path: root/util/human/io.lua
diff options
authorMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-09-30 09:50:33 +0100
committerMatthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>2020-09-30 09:50:33 +0100
commit785c20f6ee7e61a5a91a8b6259623bc2a2bbffaa (patch)
tree3a37db7b805b1555d08cc61c7938cf512ff35ce0 /util/human/io.lua
parente55d037cdf89efac99c6144b381c9fa880f7fb93 (diff)
parentb80ff2ae4f86aa26e055890a8284b55170ef2056 (diff)
Merge 0.11->trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'util/human/io.lua')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/human/io.lua b/util/human/io.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a38ab5dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/human/io.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+local array = require "util.array";
+local function getchar(n)
+ local stty_ret = os.execute("stty raw -echo 2>/dev/null");
+ local ok, char;
+ if stty_ret == true or stty_ret == 0 then
+ ok, char = pcall(io.read, n or 1);
+ os.execute("stty sane");
+ else
+ ok, char = pcall(io.read, "*l");
+ if ok then
+ char = char:sub(1, n or 1);
+ end
+ end
+ if ok then
+ return char;
+ end
+local function getline()
+ local ok, line = pcall(io.read, "*l");
+ if ok then
+ return line;
+ end
+local function getpass()
+ local stty_ret, _, status_code = os.execute("stty -echo 2>/dev/null");
+ if status_code then -- COMPAT w/ Lua 5.1
+ stty_ret = status_code;
+ end
+ if stty_ret ~= 0 then
+ io.write("\027[08m"); -- ANSI 'hidden' text attribute
+ end
+ local ok, pass = pcall(io.read, "*l");
+ if stty_ret == 0 then
+ os.execute("stty sane");
+ else
+ io.write("\027[00m");
+ end
+ io.write("\n");
+ if ok then
+ return pass;
+ end
+local function show_yesno(prompt)
+ io.write(prompt, " ");
+ local choice = getchar():lower();
+ io.write("\n");
+ if not choice:match("%a") then
+ choice = prompt:match("%[.-(%U).-%]$");
+ if not choice then return nil; end
+ end
+ return (choice == "y");
+local function read_password()
+ local password;
+ while true do
+ io.write("Enter new password: ");
+ password = getpass();
+ if not password then
+ print("No password - cancelled");
+ return;
+ end
+ io.write("Retype new password: ");
+ if getpass() ~= password then
+ if not show_yesno [=[Passwords did not match, try again? [Y/n]]=] then
+ return;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ return password;
+local function show_prompt(prompt)
+ io.write(prompt, " ");
+ local line = getline();
+ line = line and line:gsub("\n$","");
+ return (line and #line > 0) and line or nil;
+local function printf(fmt, ...)
+ print(fmt:format(...));
+local function padright(s, width)
+ return s..string.rep(" ", width-#s);
+local function padleft(s, width)
+ return string.rep(" ", width-#s)..s;
+local function new_table(col_specs, max_width)
+ max_width = max_width or tonumber(os.getenv("COLUMNS")) or 80;
+ local separator = " | ";
+ local widths = {};
+ local total_width = max_width - #separator * (#col_specs-1);
+ local free_width = total_width;
+ -- Calculate width of fixed-size columns
+ for i = 1, #col_specs do
+ local width = col_specs[i].width or "0";
+ if not(type(width) == "string" and width:sub(-1) == "%") then
+ local title = col_specs[i].title;
+ width = math.max(tonumber(width), title and (#title+1) or 0);
+ widths[i] = width;
+ free_width = free_width - width;
+ if i > 1 then
+ free_width = free_width - #separator;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Calculate width of %-based columns
+ for i = 1, #col_specs do
+ if not widths[i] then
+ local pc_width = tonumber((col_specs[i].width:gsub("%%$", "")));
+ widths[i] = math.floor(free_width*(pc_width/100));
+ end
+ end
+ return function (row)
+ local titles;
+ if not row then
+ titles, row = true, array.pluck(col_specs, "title", "");
+ end
+ local output = {};
+ for i, column in ipairs(col_specs) do
+ local width = widths[i];
+ local v = (not titles and column.mapper or tostring)(row[not titles and column.key or i] or "", row);
+ if #v < width then
+ if column.align == "right" then
+ v = padleft(v, width);
+ else
+ v = padright(v, width);
+ end
+ elseif #v > width then
+ v = v:sub(1, width-1) .. "…";
+ end
+ table.insert(output, v);
+ end
+ return table.concat(output, separator);
+ end;
+return {
+ getchar = getchar;
+ getline = getline;
+ getpass = getpass;
+ show_yesno = show_yesno;
+ read_password = read_password;
+ show_prompt = show_prompt;
+ printf = printf;
+ padleft = padleft;
+ padright = padright;
+ table = new_table;