (SASL, TLS, ...)
--- ...and we need to handle data
--- ...and record all sessions associated with connections