path: root/net/http
diff options
authorKim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>2022-06-13 18:41:13 +0200
committerKim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>2022-06-13 18:41:13 +0200
commit76da7a7387d879f01bbefbc1efb420c437b1eb85 (patch)
tree6db96fc928300af6093f42aa8b36dd39573e88fd /net/http
parent7532eac0e5e4cd51a765498bdcca2d52b0b3ca7a (diff)
net.http.codes: Refresh from registry, many refs now point to RFC9110
Diffstat (limited to 'net/http')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/net/http/codes.lua b/net/http/codes.lua
index 4327f151..b2949286 100644
--- a/net/http/codes.lua
+++ b/net/http/codes.lua
@@ -2,62 +2,62 @@
local response_codes = {
-- Source: http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes
- [100] = "Continue"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.2.1
- [101] = "Switching Protocols"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.2.2
+ [100] = "Continue"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.2.1
+ [101] = "Switching Protocols"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.2.2
[102] = "Processing";
[103] = "Early Hints";
-- [104-199] = "Unassigned";
- [200] = "OK"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.1
- [201] = "Created"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.2
- [202] = "Accepted"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.3
- [203] = "Non-Authoritative Information"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.4
- [204] = "No Content"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.5
- [205] = "Reset Content"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.3.6
- [206] = "Partial Content"; -- RFC7233, Section 4.1
+ [200] = "OK"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.1
+ [201] = "Created"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.2
+ [202] = "Accepted"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.3
+ [203] = "Non-Authoritative Information"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.4
+ [204] = "No Content"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.5
+ [205] = "Reset Content"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.6
+ [206] = "Partial Content"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.3.7
[207] = "Multi-Status";
[208] = "Already Reported";
-- [209-225] = "Unassigned";
[226] = "IM Used";
-- [227-299] = "Unassigned";
- [300] = "Multiple Choices"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.1
- [301] = "Moved Permanently"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.2
- [302] = "Found"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.3
- [303] = "See Other"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.4
- [304] = "Not Modified"; -- RFC7232, Section 4.1
- [305] = "Use Proxy"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.5
- -- [306] = "(Unused)"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.6
- [307] = "Temporary Redirect"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.4.7
- [308] = "Permanent Redirect";
+ [300] = "Multiple Choices"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.1
+ [301] = "Moved Permanently"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.2
+ [302] = "Found"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.3
+ [303] = "See Other"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.4
+ [304] = "Not Modified"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.5
+ [305] = "Use Proxy"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.6
+ -- [306] = "(Unused)"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.7
+ [307] = "Temporary Redirect"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.8
+ [308] = "Permanent Redirect"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.4.9
-- [309-399] = "Unassigned";
- [400] = "Bad Request"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.1
- [401] = "Unauthorized"; -- RFC7235, Section 3.1
- [402] = "Payment Required"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.2
- [403] = "Forbidden"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.3
- [404] = "Not Found"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.4
- [405] = "Method Not Allowed"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.5
- [406] = "Not Acceptable"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.6
- [407] = "Proxy Authentication Required"; -- RFC7235, Section 3.2
- [408] = "Request Timeout"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.7
- [409] = "Conflict"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.8
- [410] = "Gone"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.9
- [411] = "Length Required"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.10
- [412] = "Precondition Failed"; -- RFC7232, Section 4.2
- [413] = "Payload Too Large"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.11
- [414] = "URI Too Long"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.12
- [415] = "Unsupported Media Type"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.13
- [416] = "Range Not Satisfiable"; -- RFC7233, Section 4.4
- [417] = "Expectation Failed"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.14
+ [400] = "Bad Request"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.1
+ [401] = "Unauthorized"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.2
+ [402] = "Payment Required"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.3
+ [403] = "Forbidden"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.4
+ [404] = "Not Found"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.5
+ [405] = "Method Not Allowed"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.6
+ [406] = "Not Acceptable"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.7
+ [407] = "Proxy Authentication Required"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.8
+ [408] = "Request Timeout"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.9
+ [409] = "Conflict"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.10
+ [410] = "Gone"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.11
+ [411] = "Length Required"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.12
+ [412] = "Precondition Failed"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.13
+ [413] = "Content Too Large"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.14
+ [414] = "URI Too Long"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.15
+ [415] = "Unsupported Media Type"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.16
+ [416] = "Range Not Satisfiable"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.17
+ [417] = "Expectation Failed"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.18
[418] = "I'm a teapot"; -- RFC2324, Section 2.3.2
-- [419-420] = "Unassigned";
- [421] = "Misdirected Request"; -- RFC7540, Section 9.1.2
- [422] = "Unprocessable Entity";
+ [421] = "Misdirected Request"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.20
+ [422] = "Unprocessable Content"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.21
[423] = "Locked";
[424] = "Failed Dependency";
[425] = "Too Early";
- [426] = "Upgrade Required"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.5.15
+ [426] = "Upgrade Required"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.5.22
-- [427] = "Unassigned";
[428] = "Precondition Required";
[429] = "Too Many Requests";
@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ local response_codes = {
[451] = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
-- [452-499] = "Unassigned";
- [500] = "Internal Server Error"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.1
- [501] = "Not Implemented"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.2
- [502] = "Bad Gateway"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.3
- [503] = "Service Unavailable"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.4
- [504] = "Gateway Timeout"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.5
- [505] = "HTTP Version Not Supported"; -- RFC7231, Section 6.6.6
+ [500] = "Internal Server Error"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.6.1
+ [501] = "Not Implemented"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.6.2
+ [502] = "Bad Gateway"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.6.3
+ [503] = "Service Unavailable"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.6.4
+ [504] = "Gateway Timeout"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.6.5
+ [505] = "HTTP Version Not Supported"; -- RFC9110, Section 15.6.6
[506] = "Variant Also Negotiates";
[507] = "Insufficient Storage";
[508] = "Loop Detected";
-- [509] = "Unassigned";
- [510] = "Not Extended";
+ [510] = "Not Extended"; -- (OBSOLETED)
[511] = "Network Authentication Required";
-- [512-599] = "Unassigned";