path: root/util
diff options
authorKim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>2015-06-25 18:57:43 +0200
committerKim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>2015-06-25 18:57:43 +0200
commit6e187489a98a403ae236a9595fbd0f80d3ff6490 (patch)
tree1b0aa90c356c8219e4165bd4d5136ea99b34e8f1 /util
parent7b1c9ac2f7a58d8d91124196fec60206facc840e (diff)
parent7b391bc37acca3a5ed62477f18c9e03348a057f5 (diff)
Merge 0.10->trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'util')
2 files changed, 16 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/util/queue.lua b/util/queue.lua
index afdcaf45..203da0e3 100644
--- a/util/queue.lua
+++ b/util/queue.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
local have_utable, utable = pcall(require, "util.table"); -- For pre-allocation of table
-local function new(size)
+local function new(size, allow_wrapping)
-- Head is next insert, tail is next read
local head, tail = 1, 1;
local items = 0; -- Number of stored items
@@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ local function new(size)
count = function (self) return items; end;
push = function (self, item)
if items >= size then
- return nil, "queue full";
+ if allow_wrapping then
+ tail = (tail%size)+1; -- Advance to next oldest item
+ items = items - 1;
+ else
+ return nil, "queue full";
+ end
t[head] = item;
items = items + 1;
diff --git a/util/sql.lua b/util/sql.lua
index 453597da..5aa12f94 100644
--- a/util/sql.lua
+++ b/util/sql.lua
@@ -25,34 +25,9 @@ function is_column(x) return getmetatable(x)==column_mt; end
function is_index(x) return getmetatable(x)==index_mt; end
function is_table(x) return getmetatable(x)==table_mt; end
function is_query(x) return getmetatable(x)==query_mt; end
---function is_op(x) return getmetatable(x)==op_mt; end
---function expr(...) return setmetatable({...}, op_mt); end
function Integer(n) return "Integer()" end
function String(n) return "String()" end
---[[local ops = {
- __add = function(a, b) return "("..a.."+"..b..")" end;
- __sub = function(a, b) return "("..a.."-"..b..")" end;
- __mul = function(a, b) return "("..a.."*"..b..")" end;
- __div = function(a, b) return "("..a.."/"..b..")" end;
- __mod = function(a, b) return "("..a.."%"..b..")" end;
- __pow = function(a, b) return "POW("..a..","..b..")" end;
- __unm = function(a) return "NOT("..a..")" end;
- __len = function(a) return "COUNT("..a..")" end;
- __eq = function(a, b) return "("..a.."=="..b..")" end;
- __lt = function(a, b) return "("..a.."<"..b..")" end;
- __le = function(a, b) return "("..a.."<="..b..")" end;
-local functions = {
-local cmap = {
- [Integer] = Integer();
- [String] = String();
function Column(definition)
return setmetatable(definition, column_mt);
@@ -94,7 +69,6 @@ function index_mt:__tostring()
return s..' }';
-- return 'Index{ name="'..self.name..'", type="'..self.type..'" }'
local function urldecode(s) return s and (s:gsub("%%(%x%x)", function (c) return s_char(tonumber(c,16)); end)); end
local function parse_url(url)
@@ -121,26 +95,6 @@ local function parse_url(url)
---[[local session = {};
-function session.query(...)
- local rets = {...};
- local query = setmetatable({ __rets = rets, __filters }, query_mt);
- return query;
-local function db2uri(params)
- return build_url{
- scheme = params.driver,
- user = params.username,
- password = params.password,
- host = params.host,
- port = params.port,
- path = params.database,
- };
local engine = {};
function engine:connect()
if self.conn then return true; end
@@ -209,8 +163,8 @@ engine.delete = engine.execute_update;
engine.update = engine.execute_update;
function engine:_transaction(func, ...)
if not self.conn then
- local a,b = self:connect();
- if not a then return a,b; end
+ local ok, err = self:connect();
+ if not ok then return ok, err; end
--assert(not self.__transaction, "Recursive transactions not allowed");
local args, n_args = {...}, select("#", ...);
@@ -230,15 +184,15 @@ function engine:_transaction(func, ...)
function engine:transaction(...)
- local a,b = self:_transaction(...);
- if not a then
+ local ok, ret = self:_transaction(...);
+ if not ok then
local conn = self.conn;
if not conn or not conn:ping() then
self.conn = nil;
- a,b = self:_transaction(...);
+ ok, ret = self:_transaction(...);
- return a,b;
+ return ok, ret;
function engine:_create_index(index)
local sql = "CREATE INDEX `"..index.name.."` ON `"..index.table.."` (";
@@ -319,7 +273,7 @@ function engine:set_encoding() -- to UTF-8
local engine_mt = { __index = engine };
-local function db2uri(params)
+function db2uri(params)
return build_url{
scheme = params.driver,
user = params.username,
@@ -329,55 +283,9 @@ local function db2uri(params)
path = params.database,
-local engine_cache = {}; -- TODO make weak valued
-function create_engine(self, params)
- local url = db2uri(params);
- if not engine_cache[url] then
- local engine = setmetatable({ url = url, params = params }, engine_mt);
- engine_cache[url] = engine;
- end
- return engine_cache[url];
---[[Users = Table {
- name="users";
- Column { name="user_id", type=String(), primary_key=true };
---local engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/mydatabase');
---[[local engine = create_engine{ driver = "SQLite3", database = "./alchemy.sqlite" };
-local i = 0;
-for row in assert(engine:execute("select * from sqlite_master")):rows(true) do
- i = i+1;
- print(i);
- for k,v in pairs(row) do
- print("",k,v);
- end
-Prosody = Table {
- name="prosody";
- Column { name="host", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
- Column { name="user", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
- Column { name="store", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
- Column { name="key", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
- Column { name="type", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
- Column { name="value", type="TEXT", nullable=false };
- Index { name="prosody_index", "host", "user", "store", "key" };
- assert(Prosody:create(engine));
-for row in assert(engine:execute("select user from prosody")):rows(true) do
- print("username:", row['username'])
+function create_engine(self, params, onconnect)
+ return setmetatable({ url = db2uri(params), params = params, onconnect = onconnect }, engine_mt);
return _M;