path: root/tools/migration/migrator/prosody_files.lua
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-09-30 09:50:33 +0100
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-09-30 09:50:33 +0100
commit785c20f6ee7e61a5a91a8b6259623bc2a2bbffaa (patch)
tree3a37db7b805b1555d08cc61c7938cf512ff35ce0 /tools/migration/migrator/prosody_files.lua
parente55d037cdf89efac99c6144b381c9fa880f7fb93 (diff)
parentb80ff2ae4f86aa26e055890a8284b55170ef2056 (diff)
Merge 0.11->trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/migration/migrator/prosody_files.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/tools/migration/migrator/prosody_files.lua b/tools/migration/migrator/prosody_files.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de09273..00000000
--- a/tools/migration/migrator/prosody_files.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-local print = print;
-local assert = assert;
-local setmetatable = setmetatable;
-local tonumber = tonumber;
-local char = string.char;
-local coroutine = coroutine;
-local lfs = require "lfs";
-local loadfile = loadfile;
-local pcall = pcall;
-local mtools = require "migrator.mtools";
-local next = next;
-local pairs = pairs;
-local json = require "util.json";
-local os_getenv = os.getenv;
-local error = error;
-prosody = {};
-local dm = require "util.datamanager"
-local function is_dir(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "directory"; end
-local function is_file(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") == "file"; end
-local function clean_path(path)
- return path:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("//+", "/"):gsub("^~", os_getenv("HOME") or "~");
-local encode, decode; do
- local urlcodes = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) t[k] = char(tonumber("0x"..k)); return t[k]; end });
- decode = function (s) return s and (s:gsub("+", " "):gsub("%%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])", urlcodes)); end
- encode = function (s) return s and (s:gsub("%W", function (c) return format("%%%02x", c:byte()); end)); end
-local function decode_dir(x)
- if x:gsub("%%%x%x", ""):gsub("[a-zA-Z0-9]", "") == "" then
- return decode(x);
- end
-local function decode_file(x)
- if x:match(".%.dat$") and x:gsub("%.dat$", ""):gsub("%%%x%x", ""):gsub("[a-zA-Z0-9]", "") == "" then
- return decode(x:gsub("%.dat$", ""));
- end
-local function prosody_dir(path, ondir, onfile, ...)
- for x in lfs.dir(path) do
- local xpath = path.."/"..x;
- if decode_dir(x) and is_dir(xpath) then
- ondir(xpath, x, ...);
- elseif decode_file(x) and is_file(xpath) then
- onfile(xpath, x, ...);
- end
- end
-local function handle_root_file(path, name)
- --print("root file: ", decode_file(name))
- coroutine.yield { user = nil, host = nil, store = decode_file(name) };
-local function handle_host_file(path, name, host)
- --print("host file: ", decode_dir(host).."/"..decode_file(name))
- coroutine.yield { user = nil, host = decode_dir(host), store = decode_file(name) };
-local function handle_store_file(path, name, store, host)
- --print("store file: ", decode_file(name).."@"..decode_dir(host).."/"..decode_dir(store))
- coroutine.yield { user = decode_file(name), host = decode_dir(host), store = decode_dir(store) };
-local function handle_host_store(path, name, host)
- prosody_dir(path, function() end, handle_store_file, name, host);
-local function handle_host_dir(path, name)
- prosody_dir(path, handle_host_store, handle_host_file, name);
-local function handle_root_dir(path)
- prosody_dir(path, handle_host_dir, handle_root_file);
-local function decode_user(item)
- local userdata = {
- user = item[1].user;
- host = item[1].host;
- stores = {};
- };
- for i=1,#item do -- loop over stores
- local result = {};
- local store = item[i];
- userdata.stores[store.store] = store.data;
- store.user = nil; store.host = nil; store.store = nil;
- end
- return userdata;
-local function reader(input)
- local path = clean_path(assert(input.path, "no input.path specified"));
- assert(is_dir(path), "input.path is not a directory");
- local iter = coroutine.wrap(function()handle_root_dir(path);end);
- -- get per-user stores, sorted
- local iter = mtools.sorted {
- reader = function()
- local x = iter();
- while x do
- dm.set_data_path(path);
- local err;
- x.data, err = dm.load(x.user, x.host, x.store);
- if x.data == nil and err then
- local p = dm.getpath(x.user, x.host, x.store);
- print(("Error loading data at path %s for %s@%s (%s store): %s")
- :format(p, x.user or "<nil>", x.host or "<nil>", x.store or "<nil>", err or "<nil>"));
- else
- return x;
- end
- x = iter();
- end
- end;
- sorter = function(a, b)
- local a_host, a_user, a_store = a.host or "", a.user or "", a.store or "";
- local b_host, b_user, b_store = b.host or "", b.user or "", b.store or "";
- return a_host > b_host or (a_host==b_host and a_user > b_user) or (a_host==b_host and a_user==b_user and a_store > b_store);
- end;
- };
- -- merge stores to get users
- iter = mtools.merged(iter, function(a, b)
- return (a.host == b.host and a.user == b.user);
- end);
- return function()
- local x = iter();
- return x and decode_user(x);
- end
-local function writer(output)
- local path = clean_path(assert(output.path, "no output.path specified"));
- assert(is_dir(path), "output.path is not a directory");
- return function(item)
- if not item then return; end -- end of input
- dm.set_data_path(path);
- for store, data in pairs(item.stores) do
- assert(dm.store(item.user, item.host, store, data));
- end
- end
-return {
- reader = reader;
- writer = writer;