path: root/net
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2008-12-12 04:06:15 +0000
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2008-12-12 04:06:15 +0000
commit48891b09252db1c50f2e859b834d1e2bebb972a7 (patch)
tree5a9319533cd08c18a55885ff2287dfc9d29e27b2 /net
parentd3ad4a5123335a00f3d9d921c798cdb8e9923ace (diff)
Non-blocking HTTP requests (adding net.http)
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
2 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net/http.lua b/net/http.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f51172c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/http.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+local socket = require "socket"
+local mime = require "mime"
+local url = require "socket.url"
+local server = require "net.server"
+local connlisteners_get = require "net.connlisteners".get;
+local listener = connlisteners_get("httpclient") or error("No httpclient listener!");
+local t_insert, t_concat = table.insert, table.concat;
+local tonumber, tostring, pairs = tonumber, tostring, pairs;
+local print = function () end
+local urlcodes = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) t[k] = char(tonumber("0x"..k)); return t[k]; end });
+local urlencode = function (s) return s and (s:gsub("%W", function (c) return string.format("%%%x", c:byte()); end)); end
+module "http"
+local function expectbody(reqt, code)
+ if reqt.method == "HEAD" then return nil end
+ if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end
+ if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end
+ return 1
+local function request_reader(request, data, startpos)
+ if not data then
+ if request.body then
+ request.callback(t_concat(request.body));
+ else
+ -- Error.. connection was closed prematurely
+ request.callback(nil, "connection-closed");
+ end
+ destroy_request(request);
+ return;
+ end
+ if request.state == "body" then
+ print("Reading body...")
+ if not request.body then request.body = {}; request.havebodylength, request.bodylength = 0, tonumber(request.responseheaders["content-length"]); end
+ if startpos then
+ data = data:sub(startpos, -1)
+ end
+ t_insert(request.body, data);
+ if request.bodylength then
+ request.havebodylength = request.havebodylength + #data;
+ if request.havebodylength >= request.bodylength then
+ -- We have the body
+ if request.callback then
+ request.callback(t_concat(request.body));
+ end
+ end
+ print("", "Have "..request.havebodylength.." bytes out of "..request.bodylength);
+ end
+ elseif request.state == "headers" then
+ print("Reading headers...")
+ local pos = startpos;
+ local headers = request.responseheaders or {};
+ for line in data:sub(startpos, -1):gmatch("(.-)\r\n") do
+ startpos = startpos + #line + 2;
+ local k, v = line:match("(%S+): (.+)");
+ if k and v then
+ headers[k:lower()] = v;
+ print("Header: "..k:lower().." = "..v);
+ elseif #line == 0 then
+ request.responseheaders = headers;
+ break;
+ else
+ print("Unhandled header line: "..line);
+ end
+ end
+ -- Reached the end of the headers
+ request.state = "body";
+ if #data > startpos then
+ return request_reader(request, data, startpos);
+ end
+ elseif request.state == "status" then
+ print("Reading status...")
+ local http, code, text, linelen = data:match("^HTTP/(%S+) (%d+) (.-)\r\n()", startpos);
+ if not code then
+ return request.callback(nil, "invalid-status-line", data);
+ end
+ request.responsecode, request.responseversion = code, http;
+ if request.onlystatus or not expectbody(request, tonumber(code)) then
+ if request.callback then
+ request.callback(code);
+ end
+ destroy_request(request);
+ return;
+ end
+ request.state = "headers";
+ if #data > linelen then
+ return request_reader(request, data, linelen);
+ end
+ end
+function request(u, callback, ex)
+ local req = url.parse(u);
+ local custom_headers, body;
+ local default_headers = { ["Host"] = req.host, ["User-Agent"] = "Prosody XMPP Server" }
+ if req.userinfo then
+ default_headers["Authorization"] = "Basic "..mime.b64(req.userinfo);
+ end
+ if ex then
+ custom_headers = ex.custom_headers;
+ req.onlystatus = ex.onlystatus;
+ body = ex.body;
+ if body then
+ req.method = "POST ";
+ default_headers["Content-Length"] = tostring(#body);
+ default_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ end
+ if ex.method then req.method = ex.method; end
+ end
+ req.handler, req.conn = server.wraptcpclient(listener, socket.tcp(), req.host, req.port or 80, 0, "*a");
+ req.write = req.handler.write;
+ req.conn:settimeout(0);
+ local ok, err = req.conn:connect(req.host, req.port or 80);
+ if not ok and err ~= "timeout" then
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ req.write((req.method or "GET ")..req.path.." HTTP/1.0\r\n");
+ local t = { [2] = ": ", [4] = "\r\n" };
+ if custom_headers then
+ for k, v in pairs(custom_headers) do
+ t[1], t[3] = k, v;
+ req.write(t_concat(t));
+ default_headers[k] = nil;
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(default_headers) do
+ t[1], t[3] = k, v;
+ req.write(t_concat(t));
+ default_headers[k] = nil;
+ end
+ req.write("\r\n");
+ if body then
+ req.write(body);
+ end
+ req.callback = callback;
+ req.reader = request_reader;
+ req.state = "status"
+ listener.register_request(req.handler, req);
+ server.loop()
+ return req;
+function destroy_request(request)
+ if request.conn then
+ request.handler.close()
+ listener.disconnect(request.conn, "closed");
+ end
+_M.urlencode = urlencode;
+return _M;
diff --git a/net/httpclient_listener.lua b/net/httpclient_listener.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1948f278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/httpclient_listener.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+local connlisteners_register = require "net.connlisteners".register;
+local requests = {}; -- Open requests
+local buffers = {}; -- Buffers of partial lines
+local httpclient = { default_port = 80, default_mode = "*a" };
+function httpclient.listener(conn, data)
+ local request = requests[conn];
+ if not request then
+ print("NO REQUEST!! for "..tostring(conn));
+ return;
+ end
+ if data and request.reader then
+ request:reader(data);
+ end
+function httpclient.disconnect(conn, err)
+ local request = requests[conn];
+ if request then
+ request:reader(nil);
+ end
+ --requests[conn] = nil;
+function httpclient.register_request(conn, req)
+ print("Registering a request for "..tostring(conn));
+ requests[conn] = req;
+connlisteners_register("httpclient", httpclient);