path: root/net
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-10-15 14:25:09 +0100
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-10-15 14:25:09 +0100
commit5a3e9e37bcc289aabb7431622313119028102711 (patch)
treeb5dbcad554882e92268cdfdc1df7b2664677dcf0 /net
parentbbc78f6e851990df4975bea177f182069cd6d7fa (diff)
parent9a25dc6d776fb7e01d53036d353fa12c874a64c4 (diff)
Merge 0.11->trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/net/websocket/frames.lua b/net/websocket/frames.lua
index 922a2fce..03ce21a8 100644
--- a/net/websocket/frames.lua
+++ b/net/websocket/frames.lua
@@ -12,12 +12,11 @@ local random_bytes = require "util.random".bytes;
local bit = require "util.bitcompat";
local band = bit.band;
local bor = bit.bor;
-local bxor = bit.bxor;
local lshift = bit.lshift;
local rshift = bit.rshift;
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; -- luacheck: ignore 113
+local sbit = require "util.strbitop";
+local sxor = sbit.sxor;
-local t_concat = table.concat;
local s_char= string.char;
local s_pack = string.pack;
local s_unpack = string.unpack;
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ local function parse_frame_header(frame)
if result.MASK then
- result.key = { frame:byte(length_bytes+3, length_bytes+6) };
+ result.key = frame:sub(length_bytes+3, length_bytes+6);
return result, header_length;
@@ -115,19 +114,7 @@ end
-- XORs the string `str` with the array of bytes `key`
-- TODO: optimize
local function apply_mask(str, key, from, to)
- from = from or 1
- if from < 0 then from = #str + from + 1 end -- negative indices
- to = to or #str
- if to < 0 then to = #str + to + 1 end -- negative indices
- local key_len = #key
- local counter = 0;
- local data = {};
- for i = from, to do
- local key_index = counter%key_len + 1;
- counter = counter + 1;
- data[counter] = s_char(bxor(key[key_index], str:byte(i)));
- end
- return t_concat(data);
+ return sxor(str:sub(from or 1, to or -1), key);
local function parse_frame_body(frame, header, pos)
@@ -174,15 +161,12 @@ local function build_frame(desc)
local key = ""
if desc.MASK then
- local key_a = desc.key
- if key_a then
- key = s_char(unpack(key_a, 1, 4));
- else
+ key = desc.key
+ if not key then
key = random_bytes(4);
- key_a = {key:byte(1,4)};
b2 = bor(b2, 0x80);
- data = apply_mask(data, key_a);
+ data = apply_mask(data, key);
return s_char(b1, b2) .. length_extra .. key .. data