diff options
authorWaqas Hussain <waqas20@gmail.com>2010-12-09 23:31:57 +0500
committerWaqas Hussain <waqas20@gmail.com>2010-12-09 23:31:57 +0500
commit8dc2e3e1da9d85e9ea2ce6d9a916885d9fb97f0b (patch)
parentd359b28db2c74882919e9ab00899c43d5a4e87b0 (diff)
util.ztact: Removed.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/util/ztact.lua b/util/ztact.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 40aa8843..00000000
--- a/util/ztact.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
--- Prosody IM
--- This file is included with Prosody IM. It has modifications,
--- which are hereby placed in the public domain.
--- public domain 20080410 lua@ztact.com
-pcall (require, 'lfs') -- lfs may not be installed/necessary.
-pcall (require, 'pozix') -- pozix may not be installed/necessary.
-local getfenv, ipairs, next, pairs, pcall, require, select, tostring, type =
- getfenv, ipairs, next, pairs, pcall, require, select, tostring, type
-local unpack, xpcall =
- unpack, xpcall
-local io, lfs, os, string, table, pozix = io, lfs, os, string, table, pozix
-local assert, print = assert, print
-local error = error
-module ((...) or 'ztact') ------------------------------------- module ztact
--- dir -------------------------------------------------------------------- dir
-function dir (path) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dir
- local it = lfs.dir (path)
- return function ()
- repeat
- local dir = it ()
- if dir ~= '.' and dir ~= '..' then return dir end
- until not dir
- end end
-function is_file (path) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is_file (path)
- local mode = lfs.attributes (path, 'mode')
- return mode == 'file' and path
- end
--- network byte ordering -------------------------------- network byte ordering
-function htons (word) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - htons
- return (word-word%0x100)/0x100, word%0x100
- end
--- pcall2 -------------------------------------------------------------- pcall2
-getfenv ().pcall = pcall -- store the original pcall as ztact.pcall
-local argc, argv, errorhandler, pcall2_f
-local function _pcall2 () -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _pcall2
- local tmpv = argv
- argv = nil
- return pcall2_f (unpack (tmpv, 1, argc))
- end
-function seterrorhandler (func) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - seterrorhandler
- errorhandler = func
- end
-function pcall2 (f, ...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pcall2
- pcall2_f = f
- argc = select ('#', ...)
- argv = { ... }
- if not errorhandler then
- local debug = require ('debug')
- errorhandler = debug.traceback
- end
- return xpcall (_pcall2, errorhandler)
- end
-function append (t, ...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - append
- local insert = table.insert
- for i,v in ipairs {...} do
- insert (t, v)
- end end
-function print_r (d, indent) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - print_r
- local rep = string.rep (' ', indent or 0)
- if type (d) == 'table' then
- for k,v in pairs (d) do
- if type (v) == 'table' then
- io.write (rep, k, '\n')
- print_r (v, (indent or 0) + 1)
- else io.write (rep, k, ' = ', tostring (v), '\n') end
- end
- else io.write (d, '\n') end
- end
-function tohex (s) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tohex
- return string.format (string.rep ('%02x ', #s), string.byte (s, 1, #s))
- end
-function tostring_r (d, indent, tab0) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - tostring_r
- local tab1 = tab0 or {}
- local rep = string.rep (' ', indent or 0)
- if type (d) == 'table' then
- for k,v in pairs (d) do
- if type (v) == 'table' then
- append (tab1, rep, k, '\n')
- tostring_r (v, (indent or 0) + 1, tab1)
- else append (tab1, rep, k, ' = ', tostring (v), '\n') end
- end
- else append (tab1, d, '\n') end
- if not tab0 then return table.concat (tab1) end
- end
--- queue manipulation -------------------------------------- queue manipulation
--- Possible queue states. 1 (i.e. queue.p[1]) is head of queue.
--- 1..2
--- 3..4 1..2
--- 3..4 1..2 5..6
--- 1..2 5..6
--- 1..2
-local function print_queue (queue, ...) -- - - - - - - - - - - - print_queue
- for i=1,10 do io.write ((queue[i] or '.')..' ') end
- io.write ('\t')
- for i=1,6 do io.write ((queue.p[i] or '.')..' ') end
- print (...)
- end
-function dequeue (queue) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dequeue
- local p = queue.p
- if not p and queue[1] then queue.p = { 1, #queue } p = queue.p end
- if not p[1] then return nil end
- local element = queue[p[1]]
- queue[p[1]] = nil
- if p[1] < p[2] then p[1] = p[1] + 1
- elseif p[4] then p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] = p[3], p[4], nil, nil
- elseif p[5] then p[1], p[2], p[5], p[6] = p[5], p[6], nil, nil
- else p[1], p[2] = nil, nil end
- print_queue (queue, ' de '..element)
- return element
- end
-function enqueue (queue, element) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enqueue
- local p = queue.p
- if not p then queue.p = {} p = queue.p end
- if p[5] then -- p3..p4 p1..p2 p5..p6
- p[6] = p[6]+1
- queue[p[6]] = element
- elseif p[3] then -- p3..p4 p1..p2
- if p[4]+1 < p[1] then
- p[4] = p[4] + 1
- queue[p[4]] = element
- else
- p[5] = p[2]+1
- p[6], queue[p[5]] = p[5], element
- end
- elseif p[1] then -- p1..p2
- if p[1] == 1 then
- p[2] = p[2] + 1
- queue[p[2]] = element
- else
- p[3], p[4], queue[1] = 1, 1, element
- end
- else -- empty queue
- p[1], p[2], queue[1] = 1, 1, element
- end
- print_queue (queue, ' '..element)
- end
-local function test_queue ()
- local t = {}
- enqueue (t, 1)
- enqueue (t, 2)
- enqueue (t, 3)
- enqueue (t, 4)
- enqueue (t, 5)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- enqueue (t, 6)
- enqueue (t, 7)
- enqueue (t, 8)
- enqueue (t, 9)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- enqueue (t, 'a')
- dequeue (t)
- enqueue (t, 'b')
- enqueue (t, 'c')
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- enqueue (t, 'd')
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- dequeue (t)
- end
--- test_queue ()
-function queue_len (queue)
- end
-function queue_peek (queue)
- end
--- tree manipulation ---------------------------------------- tree manipulation
-function set (parent, ...) --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - set
- -- print ('set', ...)
- local len = select ('#', ...)
- local key, value = select (len-1, ...)
- local cutpoint, cutkey
- for i=1,len-2 do
- local key = select (i, ...)
- local child = parent[key]
- if value == nil then
- if child == nil then return
- elseif next (child, next (child)) then cutpoint = nil cutkey = nil
- elseif cutpoint == nil then cutpoint = parent cutkey = key end
- elseif child == nil then child = {} parent[key] = child end
- parent = child
- end
- if value == nil and cutpoint then cutpoint[cutkey] = nil
- else parent[key] = value return value end
- end
-function get (parent, ...) --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - get
- local len = select ('#', ...)
- for i=1,len do
- parent = parent[select (i, ...)]
- if parent == nil then break end
- end
- return parent
- end
--- misc ------------------------------------------------------------------ misc
-function find (path, ...) --------------------------------------------- find
- local dirs, operators = { path }, {...}
- for operator in ivalues (operators) do
- if not operator (path) then break end end
- while next (dirs) do
- local parent = table.remove (dirs)
- for child in assert (pozix.opendir (parent)) do
- if child and child ~= '.' and child ~= '..' then
- local path = parent..'/'..child
- if pozix.stat (path, 'is_dir') then table.insert (dirs, path) end
- for operator in ivalues (operators) do
- if not operator (path) then break end end
- end end end end
-function ivalues (t) ----------------------------------------------- ivalues
- local i = 0
- return function () if t[i+1] then i = i + 1 return t[i] end end
- end
-function lson_encode (mixed, f, indent, indents) --------------- lson_encode
- local capture
- if not f then
- capture = {}
- f = function (s) append (capture, s) end
- end
- indent = indent or 0
- indents = indents or {}
- indents[indent] = indents[indent] or string.rep (' ', 2*indent)
- local type = type (mixed)
- if type == 'number' then f (mixed)
- else if type == 'string' then f (string.format ('%q', mixed))
- else if type == 'table' then
- f ('{')
- for k,v in pairs (mixed) do
- f ('\n')
- f (indents[indent])
- f ('[') f (lson_encode (k)) f ('] = ')
- lson_encode (v, f, indent+1, indents)
- f (',')
- end
- f (' }')
- end end end
- if capture then return table.concat (capture) end
- end
-function timestamp (time) ---------------------------------------- timestamp
- return os.date ('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S', time)
- end
-function values (t) ------------------------------------------------- values
- local k, v
- return function () k, v = next (t, k) return v end
- end