diff options
38 files changed, 1264 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/.semgrep.yml b/.semgrep.yml
index 22bfcfea..c475859d 100644
--- a/.semgrep.yml
+++ b/.semgrep.yml
@@ -28,3 +28,12 @@ rules:
message: Use :get_text() to read text, or pass a value here to add text
severity: WARNING
languages: [lua]
+- id: require-unprefixed-module
+ patterns:
+ - pattern: require("$X")
+ - metavariable-regex:
+ metavariable: $X
+ regex: '^(core|net|util)\.'
+ message: Prefix required module path with 'prosody.'
+ severity: ERROR
+ languages: [lua]
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 3e1772e1..ce1dce90 100644
@@ -1,12 +1,26 @@
## New
+## Modules
+- mod_account_activity
+- mod_cloud_notify
+- mod_flags
+- mod_http_altconnect
+- mod_s2s_auth_dane_in
+- mod_server_info
### Administration
- Add 'watch log' command to follow live debug logs at runtime (even if disabled)
- mod_announce: Add shell commands to send messages to all users, online users, or limited by roles
+- New mod_account_activity plugin records last login/logout time of a user account
+- New 'prosodyctl check features' recommends configuration improvements
### Networking
@@ -30,6 +44,7 @@ TRUNK
- muc_room_allow_public = false restricts to admins
- Commands to show occupants and affiliations in the Shell
- Save 'reason' text supplied with affiliation change
+- Owners can set MUC avatars (functionality previously in community module mod_vcard_muc)
### Security and authentication
@@ -40,6 +55,7 @@ TRUNK
- Ability to disable and enable user accounts
- Full DANE support for s2s
- A "grace period" is now supported for deletion requests via in-band registration
+- No longer check certificate Common Names per RFC 9525
### Storage
@@ -56,6 +72,7 @@ TRUNK
- Method for retrieving integer settings from config
- It is now easy for modules to expose a Prosody shell command, by adding a shell-command item
- Modules can now implement a module.ready method which will be called after server initialization
+- module:depends() now accepts a second parameter 'soft' to enable soft dependencies
### Configuration
@@ -77,6 +94,8 @@ TRUNK
- Support for the roster *group* access_model in mod_pep
- Support for systemd socket activation in server_epoll
- mod_invites_adhoc gained a command for creating password resets
+- mod_cloud_notify imported from community modules for push notification support
+- mod_http_altconnect imported from community modules, simplifying web clients
## Removed
diff --git a/core/certmanager.lua b/core/certmanager.lua
index 9e0ace6a..3acddf73 100644
--- a/core/certmanager.lua
+++ b/core/certmanager.lua
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ local function index_certs(dir, files_by_name, depth_limit)
index_certs(full, files_by_name, depth_limit-1);
elseif file:find("%.crt$") or file:find("fullchain") then -- This should catch most fullchain files
- local f = io_open(full);
+ local f, err = io_open(full);
if f then
-- TODO look for chained certificates
local firstline = f:read();
@@ -113,13 +113,17 @@ local function index_certs(dir, files_by_name, depth_limit)
files_by_name[name] = { [full] = services; };
+ else
+ log("debug", "Skipping expired certificate: %s", full);
+ elseif err then
+ log("debug", "Failed to open file for indexing: %s", full);
- log("debug", "Certificate index: %q", files_by_name);
+ log("debug", "Certificate index in %s: %q", dir, files_by_name);
-- | hostname | filename | service |
return files_by_name;
@@ -189,10 +193,6 @@ local core_defaults = {
single_ecdh_use = tls.features.options.single_ecdh_use;
no_renegotiation = tls.features.options.no_renegotiation;
- verifyext = {
- "lsec_continue", -- Continue past certificate verification errors
- "lsec_ignore_purpose", -- Validate client certificates as if they were server certificates
- };
curve = tls.features.algorithms.ec and not tls.features.capabilities.curves_list and "secp384r1";
curveslist = {
diff --git a/core/configmanager.lua b/core/configmanager.lua
index 36df0171..6c6b670b 100644
--- a/core/configmanager.lua
+++ b/core/configmanager.lua
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ local resolve_relative_path = require"prosody.util.paths".resolve_relative_path;
local glob_to_pattern = require"prosody.util.paths".glob_to_pattern;
local path_sep = package.config:sub(1,1);
local get_traceback_table = require "prosody.util.debug".get_traceback_table;
+local errors = require "prosody.util.error";
+local log = require "prosody.util.logger".init("config");
local encodings = deps.softreq"prosody.util.encodings";
local nameprep = encodings and encodings.stringprep.nameprep or function (host) return host:lower(); end
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ local parser = nil;
local config_mt = { __index = function (t, _) return rawget(t, "*"); end};
local config = setmetatable({ ["*"] = { } }, config_mt);
local files = {};
+local credentials_directory = nil;
+local credential_fallback_fatal = true;
-- When host not found, use global
local host_mt = { __index = function(_, k) return config["*"][k] end }
@@ -42,7 +46,12 @@ function _M.getconfig()
function _M.get(host, key)
- return config[host][key];
+ local v = config[host][key];
+ if v and errors.is_error(v) then
+ log("warn", "%s:%d: %s", v.context.filename, v.context.fileline, v.text);
+ return nil;
+ end
+ return v;
function _M.rawget(host, key)
local hostconfig = rawget(config, host);
@@ -360,17 +369,17 @@ do
env.FileLine = filereader(config_path, "*l");
env.FileLines = linereader(config_path);
- if _G.prosody.paths.credentials then
- env.Credential = filereader(_G.prosody.paths.credentials, "*a");
- elseif _G.prosody.process_type == "prosody" then
+ if credentials_directory then
+ env.Credential = filereader(credentials_directory, "*a");
+ elseif credential_fallback_fatal then
env.Credential = function() error("Credential() requires the $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY environment variable to be set", 2) end
env.Credential = function()
- t_insert(warnings, ("%s:%d: Credential() requires the $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY environment variable to be set")
- :format(config_file, get_line_number(config_file)));
- return nil;
+ return errors.new({
+ type = "continue";
+ text = "Credential() requires the $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY environment variable to be set";
+ }, { filename = config_file; fileline = get_line_number(config_file) });
local chunk, err = envload(data, "@"..config_file, env);
@@ -392,4 +401,12 @@ do
+function _M.set_credentials_directory(directory)
+ credentials_directory = directory;
+function _M.set_credential_fallback_mode(mode)
+ credential_fallback_fatal = mode == "error";
return _M;
diff --git a/core/features.lua b/core/features.lua
index d8cefe74..8e155f70 100644
--- a/core/features.lua
+++ b/core/features.lua
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ return {
-- mod_muc has built-in vcard support
+ -- mod_http_altconnect bundled
+ "http_altconnect";
-- Roles, module.may and per-session authz
-- prosody.* namespace
diff --git a/core/moduleapi.lua b/core/moduleapi.lua
index b93536b5..50524b32 100644
--- a/core/moduleapi.lua
+++ b/core/moduleapi.lua
@@ -136,10 +136,14 @@ function api:require(lib)
return f();
-function api:depends(name)
+function api:depends(name, soft)
local modulemanager = require"prosody.core.modulemanager";
if self:get_option_inherited_set("modules_disabled", {}):contains(name) then
- error("Dependency on disabled module mod_"..name);
+ if not soft then
+ error("Dependency on disabled module mod_"..name);
+ end
+ self:log("debug", "Not loading disabled soft dependency mod_%s", name);
+ return nil, "disabled";
if not self.dependencies then
self.dependencies = {};
diff --git a/core/modulemanager.lua b/core/modulemanager.lua
index b8ba2f35..7295ba25 100644
--- a/core/modulemanager.lua
+++ b/core/modulemanager.lua
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ local ipairs, pairs, type, t_insert = ipairs, pairs, type, table.insert;
local lua_version = _VERSION:match("5%.%d+$");
local autoload_modules = {
- prosody.platform,
diff --git a/core/usermanager.lua b/core/usermanager.lua
index 793e7af6..c179e21b 100644
--- a/core/usermanager.lua
+++ b/core/usermanager.lua
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ end
local function set_password(username, password, host, resource)
local ok, err = hosts[host].users.set_password(username, password);
if ok then
+ log("info", "Account password changed: %s@%s", username, host);
prosody.events.fire_event("user-password-changed", { username = username, host = host, resource = resource });
return ok, err;
@@ -126,12 +127,17 @@ local function user_exists(username, host)
local function create_user(username, password, host)
- return hosts[host].users.create_user(username, password);
+ local ok, err = hosts[host].users.create_user(username, password);
+ if ok then
+ log("info", "User account created: %s@%s", username, host);
+ end
+ return ok, err;
local function delete_user(username, host)
local ok, err = hosts[host].users.delete_user(username);
if not ok then return nil, err; end
+ log("info", "User account deleted: %s@%s", username, host);
prosody.events.fire_event("user-deleted", { username = username, host = host });
return storagemanager.purge(username, host);
@@ -158,6 +164,7 @@ local function enable_user(username, host)
if not method then return nil, "method not supported"; end
local ret, err = method(username);
if ret then
+ log("info", "User account enabled: %s@%s", username, host);
prosody.events.fire_event("user-enabled", { username = username, host = host });
return ret, err;
@@ -168,6 +175,7 @@ local function disable_user(username, host, meta)
if not method then return nil, "method not supported"; end
local ret, err = method(username, meta);
if ret then
+ log("info", "User account disabled: %s@%s", username, host);
prosody.events.fire_event("user-disabled", { username = username, host = host, meta = meta });
return ret, err;
@@ -198,6 +206,7 @@ local function set_user_role(user, host, role_name)
local role, err = hosts[host].authz.set_user_role(user, role_name);
if role then
+ log("info", "Account %s@%s role changed to %s", user, host, role_name);
prosody.events.fire_event("user-role-changed", {
username = user, host = host, role = role;
@@ -244,7 +253,7 @@ local function add_user_secondary_role(user, host, role_name)
local role, err = hosts[host].authz.add_user_secondary_role(user, role_name);
if role then
prosody.events.fire_event("user-role-added", {
- username = user, host = host, role = role;
+ username = user, host = host, role_name = role_name, role = role;
return role, err;
diff --git a/doc/doap.xml b/doc/doap.xml
index edd924bf..9c97ef1c 100644
--- a/doc/doap.xml
+++ b/doc/doap.xml
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
<implements rdf:resource="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7673"/>
<implements rdf:resource="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8305"/>
<implements rdf:resource="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9266"/>
+ <implements rdf:resource="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9525"/>
<implements rdf:resource="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-cridland-xmpp-session/">
<!-- since=0.6.0 note=Added in hg:0bbbc9042361 -->
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@
<xmpp:xep rdf:resource="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0090.html"/>
- <xmpp:until>trunk</xmpp:until>
+ <xmpp:until>13.0.0</xmpp:until>
@@ -736,7 +737,7 @@
<xmpp:xep rdf:resource="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0357.html"/>
- <xmpp:since>trunk</xmpp:since>
+ <xmpp:since>13.0.0</xmpp:since>
@@ -840,7 +841,7 @@
<xmpp:xep rdf:resource="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0421.html"/>
- <xmpp:version>0.2.0</xmpp:version>
+ <xmpp:version>1.0.0</xmpp:version>
@@ -857,7 +858,7 @@
<xmpp:xep rdf:resource="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0440.html"/>
- <xmpp:since>trunk</xmpp:since>
+ <xmpp:since>13.0.0</xmpp:since>
@@ -881,7 +882,7 @@
<xmpp:xep rdf:resource="https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0478.html"/>
- <xmpp:since>trunk</xmpp:since>
+ <xmpp:since>13.0.0</xmpp:since>
diff --git a/net/httpserver.lua b/net/httpserver.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dfd862e..00000000
--- a/net/httpserver.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--- COMPAT w/pre-0.9
-local log = require "prosody.util.logger".init("net.httpserver");
-local traceback = debug.traceback;
-local _ENV = nil;
--- luacheck: std none
-local function fail()
- log("error", "Attempt to use legacy HTTP API. For more info see https://prosody.im/doc/developers/legacy_http");
- log("error", "Legacy HTTP API usage, %s", traceback("", 2));
-return {
- new = fail;
- new_from_config = fail;
- set_default_handler = fail;
diff --git a/net/server_epoll.lua b/net/server_epoll.lua
index dd309b05..44ab4f69 100644
--- a/net/server_epoll.lua
+++ b/net/server_epoll.lua
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ function interface:inittls(tls_ctx, now)
self:debug("Enabling DANE with %d TLSA records", #self.extra.tlsa);
self:noise("DANE hostname is %q", self.servername or self.extra.dane_hostname);
for _, tlsa in ipairs(self.extra.tlsa) do
- self:noise("TLSA: %q", tlsa);
+ self:noise("TLSA: %s", tlsa);
conn:settlsa(tlsa.use, tlsa.select, tlsa.match, tlsa.data);
diff --git a/plugins/mod_account_activity.lua b/plugins/mod_account_activity.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b1208e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/mod_account_activity.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+local jid = require "prosody.util.jid";
+local time = os.time;
+local store = module:open_store(nil, "keyval+");
+module:hook("authentication-success", function(event)
+ local session = event.session;
+ if session.username then
+ store:set_key(session.username, "timestamp", time());
+ end
+module:hook("resource-unbind", function(event)
+ local session = event.session;
+ if session.username then
+ store:set_key(session.username, "timestamp", time());
+ end
+local user_sessions = prosody.hosts[module.host].sessions;
+function get_last_active(username) --luacheck: ignore 131/get_last_active
+ if user_sessions[username] then
+ return os.time(), true; -- Currently connected
+ else
+ local last_activity = store:get(username);
+ if not last_activity then return nil; end
+ return last_activity.timestamp;
+ end
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "user";
+ section_desc = "View user activity data";
+ name = "activity";
+ desc = "View the last recorded user activity for an account";
+ args = { { name = "jid"; type = "string" } };
+ host_selector = "jid";
+ handler = function(self, userjid) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
+ local username = jid.prepped_split(userjid);
+ local last_timestamp, is_online = get_last_active(username);
+ if not last_timestamp then
+ return true, "No activity";
+ end
+ return true, ("%s (%s)"):format(os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", last_timestamp), (is_online and "online" or "offline"));
+ end;
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "user";
+ section_desc = "View user activity data";
+ name = "list_inactive";
+ desc = "List inactive user accounts";
+ args = {
+ { name = "host"; type = "string" };
+ { name = "duration"; type = "string" };
+ };
+ host_selector = "host";
+ handler = function(self, host, duration) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
+ local um = require "prosody.core.usermanager";
+ local duration_sec = require "prosody.util.human.io".parse_duration(duration or "");
+ if not duration_sec then
+ return false, ("Invalid duration %q - try something like \"30d\""):format(duration);
+ end
+ local now = os.time();
+ local n_inactive, n_unknown = 0, 0;
+ for username in um.users(host) do
+ local last_active = store:get_key(username, "timestamp");
+ if not last_active then
+ local created_at = um.get_account_info(username, host).created;
+ if created_at and (now - created_at) > duration_sec then
+ self.session.print(username, "");
+ n_inactive = n_inactive + 1;
+ elseif not created_at then
+ n_unknown = n_unknown + 1;
+ end
+ elseif (now - last_active) > duration_sec then
+ self.session.print(username, os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%T", last_active));
+ n_inactive = n_inactive + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ if n_unknown > 0 then
+ return true, ("%d accounts inactive since %s (%d unknown)"):format(n_inactive, os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%T", now - duration_sec), n_unknown);
+ end
+ return true, ("%d accounts inactive since %s"):format(n_inactive, os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%T", now - duration_sec));
+ end;
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "migrate";
+ section_desc = "Perform data migrations";
+ name = "account_activity_lastlog2";
+ desc = "Migrate account activity information from mod_lastlog2";
+ args = { { name = "host"; type = "string" } };
+ host_selector = "host";
+ handler = function(self, host) --luacheck: ignore 212/host
+ local lastlog2 = module:open_store("lastlog2", "keyval+");
+ local n_updated, n_errors, n_skipped = 0, 0, 0;
+ local async = require "prosody.util.async";
+ local p = require "prosody.util.promise".new(function (resolve)
+ local async_runner = async.runner(function ()
+ local n = 0;
+ for username in lastlog2:items() do
+ n = n + 1;
+ if n % 100 == 0 then
+ self.session.print(("Processed %d..."):format(n));
+ async.sleep(0);
+ end
+ local lastlog2_data = lastlog2:get(username);
+ if lastlog2_data then
+ local current_data, err = store:get(username);
+ if not current_data then
+ if not err then
+ current_data = {};
+ else
+ n_errors = n_errors + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ if current_data then
+ local imported_timestamp = current_data.timestamp;
+ local latest;
+ for k, v in pairs(lastlog2_data) do
+ if k ~= "registered" and (not latest or v.timestamp > latest) then
+ latest = v.timestamp;
+ end
+ end
+ if latest and (not imported_timestamp or imported_timestamp < latest) then
+ local ok, err = store:set_key(username, "timestamp", latest);
+ if ok then
+ n_updated = n_updated + 1;
+ else
+ self.session.print(("WW: Failed to import %q: %s"):format(username, err));
+ n_errors = n_errors + 1;
+ end
+ else
+ n_skipped = n_skipped + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return resolve(("%d accounts imported, %d errors, %d skipped"):format(n_updated, n_errors, n_skipped));
+ end);
+ async_runner:run(true);
+ end);
+ return p;
+ end;
diff --git a/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua b/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua
index fe231dca..28d758d0 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_admin_shell.lua
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ local it = require "prosody.util.iterators";
local server = require "prosody.net.server";
local schema = require "prosody.util.jsonschema";
local st = require "prosody.util.stanza";
+local parse_args = require "prosody.util.argparse".parse;
local _G = _G;
@@ -91,13 +92,8 @@ end
-- Seed with default sections and their description text
help_topic "console" "Help regarding the console itself" [[
Hey! Welcome to Prosody's admin console.
-First thing, if you're ever wondering how to get out, simply type 'quit'.
-Secondly, note that we don't support the full telnet protocol yet (it's coming)
-so you may have trouble using the arrow keys, etc. depending on your system.
-For now we offer a couple of handy shortcuts:
-!! - Repeat the last command
-!old!new! - repeat the last command, but with 'old' replaced by 'new'
+If you're ever wondering how to get out, simply type 'quit' (ctrl+d should also
For those well-versed in Prosody's internals, or taking instruction from those who are,
you can prefix a command with > to escape the console sandbox, and access everything in
@@ -255,6 +251,83 @@ function console:new_session(admin_session)
return session;
+local function process_cmd_line(session, arg_line)
+ local chunk = load("return "..arg_line, "=shell", "t", {});
+ local ok, args = pcall(chunk);
+ if not ok then return nil, args; end
+ local section_name, command = args[1], args[2];
+ local section_mt = getmetatable(def_env[section_name]);
+ local section_help = section_mt and section_mt.help;
+ local command_help = section_help and section_help.commands[command];
+ if not command_help then
+ if commands[section_name] then
+ commands[section_name](session, table.concat(args, " "));
+ return;
+ end
+ if section_help then
+ return nil, "Command not found or necessary module not loaded. Try 'help "..section_name.." for a list of available commands.";
+ end
+ return nil, "Command not found. Is the necessary module loaded?";
+ end
+ local fmt = { "%s"; ":%s("; ")" };
+ if command_help.flags then
+ local flags, flags_err, flags_err_extra = parse_args(args, command_help.flags);
+ if not flags then
+ if flags_err == "missing-value" then
+ return nil, "Expected value after "..flags_err_extra;
+ elseif flags_err == "param-not-found" then
+ return nil, "Unknown parameter: "..flags_err_extra;
+ end
+ return nil, flags_err;
+ end
+ table.remove(flags, 2);
+ table.remove(flags, 1);
+ local n_fixed_args = #command_help.args;
+ local arg_str = {};
+ for i = 1, n_fixed_args do
+ if flags[i] ~= nil then
+ table.insert(arg_str, ("%q"):format(flags[i]));
+ else
+ table.insert(arg_str, "nil");
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(arg_str, "flags");
+ for i = n_fixed_args + 1, #flags do
+ if flags[i] ~= nil then
+ table.insert(arg_str, ("%q"):format(flags[i]));
+ else
+ table.insert(arg_str, "nil");
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(fmt, 3, "%s");
+ return "local flags = ...; return "..string.format(table.concat(fmt), section_name, command, table.concat(arg_str, ", ")), flags;
+ end
+ for i = 3, #args do
+ if args[i]:sub(1, 1) == ":" then
+ table.insert(fmt, i, ")%s(");
+ elseif i > 3 and fmt[i - 1]:match("%%q$") then
+ table.insert(fmt, i, ", %q");
+ else
+ table.insert(fmt, i, "%q");
+ end
+ end
+ return "return "..string.format(table.concat(fmt), table.unpack(args));
local function handle_line(event)
local session = event.origin.shell_session;
if not session then
@@ -269,6 +342,8 @@ local function handle_line(event)
local line = event.stanza:get_text();
local useglobalenv;
+ session.repl = event.stanza.attr.repl ~= "0";
local result = st.stanza("repl-result");
if line:match("^>") then
@@ -295,23 +370,6 @@ local function handle_line(event)
session.globalenv = redirect_output(_G, session);
- local chunkname = "=console";
- local env = (useglobalenv and session.globalenv) or session.env or nil
- -- luacheck: ignore 311/err
- local chunk, err = envload("return "..line, chunkname, env);
- if not chunk then
- chunk, err = envload(line, chunkname, env);
- if not chunk then
- err = err:gsub("^%[string .-%]:%d+: ", "");
- err = err:gsub("^:%d+: ", "");
- err = err:gsub("'<eof>'", "the end of the line");
- result.attr.type = "error";
- result:text("Sorry, I couldn't understand that... "..err);
- event.origin.send(result);
- return;
- end
- end
local function send_result(taskok, message)
if not message then
if type(taskok) ~= "string" and useglobalenv then
@@ -328,7 +386,45 @@ local function handle_line(event)
- local taskok, message = chunk();
+ local taskok, message;
+ local env = (useglobalenv and session.globalenv) or session.env or nil;
+ local flags;
+ local source;
+ if line:match("^{") then
+ -- Input is a serialized array of strings, typically from
+ -- a command-line invocation of 'prosodyctl shell something'
+ source, flags = process_cmd_line(session, line);
+ if not source then
+ if flags then -- err
+ send_result(false, flags);
+ else -- no err, but nothing more to do
+ -- This happens if it was a "simple" command
+ event.origin.send(result);
+ end
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ local chunkname = "=console";
+ -- luacheck: ignore 311/err
+ local chunk, err = envload(source or ("return "..line), chunkname, env);
+ if not chunk then
+ if not source then
+ chunk, err = envload(line, chunkname, env);
+ end
+ if not chunk then
+ err = err:gsub("^%[string .-%]:%d+: ", "");
+ err = err:gsub("^:%d+: ", "");
+ err = err:gsub("'<eof>'", "the end of the line");
+ result.attr.type = "error";
+ result:text("Sorry, I couldn't understand that... "..err);
+ event.origin.send(result);
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ taskok, message = chunk(flags);
if promise.is_promise(taskok) then
taskok:next(function (resolved_message)
@@ -349,7 +445,7 @@ module:hook("admin/repl-input", function (event)
return true;
-local function describe_command(s)
+local function describe_command(s, hidden)
local section, name, args, desc = s:match("^([%w_]+):([%w_]+)%(([^)]*)%) %- (.+)$");
if not section then
error("Failed to parse command description: "..s);
@@ -360,9 +456,14 @@ local function describe_command(s)
args = array.collect(args:gmatch("[%w_]+")):map(function (arg_name)
return { name = arg_name };
+ hidden = hidden;
+local function hidden_command(s)
+ return describe_command(s, true);
-- Console commands --
-- These are simple commands, not valid standalone in Lua
@@ -455,10 +556,46 @@ def_env.help = setmetatable({}, {
for command, command_help in it.sorted_pairs(section_help.commands or {}) do
- c = c + 1;
- local args = array.pluck(command_help.args, "name"):concat(", ");
- local desc = command_help.desc or command_help.module and ("Provided by mod_"..command_help.module) or "";
- print(("%s:%s(%s) - %s"):format(section_name, command, args, desc));
+ if not command_help.hidden then
+ c = c + 1;
+ local desc = command_help.desc or command_help.module and ("Provided by mod_"..command_help.module) or "";
+ if self.session.repl then
+ local args = array.pluck(command_help.args, "name"):concat(", ");
+ print(("%s:%s(%s) - %s"):format(section_name, command, args, desc));
+ else
+ local args = array.pluck(command_help.args, "name"):concat("> <");
+ if args ~= "" then
+ args = "<"..args..">";
+ end
+ print(("%s %s %s"):format(section_name, command, args));
+ print((" %s"):format(desc));
+ if command_help.flags then
+ local flags = command_help.flags;
+ print("");
+ print((" Flags:"));
+ if flags.kv_params then
+ for name in it.sorted_pairs(flags.kv_params) do
+ print(" --"..name:gsub("_", "-"));
+ end
+ end
+ if flags.value_params then
+ for name in it.sorted_pairs(flags.value_params) do
+ print(" --"..name:gsub("_", "-").." <"..name..">");
+ end
+ end
+ if flags.array_params then
+ for name in it.sorted_pairs(flags.array_params) do
+ print(" --"..name:gsub("_", "-").." <"..name..">, ...");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ print("");
+ end
+ end
elseif help_topics[section_name] then
local topic = help_topics[section_name];
@@ -1800,9 +1937,8 @@ function def_env.user:password(jid, password)
-describe_command [[user:roles(jid, host) - Show current roles for an user]]
+describe_command [[user:role(jid, host) - Show primary role for a user]]
function def_env.user:role(jid, host)
- local print = self.session.print;
local username, userhost = jid_split(jid);
if host == nil then host = userhost; end
if not prosody.hosts[host] then
@@ -1814,22 +1950,27 @@ function def_env.user:role(jid, host)
local primary_role = um.get_user_role(username, host);
local secondary_roles = um.get_user_secondary_roles(username, host);
+ local primary_role_desc = primary_role and primary_role.name or "<none>";
print(primary_role and primary_role.name or "<none>");
- local count = primary_role and 1 or 0;
+ local n_secondary = 0;
for role_name in pairs(secondary_roles or {}) do
- count = count + 1;
+ n_secondary = n_secondary + 1;
print(role_name.." (secondary)");
- return true, count == 1 and "1 role" or count.." roles";
+ if n_secondary > 0 then
+ return true, primary_role_desc.." (primary)";
+ end
+ return true, primary_role_desc;
def_env.user.roles = def_env.user.role;
-describe_command [[user:setrole(jid, host, role) - Set primary role of a user (see 'help roles')]]
--- user:setrole("someone@example.com", "example.com", "prosody:admin")
--- user:setrole("someone@example.com", "prosody:admin")
-function def_env.user:setrole(jid, host, new_role)
+describe_command [[user:set_role(jid, host, role) - Set primary role of a user (see 'help roles')]]
+-- user:set_role("someone@example.com", "example.com", "prosody:admin")
+-- user:set_role("someone@example.com", "prosody:admin")
+function def_env.user:set_role(jid, host, new_role)
local username, userhost = jid_split(jid);
if new_role == nil then host, new_role = userhost, host; end
if not prosody.hosts[host] then
@@ -1844,7 +1985,7 @@ function def_env.user:setrole(jid, host, new_role)
-describe_command [[user:addrole(jid, host, role) - Add a secondary role to a user]]
+hidden_command [[user:addrole(jid, host, role) - Add a secondary role to a user]]
function def_env.user:addrole(jid, host, new_role)
local username, userhost = jid_split(jid);
if new_role == nil then host, new_role = userhost, host; end
@@ -1855,10 +1996,14 @@ function def_env.user:addrole(jid, host, new_role)
elseif userhost ~= host then
return nil, "Can't add roles outside users own host"
- return um.add_user_secondary_role(username, host, new_role);
+ local role, err = um.add_user_secondary_role(username, host, new_role);
+ if not role then
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ return true, "Role added";
-describe_command [[user:delrole(jid, host, role) - Remove a secondary role from a user]]
+hidden_command [[user:delrole(jid, host, role) - Remove a secondary role from a user]]
function def_env.user:delrole(jid, host, role_name)
local username, userhost = jid_split(jid);
if role_name == nil then host, role_name = userhost, host; end
@@ -1869,7 +2014,11 @@ function def_env.user:delrole(jid, host, role_name)
elseif userhost ~= host then
return nil, "Can't remove roles outside users own host"
- return um.remove_user_secondary_role(username, host, role_name);
+ local ok, err = um.remove_user_secondary_role(username, host, role_name);
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ return true, "Role removed";
describe_command [[user:list(hostname, pattern) - List users on the specified host, optionally filtering with a pattern]]
@@ -2622,10 +2771,20 @@ local function new_item_handlers(command_host)
section_mt.help = section_help;
+ if command.flags then
+ if command.flags.stop_on_positional == nil then
+ command.flags.stop_on_positional = false;
+ end
+ if command.flags.strict == nil then
+ command.flags.strict = true;
+ end
+ end
section_help.commands[command.name] = {
desc = command.desc;
full = command.help;
args = array(command.args);
+ flags = command.flags;
module = command._provided_by;
diff --git a/plugins/mod_authz_internal.lua b/plugins/mod_authz_internal.lua
index 7a06c904..f683d90c 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_authz_internal.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_authz_internal.lua
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ end
function set_user_role(user, role_name)
local role = role_registry[role_name];
if not role then
- return error("Cannot assign default user an unknown role: "..tostring(role_name));
+ return error("Cannot assign user an unknown role: "..tostring(role_name));
local keys_update = {
_default = role_name;
@@ -180,14 +180,19 @@ function set_user_role(user, role_name)
function add_user_secondary_role(user, role_name)
- if not role_registry[role_name] then
- return error("Cannot assign default user an unknown role: "..tostring(role_name));
+ local role = role_registry[role_name];
+ if not role then
+ return error("Cannot assign user an unknown role: "..tostring(role_name));
- role_map_store:set(user, role_name, true);
+ local ok, err = role_map_store:set(user, role_name, true);
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ return role;
function remove_user_secondary_role(user, role_name)
- role_map_store:set(user, role_name, nil);
+ return role_map_store:set(user, role_name, nil);
function get_user_secondary_roles(user)
diff --git a/plugins/mod_bosh.lua b/plugins/mod_bosh.lua
index 091a7d81..2d1b1922 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_bosh.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_bosh.lua
@@ -557,6 +557,10 @@ function module.add_host(module)
["POST /"] = handle_POST;
+ if module.host ~= "*" then
+ module:depends("http_altconnect", true);
+ end
if require"prosody.core.modulemanager".get_modules_for_host("*"):contains(module.name) then
diff --git a/plugins/mod_c2s.lua b/plugins/mod_c2s.lua
index a9417368..c1fbdb9e 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_c2s.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_c2s.lua
@@ -252,12 +252,16 @@ local function session_close(session, reason)
if not session.destroyed then
session.log("warn", "Failed to receive a stream close response, closing connection anyway...");
sm_destroy_session(session, reason_text);
- if conn then conn:close(); end
+ if conn then
+ conn:close();
+ end
sm_destroy_session(session, reason_text);
- if conn then conn:close(); end
+ if conn then
+ conn:close();
+ end
local reason_text = (reason and (reason.name or reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason;
diff --git a/plugins/mod_cloud_notify.lua b/plugins/mod_cloud_notify.lua
index 987be84f..1c660e93 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_cloud_notify.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_cloud_notify.lua
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
-- This file is MIT/X11 licensed.
local os_time = os.time;
-local st = require"util.stanza";
-local jid = require"util.jid";
-local dataform = require"util.dataforms".new;
-local hashes = require"util.hashes";
-local random = require"util.random";
-local cache = require"util.cache";
-local watchdog = require "util.watchdog";
+local st = require"prosody.util.stanza";
+local jid = require"prosody.util.jid";
+local dataform = require"prosody.util.dataforms".new;
+local hashes = require"prosody.util.hashes";
+local random = require"prosody.util.random";
+local cache = require"prosody.util.cache";
+local watchdog = require "prosody.util.watchdog";
local xmlns_push = "urn:xmpp:push:0";
diff --git a/plugins/mod_component.lua b/plugins/mod_component.lua
index 86ceb980..51c73235 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_component.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_component.lua
@@ -239,7 +239,9 @@ function stream_callbacks.handlestanza(session, stanza)
if not stanza.attr.to then
session.log("warn", "Rejecting stanza with no 'to' address");
- session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Components MUST specify a 'to' address on stanzas"));
+ if stanza.attr.type ~= "error" and stanza.attr.type ~= "result" then
+ session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Components MUST specify a 'to' address on stanzas"));
+ end
diff --git a/plugins/mod_cron.lua b/plugins/mod_cron.lua
index 67b68514..77bdd7e5 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_cron.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_cron.lua
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module:add_item("shell-command", {
args = {};
handler = function(self, filter_host)
local format_table = require("prosody.util.human.io").table;
- local it = require("util.iterators");
+ local it = require("prosody.util.iterators");
local row = format_table({
{ title = "Host"; width = "2p" };
{ title = "Task"; width = "3p" };
diff --git a/plugins/mod_external_services.lua b/plugins/mod_external_services.lua
index ade1e327..a2cd232c 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_external_services.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_external_services.lua
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ end
local algorithms = {
turn = behave_turn_rest_credentials;
+ turns = behave_turn_rest_credentials;
-- filter config into well-defined service records
diff --git a/plugins/mod_http_altconnect.lua b/plugins/mod_http_altconnect.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9252433e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/mod_http_altconnect.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+-- mod_http_altconnect
+-- XEP-0156: Discovering Alternative XMPP Connection Methods
+local mm = require "prosody.core.modulemanager";
+local json = require"prosody.util.json";
+local st = require"prosody.util.stanza";
+local array = require"prosody.util.array";
+local advertise_bosh = module:get_option_boolean("advertise_bosh", true);
+local advertise_websocket = module:get_option_boolean("advertise_websocket", true);
+local function get_supported()
+ local uris = array();
+ if advertise_bosh and (mm.is_loaded(module.host, "bosh") or mm.is_loaded("*", "bosh")) then
+ uris:push({ rel = "urn:xmpp:alt-connections:xbosh", href = module:http_url("bosh", "/http-bind") });
+ end
+ if advertise_websocket and (mm.is_loaded(module.host, "websocket") or mm.is_loaded("*", "websocket")) then
+ uris:push({ rel = "urn:xmpp:alt-connections:websocket", href = module:http_url("websocket", "xmpp-websocket"):gsub("^http", "ws") });
+ end
+ return uris;
+local function GET_xml(event)
+ local response = event.response;
+ local xrd = st.stanza("XRD", { xmlns='http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/xri/xrd-1.0' });
+ local uris = get_supported();
+ for _, method in ipairs(uris) do
+ xrd:tag("Link", method):up();
+ end
+ response.headers.content_type = "application/xrd+xml"
+ response.headers.access_control_allow_origin = "*";
+ return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' .. tostring(xrd);
+local function GET_json(event)
+ local response = event.response;
+ local jrd = { links = get_supported() };
+ response.headers.content_type = "application/json"
+ response.headers.access_control_allow_origin = "*";
+ return json.encode(jrd);
+module:provides("http", {
+ default_path = "/.well-known";
+ route = {
+ ["GET /host-meta"] = GET_xml;
+ ["GET /host-meta.json"] = GET_json;
+ };
diff --git a/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua b/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
index 48972067..705420d0 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ function handle_slot_request(event)
total_storage_usage = total_storage_usage + filesize;
+ persist_stats:set(nil, "total", total_storage_usage);
module:log("debug", "Total storage usage: %s / %s", B(total_storage_usage), B(total_storage_limit));
local cached_quota = quota_cache:get(uploader);
diff --git a/plugins/mod_invites.lua b/plugins/mod_invites.lua
index 1dfc8804..c6a66a8f 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_invites.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_invites.lua
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ local jid_split = require "prosody.util.jid".split;
local argparse = require "prosody.util.argparse";
local human_io = require "prosody.util.human.io";
-local url_escape = require "util.http".urlencode;
-local render_url = require "util.interpolation".new("%b{}", url_escape, {
+local url_escape = require "prosody.util.http".urlencode;
+local render_url = require "prosody.util.interpolation".new("%b{}", url_escape, {
urlescape = url_escape;
noscheme = function (urlstring)
return (urlstring:gsub("^[^:]+:", ""));
@@ -239,19 +239,76 @@ end
module:hook("invite-created", add_landing_url, -1);
--- shell command
+-- COMPAT: Dynamic groups are work in progress as of 13.0, so we'll use the
+-- presence of mod_invites_groups (a community module) to determine whether to
+-- expose our support for invites to groups.
+local have_group_invites = module:get_option_inherited_set("modules_enabled"):contains("invites_groups");
module:add_item("shell-command", {
section = "invite";
section_desc = "Create and manage invitations";
name = "create_account";
desc = "Create an invitation to make an account on this server with the specified JID (supply only a hostname to allow any username)";
+ args = {
+ { name = "user_jid", type = "string" };
+ };
+ host_selector = "user_jid";
+ flags = {
+ array_params = { role = true, group = have_group_invites };
+ value_params = { expires_after = true };
+ };
+ handler = function (self, user_jid, opts) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
+ local username = jid_split(user_jid);
+ local roles = opts and opts.role or {};
+ local groups = opts and opts.group or {};
+ if opts and opts.admin then
+ -- Insert it first since we don't get order out of argparse
+ table.insert(roles, 1, "prosody:admin");
+ end
+ local ttl;
+ if opts and opts.expires_after then
+ ttl = human_io.parse_duration(opts.expires_after);
+ if not ttl then
+ return false, "Unable to parse duration: "..opts.expires_after;
+ end
+ end
+ local invite = assert(create_account(username, {
+ roles = roles;
+ groups = groups;
+ }, ttl));
+ return true, invite.landing_page or invite.uri;
+ end;
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "invite";
+ section_desc = "Create and manage invitations";
+ name = "create_reset";
+ desc = "Create a password reset link for the specified user";
args = { { name = "user_jid", type = "string" } };
host_selector = "user_jid";
+ flags = {
+ value_params = { expires_after = true };
+ };
- handler = function (self, user_jid) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
+ handler = function (self, user_jid, opts) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
local username = jid_split(user_jid);
- local invite, err = create_account(username);
+ if not username then
+ return nil, "Supply the JID of the account you want to generate a password reset for";
+ end
+ local duration_sec = require "prosody.util.human.io".parse_duration(opts and opts.expires_after or "1d");
+ if not duration_sec then
+ return nil, "Unable to parse duration: "..opts.expires_after;
+ end
+ local invite, err = create_account_reset(username, duration_sec);
if not invite then return nil, err; end
- return true, invite.landing_page or invite.uri;
+ self.session.print(invite.landing_page or invite.uri);
+ return true, ("Password reset link for %s valid until %s"):format(user_jid, os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T", invite.expires));
@@ -260,126 +317,185 @@ module:add_item("shell-command", {
section_desc = "Create and manage invitations";
name = "create_contact";
desc = "Create an invitation to become contacts with the specified user";
- args = { { name = "user_jid", type = "string" }, { name = "allow_registration" } };
+ args = { { name = "user_jid", type = "string" } };
host_selector = "user_jid";
+ flags = {
+ value_params = { expires_after = true };
+ kv_params = { allow_registration = true };
+ };
- handler = function (self, user_jid, allow_registration) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
+ handler = function (self, user_jid, opts) --luacheck: ignore 212/self
local username = jid_split(user_jid);
- local invite, err = create_contact(username, allow_registration);
+ if not username then
+ return nil, "Supply the JID of the account you want the recipient to become a contact of";
+ end
+ local ttl;
+ if opts and opts.expires_after then
+ ttl = require "prosody.util.human.io".parse_duration(opts.expires_after);
+ if not ttl then
+ return nil, "Unable to parse duration: "..opts.expires_after;
+ end
+ end
+ local invite, err = create_contact(username, opts and opts.allow_registration, nil, ttl);
if not invite then return nil, err; end
return true, invite.landing_page or invite.uri;
-local subcommands = {};
---- prosodyctl command
-function module.command(arg)
- local opts = argparse.parse(arg, { short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help" } });
- local cmd = table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop command
- if opts.help or not cmd or not subcommands[cmd] then
- print("usage: prosodyctl mod_"..module.name.." generate example.com");
- return 2;
- end
- return subcommands[cmd](arg);
-function subcommands.generate(arg)
- local function help(short)
- print("usage: prosodyctl mod_" .. module.name .. " generate DOMAIN --reset USERNAME")
- print("usage: prosodyctl mod_" .. module.name .. " generate DOMAIN [--admin] [--role ROLE] [--group GROUPID]...")
- if short then return 2 end
- print()
- print("This command has two modes: password reset and new account.")
- print("If --reset is given, the command operates in password reset mode and in new account mode otherwise.")
- print()
- print("required arguments in password reset mode:")
- print()
- print(" --reset USERNAME Generate a password reset link for the given USERNAME.")
- print()
- print("optional arguments in new account mode:")
- print()
- print(" --admin Make the new user privileged")
- print(" Equivalent to --role prosody:admin")
- print(" --role ROLE Grant the given ROLE to the new user")
- print(" --group GROUPID Add the user to the group with the given ID")
- print(" Can be specified multiple times")
- print(" --expires-after T Time until the invite expires (e.g. '1 week')")
- print()
- print("--group can be specified multiple times; the user will be added to all groups.")
- print()
- print("--reset and the other options cannot be mixed.")
- return 2
- end
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "invite";
+ section_desc = "Create and manage invitations";
+ name = "show";
+ desc = "Show details of an account invitation token";
+ args = { { name = "host", type = "string" }, { name = "token", type = "string" } };
+ host_selector = "host";
- local earlyopts = argparse.parse(arg, { short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help" } });
- if earlyopts.help or not earlyopts[1] then
- return help();
- end
+ handler = function (self, host, token) --luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/host
+ local invite, err = get_account_invite_info(token);
+ if not invite then return nil, err; end
- local sm = require "prosody.core.storagemanager";
- local mm = require "prosody.core.modulemanager";
+ local print = self.session.print;
+ if invite.type == "roster" then
+ print("Invitation to register and become a contact of "..invite.jid);
+ elseif invite.type == "register" then
+ local jid_user, jid_host = jid_split(invite.jid);
+ if invite.additional_data and invite.additional_data.allow_reset then
+ print("Password reset for "..invite.additional_data.allow_reset.."@"..jid_host);
+ elseif jid_user then
+ print("Invitation to register on "..jid_host.." with username '"..jid_user.."'");
+ else
+ print("Invitation to register on "..jid_host);
+ end
+ else
+ print("Unknown invitation type");
+ end
- local host = table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop host
- if not host then return help(true) end
- sm.initialize_host(host);
- module.host = host; --luacheck: ignore 122/module
- token_storage = module:open_store("invite_token", "map");
+ if invite.inviter then
+ print("Creator:", invite.inviter);
+ end
- local opts = argparse.parse(arg, {
- short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help"; g = "group" };
- value_params = { group = true; reset = true; role = true };
- array_params = { group = true; role = true };
- });
+ print("Created:", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T", invite.created_at));
+ print("Expires:", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T", invite.expires));
- if opts.help then
- return help();
- end
+ print("");
- -- Load mod_invites
- local invites = module:depends("invites");
- -- Optional community module that if used, needs to be loaded here
- local invites_page_module = module:get_option_string("invites_page_module", "invites_page");
- if mm.get_modules_for_host(host):contains(invites_page_module) then
- module:depends(invites_page_module);
- end
+ if invite.uri then
+ print("XMPP URI:", invite.uri);
+ end
- local allow_reset;
+ if invite.landing_page then
+ print("Web link:", invite.landing_page);
+ end
- if opts.reset then
- local nodeprep = require "prosody.util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;
- local username = nodeprep(opts.reset)
- if not username then
- print("Please supply a valid username to generate a reset link for");
- return 2;
+ if invite.additional_data then
+ print("");
+ if invite.additional_data.roles then
+ if invite.additional_data.roles[1] then
+ print("Role:", invite.additional_data.roles[1]);
+ end
+ if invite.additional_data.roles[2] then
+ print("Secondary roles:", table.concat(invite.additional_data.roles, ", ", 2, #invite.additional_data.roles));
+ end
+ end
+ if invite.additional_data.groups then
+ print("Groups:", table.concat(invite.additional_data.groups, ", "));
+ end
+ if invite.additional_data.note then
+ print("Comment:", invite.additional_data.note);
+ end
- allow_reset = username;
- end
- local roles = opts.role or {};
- local groups = opts.groups or {};
+ return true, "Invitation valid";
+ end;
- if opts.admin then
- -- Insert it first since we don't get order out of argparse
- table.insert(roles, 1, "prosody:admin");
- end
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "invite";
+ section_desc = "Create and manage invitations";
+ name = "delete";
+ desc = "Delete/revoke an invitation token";
+ args = { { name = "host", type = "string" }, { name = "token", type = "string" } };
+ host_selector = "host";
- local invite;
- if allow_reset then
- if roles[1] then
- print("--role/--admin and --reset are mutually exclusive")
- return 2;
- end
- if #groups > 0 then
- print("--group and --reset are mutually exclusive")
+ handler = function (self, host, token) --luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/host
+ local invite, err = delete_account_invite(token);
+ if not invite then return nil, err; end
+ return true, "Invitation deleted";
+ end;
+module:add_item("shell-command", {
+ section = "invite";
+ section_desc = "Create and manage invitations";
+ name = "list";
+ desc = "List pending invitations which allow account registration";
+ args = { { name = "host", type = "string" } };
+ host_selector = "host";
+ handler = function (self, host) -- luacheck: ignore 212/host
+ local print_row = human_io.table({
+ {
+ title = "Token";
+ key = "invite";
+ width = 24;
+ mapper = function (invite)
+ return invite.token;
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ title = "Expires";
+ key = "invite";
+ width = 20;
+ mapper = function (invite)
+ return os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%T", invite.expires);
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ title = "Description";
+ key = "invite";
+ width = "100%";
+ mapper = function (invite)
+ if invite.type == "roster" then
+ return "Contact with "..invite.jid;
+ elseif invite.type == "register" then
+ local jid_user, jid_host = jid_split(invite.jid);
+ if invite.additional_data and invite.additional_data.allow_reset then
+ return "Password reset for "..invite.additional_data.allow_reset.."@"..jid_host;
+ end
+ if jid_user then
+ return "Register on "..jid_host.." with username "..jid_user;
+ end
+ return "Register on "..jid_host;
+ end
+ end;
+ };
+ }, self.session.width);
+ self.session.print(print_row());
+ local count = 0;
+ for _, invite in pending_account_invites() do
+ count = count + 1;
+ self.session.print(print_row({ invite = invite }));
- invite = assert(invites.create_account_reset(allow_reset));
- else
- invite = assert(invites.create_account(nil, {
- roles = roles,
- groups = groups
- }, opts.expires_after and human_io.parse_duration(opts.expires_after)));
+ return true, ("%d pending invites"):format(count);
+ end;
+local subcommands = {};
+--- prosodyctl command
+function module.command(arg)
+ local opts = argparse.parse(arg, { short_params = { h = "help"; ["?"] = "help" } });
+ local cmd = table.remove(arg, 1); -- pop command
+ if opts.help or not cmd or not subcommands[cmd] then
+ print("usage: prosodyctl mod_"..module.name.." generate example.com");
+ return 2;
+ return subcommands[cmd](arg);
- print(invite.landing_page or invite.uri);
+function subcommands.generate()
+ print("This command is deprecated. Please see 'prosodyctl shell help invite' for available commands.");
+ return 1;
diff --git a/plugins/mod_presence.lua b/plugins/mod_presence.lua
index f939fa00..c3d6bc04 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_presence.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_presence.lua
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ function handle_normal_presence(origin, stanza)
if priority < -128 then priority = -128 end
if priority > 127 then priority = 127 end
else priority = 0; end
+ local node, host = origin.username, origin.host;
+ local roster = origin.roster;
if full_sessions[origin.full_jid] then -- if user is still connected
origin.send(stanza); -- reflect their presence back to them
- local roster = origin.roster;
- local node, host = origin.username, origin.host;
local user = bare_sessions[node.."@"..host];
for _, res in pairs(user and user.sessions or NULL) do -- broadcast to all resources
if res ~= origin and res.presence then -- to resource
@@ -72,6 +73,13 @@ function handle_normal_presence(origin, stanza)
core_post_stanza(origin, stanza, true);
+ -- It's possible that after the network activity above, the origin
+ -- has been disconnected (particularly if something happened while
+ -- sending the reflection). So we abort further presence processing
+ -- in that case.
+ if not origin.type then return; end
stanza.attr.to = nil;
if stanza.attr.type == nil and not origin.presence then -- initial presence
module:fire_event("presence/initial", { origin = origin, stanza = stanza } );
diff --git a/plugins/mod_s2s.lua b/plugins/mod_s2s.lua
index 8eb1565e..84ae34b5 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_s2s.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_s2s.lua
@@ -1097,6 +1097,10 @@ module:provides("net", {
-- FIXME This only applies to Direct TLS, which we don't use yet.
-- This gets applied for real in mod_tls
verify = { "peer", "client_once", };
+ verifyext = {
+ "lsec_continue", -- Continue past certificate verification errors
+ "lsec_ignore_purpose", -- Validate client certificates as if they were server certificates
+ };
multiplex = {
protocol = "xmpp-server";
@@ -1111,6 +1115,10 @@ module:provides("net", {
encryption = "ssl";
ssl_config = {
verify = { "peer", "client_once", };
+ verifyext = {
+ "lsec_continue", -- Continue past certificate verification errors
+ "lsec_ignore_purpose", -- Validate client certificates as if they were server certificates
+ };
multiplex = {
protocol = "xmpp-server";
diff --git a/plugins/mod_storage_internal.lua b/plugins/mod_storage_internal.lua
index a43dd272..1332ae75 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_storage_internal.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_storage_internal.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local array = require "prosody.util.array";
local datetime = require "prosody.util.datetime";
local st = require "prosody.util.stanza";
local now = require "prosody.util.time".now;
-local id = require "prosody.util.id".medium;
+local uuid_v7 = require "prosody.util.uuid".v7;
local jid_join = require "prosody.util.jid".join;
local set = require "prosody.util.set";
local it = require "prosody.util.iterators";
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function archive:append(username, key, value, when, with)
module:log("debug", "%s reached or over quota, not adding to store", username);
return nil, "quota-limit";
- key = id();
+ key = uuid_v7();
module:log("debug", "%s has %d items out of %d limit in store %s", username, item_count, archive_item_limit, self.store);
diff --git a/plugins/mod_websocket.lua b/plugins/mod_websocket.lua
index 7120f3cc..17a91076 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_websocket.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_websocket.lua
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ local function session_close(session, reason)
+ stream_error = tostring(stream_error);
log("debug", "Disconnecting client, <stream:error> is: %s", stream_error);
@@ -94,28 +95,33 @@ local function session_close(session, reason)
session.send(st.stanza("close", { xmlns = xmlns_framing }));
function session.send() return false; end
- -- luacheck: ignore 422/reason
- -- FIXME reason should be handled in common place
- local reason = (reason and (reason.name or reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason;
- session.log("debug", "c2s stream for %s closed: %s", session.full_jid or ("<"..session.ip..">"), reason or "session closed");
+ local reason_text = (reason and (reason.name or reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason;
+ session.log("debug", "c2s stream for %s closed: %s", session.full_jid or session.ip or "<unknown>", reason_text or "session closed");
-- Authenticated incoming stream may still be sending us stanzas, so wait for </stream:stream> from remote
local conn = session.conn;
- if reason == nil and not session.notopen and session.type == "c2s" then
+ if reason_text == nil and not session.notopen and session.type == "c2s" then
-- Grace time to process data from authenticated cleanly-closed stream
add_task(stream_close_timeout, function ()
if not session.destroyed then
session.log("warn", "Failed to receive a stream close response, closing connection anyway...");
- sm_destroy_session(session, reason);
- conn:write(build_close(1000, "Stream closed"));
- conn:close();
+ sm_destroy_session(session, reason_text);
+ if conn then
+ conn:write(build_close(1000, "Stream closed"));
+ conn:close();
+ end
- sm_destroy_session(session, reason);
- conn:write(build_close(1000, "Stream closed"));
- conn:close();
+ sm_destroy_session(session, reason_text);
+ if conn then
+ conn:write(build_close(1000, "Stream closed"));
+ conn:close();
+ end
+ else
+ local reason_text = (reason and (reason.name or reason.text or reason.condition)) or reason;
+ sm_destroy_session(session, reason_text);
@@ -367,6 +373,10 @@ function module.add_host(module)
+ if module.host ~= "*" then
+ module:depends("http_altconnect", true);
+ end
module:hook("c2s-read-timeout", keepalive, -0.9);
diff --git a/plugins/muc/hats.lib.lua b/plugins/muc/hats.lib.lua
index 7eb71eb4..7ccf194e 100644
--- a/plugins/muc/hats.lib.lua
+++ b/plugins/muc/hats.lib.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
local st = require "prosody.util.stanza";
local muc_util = module:require "muc/util";
-local hats_compat = module:get_option_boolean("muc_hats_compat", true); -- COMPAT for pre-XEP namespace, TODO reconsider default for next release
+local hats_compat = module:get_option_boolean("muc_hats_compat", false); -- COMPAT for pre-XEP namespace
local xmlns_hats_legacy = "xmpp:prosody.im/protocol/hats:1";
local xmlns_hats = "urn:xmpp:hats:0";
diff --git a/prosody.cfg.lua.dist b/prosody.cfg.lua.dist
index 267a650c..65eedc7d 100644
--- a/prosody.cfg.lua.dist
+++ b/prosody.cfg.lua.dist
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
-- If there are any errors, it will let you know what and where
-- they are, otherwise it will keep quiet.
+-- Upgrading from a previous release? Check https://prosody.im/doc/upgrading
-- The only thing left to do is rename this file to remove the .dist ending, and fill in the
-- blanks. Good luck, and happy Jabbering!
@@ -51,6 +53,8 @@ modules_enabled = {
"vcard_legacy"; -- Conversion between legacy vCard and PEP Avatar, vcard
-- Nice to have
+ "account_activity"; -- Record time when an account was last used
+ "cloud_notify"; -- Push notifications for mobile devices
"csi_simple"; -- Simple but effective traffic optimizations for mobile devices
"invites"; -- Create and manage invites
"invites_adhoc"; -- Allow admins/users to create invitations via their client
@@ -75,7 +79,6 @@ modules_enabled = {
-- Other specific functionality
--"announce"; -- Send announcement to all online users
--"groups"; -- Shared roster support
- --"legacyauth"; -- Legacy authentication. Only used by some old clients and bots.
--"mimicking"; -- Prevent address spoofing
--"motd"; -- Send a message to users when they log in
--"proxy65"; -- Enables a file transfer proxy service which clients behind NAT can use
@@ -92,7 +95,6 @@ modules_disabled = {
-- "offline"; -- Store offline messages
-- "c2s"; -- Handle client connections
-- "s2s"; -- Handle server-to-server connections
- -- "posix"; -- POSIX functionality, sends server to background, etc.
diff --git a/spec/util_argparse_spec.lua b/spec/util_argparse_spec.lua
index 40f647c9..3fd4070e 100644
--- a/spec/util_argparse_spec.lua
+++ b/spec/util_argparse_spec.lua
@@ -24,10 +24,28 @@ describe("parse", function()
assert.same({ "bar"; "--baz" }, arg);
- it("expands short options", function()
- local opts, err = parse({ "--foo"; "-b" }, { short_params = { b = "bar" } });
+ it("allows continuation beyond first positional argument", function()
+ local arg = { "--foo"; "bar"; "--baz" };
+ local opts, err = parse(arg, { stop_on_positional = false });
- assert.same({ foo = true; bar = true }, opts);
+ assert.same({ foo = true, baz = true, "bar" }, opts);
+ -- All input should have been consumed:
+ assert.same({ }, arg);
+ end);
+ it("expands short options", function()
+ do
+ local opts, err = parse({ "--foo"; "-b" }, { short_params = { b = "bar" } });
+ assert.falsy(err);
+ assert.same({ foo = true; bar = true }, opts);
+ end
+ do
+ -- Same test with strict mode enabled and all parameters declared
+ local opts, err = parse({ "--foo"; "-b" }, { kv_params = { foo = true, bar = true }; short_params = { b = "bar" }, strict = true });
+ assert.falsy(err);
+ assert.same({ foo = true; bar = true }, opts);
+ end
it("supports value arguments", function()
@@ -36,6 +54,12 @@ describe("parse", function()
assert.same({ foo = "bar"; baz = "moo" }, opts);
+ it("supports value arguments in strict mode", function()
+ local opts, err = parse({ "--foo"; "bar"; "--baz=moo" }, { strict = true, value_params = { foo = true; baz = true } });
+ assert.falsy(err);
+ assert.same({ foo = "bar"; baz = "moo" }, opts);
+ end);
it("demands values for value params", function()
local opts, err, where = parse({ "--foo" }, { value_params = { foo = true } });
@@ -51,8 +75,30 @@ describe("parse", function()
it("supports array arguments", function ()
- local opts, err = parse({ "--item"; "foo"; "--item"; "bar" }, { array_params = { item = true } });
- assert.falsy(err);
- assert.same({"foo","bar"}, opts.item);
+ do
+ local opts, err = parse({ "--item"; "foo"; "--item"; "bar" }, { array_params = { item = true } });
+ assert.falsy(err);
+ assert.same({"foo","bar"}, opts.item);
+ end
+ do
+ -- Same test with strict mode enabled
+ local opts, err = parse({ "--item"; "foo"; "--item"; "bar" }, { array_params = { item = true }, strict = true });
+ assert.falsy(err);
+ assert.same({"foo","bar"}, opts.item);
+ end
+ it("rejects unknown parameters in strict mode", function ()
+ local opts, err, err2 = parse({ "--item"; "foo"; "--item"; "bar", "--foobar" }, { array_params = { item = true }, strict = true });
+ assert.falsy(opts);
+ assert.same("param-not-found", err);
+ assert.same("--foobar", err2);
+ end);
+ it("accepts known kv parameters in strict mode", function ()
+ local opts, err = parse({ "--item=foo" }, { kv_params = { item = true }, strict = true });
+ assert.falsy(err);
+ assert.same("foo", opts.item);
+ end);
diff --git a/util/argparse.lua b/util/argparse.lua
index 7a55cb0b..75b1c2f9 100644
--- a/util/argparse.lua
+++ b/util/argparse.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ local function parse(arg, config)
local short_params = config and config.short_params or {};
local value_params = config and config.value_params or {};
local array_params = config and config.array_params or {};
+ local kv_params = config and config.kv_params or {};
+ local strict = config and config.strict;
+ local stop_on_positional = not config or config.stop_on_positional ~= false;
local parsed_opts = {};
@@ -15,51 +18,69 @@ local function parse(arg, config)
local prefix = raw_param:match("^%-%-?");
- if not prefix then
+ if not prefix and stop_on_positional then
elseif prefix == "--" and raw_param == "--" then
table.remove(arg, 1);
- local param = table.remove(arg, 1):sub(#prefix+1);
- if #param == 1 and short_params then
- param = short_params[param];
- end
- if not param then
- return nil, "param-not-found", raw_param;
- end
+ if prefix then
+ local param = table.remove(arg, 1):sub(#prefix+1);
+ if #param == 1 and short_params then
+ param = short_params[param];
+ end
- local param_k, param_v;
- if value_params[param] or array_params[param] then
- param_k, param_v = param, table.remove(arg, 1);
- if not param_v then
- return nil, "missing-value", raw_param;
+ if not param then
+ return nil, "param-not-found", raw_param;
- else
- param_k, param_v = param:match("^([^=]+)=(.+)$");
- if not param_k then
- if param:match("^no%-") then
- param_k, param_v = param:sub(4), false;
- else
- param_k, param_v = param, true;
+ local uparam = param:match("^[^=]*"):gsub("%-", "_");
+ local param_k, param_v;
+ if value_params[uparam] or array_params[uparam] then
+ param_k = uparam;
+ param_v = param:match("^=(.*)$", #uparam+1);
+ if not param_v then
+ param_v = table.remove(arg, 1);
+ if not param_v then
+ return nil, "missing-value", raw_param;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ param_k, param_v = param:match("^([^=]+)=(.+)$");
+ if not param_k then
+ if param:match("^no%-") then
+ param_k, param_v = param:sub(4), false;
+ else
+ param_k, param_v = param, true;
+ end
+ end
+ param_k = param_k:gsub("%-", "_");
+ if strict and not kv_params[param_k] then
+ return nil, "param-not-found", raw_param;
- param_k = param_k:gsub("%-", "_");
- end
- if array_params[param] then
- if parsed_opts[param_k] then
- table.insert(parsed_opts[param_k], param_v);
+ if array_params[uparam] then
+ if parsed_opts[param_k] then
+ table.insert(parsed_opts[param_k], param_v);
+ else
+ parsed_opts[param_k] = { param_v };
+ end
- parsed_opts[param_k] = { param_v };
+ parsed_opts[param_k] = param_v;
- else
- parsed_opts[param_k] = param_v;
+ elseif not stop_on_positional then
+ table.insert(parsed_opts, table.remove(arg, 1));
- for i = 1, #arg do
- parsed_opts[i] = arg[i];
+ if stop_on_positional then
+ for i = 1, #arg do
+ parsed_opts[i] = arg[i];
+ end
return parsed_opts;
diff --git a/util/dnsregistry.lua b/util/dnsregistry.lua
index b65debe0..56c76cac 100644
--- a/util/dnsregistry.lua
+++ b/util/dnsregistry.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- Source: https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xml
--- Generated on 2024-10-26
+-- Generated on 2025-02-09
return {
classes = {
["IN"] = 1; [1] = "IN";
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ return {
["ZONEMD"] = 63; [63] = "ZONEMD";
["SVCB"] = 64; [64] = "SVCB";
["HTTPS"] = 65; [65] = "HTTPS";
+ ["DSYNC"] = 66; [66] = "DSYNC";
["SPF"] = 99; [99] = "SPF";
["NID"] = 104; [104] = "NID";
["L32"] = 105; [105] = "L32";
diff --git a/util/prosodyctl/check.lua b/util/prosodyctl/check.lua
index ac8cc9c1..0a0ab878 100644
--- a/util/prosodyctl/check.lua
+++ b/util/prosodyctl/check.lua
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ local jid_split = require "prosody.util.jid".prepped_split;
local modulemanager = require "prosody.core.modulemanager";
local async = require "prosody.util.async";
local httputil = require "prosody.util.http";
+local human_units = require "prosody.util.human.units";
local function api(host)
return setmetatable({ name = "prosodyctl.check"; host = host; log = prosody.log }, { __index = moduleapi })
@@ -325,7 +326,12 @@ local function check(arg)
local ok = true;
local function contains_match(hayset, needle) for member in hayset do if member:find(needle) then return true end end end
local function disabled_hosts(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.enabled ~= false; end
- local function enabled_hosts() return it.filter(disabled_hosts, pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
+ local function is_user_host(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.component_module == nil; end
+ local function is_component_host(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.component_module ~= nil; end
+ local function enabled_hosts() return it.filter(disabled_hosts, it.sorted_pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
+ local function enabled_user_hosts() return it.filter(is_user_host, it.sorted_pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
+ local function enabled_components() return it.filter(is_component_host, it.sorted_pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
local checks = {};
function checks.disabled()
local disabled_hosts_set = set.new();
@@ -632,6 +638,12 @@ local function check(arg)
print(" Both mod_pep_simple and mod_pep are enabled but they conflict");
print(" with each other. Remove one.");
+ if all_modules:contains("posix") then
+ print("");
+ print(" mod_posix is loaded in your configuration file, but it has");
+ print(" been deprecated. You can safely remove it.");
+ end
for host, host_config in pairs(config) do --luacheck: ignore 213/host
if type(rawget(host_config, "storage")) == "string" and rawget(host_config, "default_storage") then
@@ -790,12 +802,28 @@ local function check(arg)
if #invalid_hosts > 0 or #alabel_hosts > 0 then
- print("WARNING: Changing the name of a VirtualHost in Prosody's config file");
- print(" WILL NOT migrate any existing data (user accounts, etc.) to the new name.");
+ print(" WARNING: Changing the name of a VirtualHost in Prosody's config file");
+ print(" WILL NOT migrate any existing data (user accounts, etc.) to the new name.");
ok = false;
+ -- Check features
+ do
+ local missing_features = {};
+ for host in enabled_user_hosts() do
+ local all_features = checks.features(host, true);
+ if not all_features then
+ table.insert(missing_features, host);
+ end
+ end
+ if #missing_features > 0 then
+ print("");
+ print(" Some of your hosts may be missing features due to a lack of configuration.");
+ print(" For more details, use the 'prosodyctl check features' command.");
+ end
+ end
function checks.dns()
@@ -901,7 +929,11 @@ local function check(arg)
local unknown_addresses = set.new();
- for jid in enabled_hosts() do
+ local function is_valid_domain(domain)
+ return idna.to_ascii(domain) ~= nil;
+ end
+ for jid in it.filter(is_valid_domain, enabled_hosts()) do
local all_targets_ok, some_targets_ok = true, false;
local node, host = jid_split(jid);
@@ -1444,6 +1476,311 @@ local function check(arg)
+ function checks.features(check_host, quiet)
+ if not quiet then
+ print("Feature report");
+ end
+ local common_subdomains = {
+ http_file_share = "share";
+ muc = "groups";
+ };
+ local recommended_component_modules = {
+ muc = { "muc_mam" };
+ };
+ local function print_feature_status(feature, host)
+ if quiet then return; end
+ print("", feature.ok and "OK" or "(!)", feature.name);
+ if feature.desc then
+ print("", "", feature.desc);
+ print("");
+ end
+ if not feature.ok then
+ if feature.lacking_modules then
+ table.sort(feature.lacking_modules);
+ print("", "", "Suggested modules: ");
+ for _, module in ipairs(feature.lacking_modules) do
+ print("", "", (" - %s: https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_%s"):format(module, module));
+ end
+ end
+ if feature.lacking_components then
+ table.sort(feature.lacking_components);
+ for _, component_module in ipairs(feature.lacking_components) do
+ local subdomain = common_subdomains[component_module];
+ local recommended_mods = recommended_component_modules[component_module];
+ if subdomain then
+ print("", "", "Suggested component:");
+ print("");
+ print("", "", "", ("-- Documentation: https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_%s"):format(component_module));
+ print("", "", "", ("Component %q %q"):format(subdomain.."."..host, component_module));
+ if recommended_mods then
+ print("", "", "", " modules_enabled = {");
+ table.sort(recommended_mods);
+ for _, mod in ipairs(recommended_mods) do
+ print("", "", "", (" %q;"):format(mod));
+ end
+ print("", "", "", " }");
+ end
+ else
+ print("", "", ("Suggested component: %s"):format(component_module));
+ end
+ end
+ print("");
+ print("", "", "If you have already configured any of these components, they may not be");
+ print("", "", "linked correctly to "..host..". For more info see https://prosody.im/doc/components");
+ end
+ if feature.lacking_component_modules then
+ table.sort(feature.lacking_component_modules, function (a, b)
+ return a.host < b.host;
+ end);
+ for _, problem in ipairs(feature.lacking_component_modules) do
+ local hostapi = api(problem.host);
+ local current_modules_enabled = hostapi:get_option_array("modules_enabled", {});
+ print("", "", ("Component %q is missing the following modules: %s"):format(problem.host, table.concat(problem.missing_mods)));
+ print("");
+ print("","", "Add the missing modules to your modules_enabled under the Component, like this:");
+ print("");
+ print("");
+ print("", "", "", ("-- Documentation: https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_%s"):format(problem.component_module));
+ print("", "", "", ("Component %q %q"):format(problem.host, problem.component_module));
+ print("", "", "", (" modules_enabled = {"));
+ for _, mod in ipairs(current_modules_enabled) do
+ print("", "", "", (" %q;"):format(mod));
+ end
+ for _, mod in ipairs(problem.missing_mods) do
+ print("", "", "", (" %q; -- Add this!"):format(mod));
+ end
+ print("", "", "", (" }"));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if feature.meta then
+ for k, v in it.sorted_pairs(feature.meta) do
+ print("", "", (" - %s: %s"):format(k, v));
+ end
+ end
+ print("");
+ end
+ local all_ok = true;
+ local config = configmanager.getconfig();
+ local f, s, v;
+ if check_host then
+ f, s, v = it.values({ check_host });
+ else
+ f, s, v = enabled_user_hosts();
+ end
+ for host in f, s, v do
+ local modules_enabled = set.new(config["*"].modules_enabled);
+ modules_enabled:include(set.new(config[host].modules_enabled));
+ -- { [component_module] = { hostname1, hostname2, ... } }
+ local host_components = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) return rawset(t, k, {})[k]; end });
+ do
+ local hostapi = api(host);
+ -- Find implicitly linked components
+ for other_host in enabled_components() do
+ local parent_host = other_host:match("^[^.]+%.(.+)$");
+ if parent_host == host then
+ local component_module = configmanager.get(other_host, "component_module");
+ if component_module then
+ table.insert(host_components[component_module], other_host);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- And components linked explicitly
+ for _, disco_item in ipairs(hostapi:get_option_array("disco_items", {})) do
+ local other_host = disco_item[1];
+ local component_module = configmanager.get(other_host, "component_module");
+ if component_module then
+ table.insert(host_components[component_module], other_host);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local current_feature;
+ local function check_module(suggested, alternate, ...)
+ if set.intersection(modules_enabled, set.new({suggested, alternate, ...})):empty() then
+ current_feature.lacking_modules = current_feature.lacking_modules or {};
+ table.insert(current_feature.lacking_modules, suggested);
+ end
+ end
+ local function check_component(suggested, alternate, ...)
+ local found;
+ for _, component_module in ipairs({ suggested, alternate, ... }) do
+ found = host_components[component_module][1];
+ if found then
+ local enabled_component_modules = api(found):get_option_inherited_set("modules_enabled");
+ local recommended_mods = recommended_component_modules[component_module];
+ if recommended_mods then
+ local missing_mods = {};
+ for _, mod in ipairs(recommended_mods) do
+ if not enabled_component_modules:contains(mod) then
+ table.insert(missing_mods, mod);
+ end
+ end
+ if #missing_mods > 0 then
+ if not current_feature.lacking_component_modules then
+ current_feature.lacking_component_modules = {};
+ end
+ table.insert(current_feature.lacking_component_modules, {
+ host = found;
+ component_module = component_module;
+ missing_mods = missing_mods;
+ });
+ end
+ end
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ current_feature.lacking_components = current_feature.lacking_components or {};
+ table.insert(current_feature.lacking_components, suggested);
+ end
+ return found;
+ end
+ local features = {
+ {
+ name = "Basic functionality";
+ desc = "Support for secure connections, authentication and messaging";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("disco");
+ check_module("roster");
+ check_module("saslauth");
+ check_module("tls");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Multi-device messaging and data synchronization";
+ desc = "Multiple clients connected to the same account stay in sync";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("carbons");
+ check_module("mam");
+ check_module("bookmarks");
+ check_module("pep");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Mobile optimizations";
+ desc = "Help mobile clients reduce battery and data usage";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("smacks");
+ check_module("csi_simple", "csi_battery_saver");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Web connections";
+ desc = "Allow connections from browser-based web clients";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("bosh");
+ check_module("websocket");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "User profiles";
+ desc = "Enable users to publish profile information";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("vcard_legacy", "vcard");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Blocking";
+ desc = "Block communication with chosen entities";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("blocklist");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Push notifications";
+ desc = "Receive notifications on platforms that don't support persistent connections";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module("cloud_notify");
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Audio/video calls and P2P";
+ desc = "Assist clients in setting up connections between each other";
+ check = function ()
+ check_module(
+ "turn_external",
+ "external_services",
+ "turncredentials",
+ "extdisco"
+ );
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "File sharing";
+ desc = "Sharing of files to groups and offline users";
+ check = function (self)
+ local service = check_component("http_file_share", "http_upload", "http_upload_external");
+ if service then
+ local size_limit;
+ if api(service):get_option("component_module") == "http_file_share" then
+ size_limit = api(service):get_option_number("http_file_share_size_limit", 10*1024*1024);
+ end
+ if size_limit then
+ self.meta = {
+ ["Size limit"] = human_units.format(size_limit, "b", "b");
+ };
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ };
+ {
+ name = "Group chats";
+ desc = "Create group chats and channels";
+ check = function ()
+ check_component("muc");
+ end;
+ };
+ };
+ if not quiet then
+ print(host);
+ end
+ for _, feature in ipairs(features) do
+ current_feature = feature;
+ feature:check();
+ feature.ok = (
+ not feature.lacking_modules and
+ not feature.lacking_components and
+ not feature.lacking_component_modules
+ );
+ -- For improved presentation, we group the (ok) and (not ok) features
+ if feature.ok then
+ print_feature_status(feature, host);
+ end
+ end
+ for _, feature in ipairs(features) do
+ if not feature.ok then
+ all_ok = false;
+ print_feature_status(feature, host);
+ end
+ end
+ if not quiet then
+ print("");
+ end
+ end
+ return all_ok;
+ end
if what == nil or what == "all" then
local ret;
ret = checks.disabled();
diff --git a/util/prosodyctl/shell.lua b/util/prosodyctl/shell.lua
index a0fbb09c..31936989 100644
--- a/util/prosodyctl/shell.lua
+++ b/util/prosodyctl/shell.lua
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ local function read_line(prompt_string)
-local function send_line(client, line)
- client.send(st.stanza("repl-input", { width = tostring(term_width()) }):text(line));
+local function send_line(client, line, interactive)
+ client.send(st.stanza("repl-input", { width = tostring(term_width()), repl = interactive == false and "0" or "1" }):text(line));
local function repl(client)
@@ -87,21 +87,11 @@ local function start(arg) --luacheck: ignore 212/arg
if arg[1] then
if arg[2] then
- local fmt = { "%s"; ":%s("; ")" };
- for i = 3, #arg do
- if arg[i]:sub(1, 1) == ":" then
- table.insert(fmt, i, ")%s(");
- elseif i > 3 and fmt[i - 1]:match("%%q$") then
- table.insert(fmt, i, ", %q");
- else
- table.insert(fmt, i, "%q");
- end
- end
- arg[1] = string.format(table.concat(fmt), table.unpack(arg));
+ arg[1] = ("{"..string.rep("%q", #arg, ", ").."}"):format(table.unpack(arg, 1, #arg));
client.events.add_handler("connected", function()
- send_line(client, arg[1]);
+ send_line(client, arg[1], false);
return true;
end, 1);
diff --git a/util/sasl.lua b/util/sasl.lua
index c3c22a1c..dc11d426 100644
--- a/util/sasl.lua
+++ b/util/sasl.lua
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ local function registerMechanism(name, backends, f, cb_backends)
-- create a new SASL object which can be used to authenticate clients
-local function new(realm, profile)
+local function new(realm, profile, userdata)
local mechanisms = profile.mechanisms;
if not mechanisms then
mechanisms = {};
@@ -80,7 +80,12 @@ local function new(realm, profile)
profile.mechanisms = mechanisms;
- return setmetatable({ profile = profile, realm = realm, mechs = mechanisms }, method);
+ return setmetatable({
+ profile = profile,
+ realm = realm,
+ mechs = mechanisms,
+ userdata = userdata
+ }, method);
-- add a channel binding handler
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ end
-- get a fresh clone with the same realm and profile
function method:clean_clone()
- return new(self.realm, self.profile)
+ return new(self.realm, self.profile, self.userdata)
-- get a list of possible SASL mechanisms to use
diff --git a/util/sql.lua b/util/sql.lua
index 2f0ec493..06550455 100644
--- a/util/sql.lua
+++ b/util/sql.lua
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ function engine:connect()
dbh:autocommit(false); -- don't commit automatically
self.conn = dbh;
self.prepared = {};
- if params.password then
+ if params.driver == "SQLite3" and params.password then
local ok, err = self:execute(("PRAGMA key='%s'"):format(dbh:quote(params.password)));
if not ok then
return ok, err;
diff --git a/util/startup.lua b/util/startup.lua
index 34c2f733..15f07fdf 100644
--- a/util/startup.lua
+++ b/util/startup.lua
@@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ function startup.read_config()
prosody.config_file = filename
+ local credentials_directory = os.getenv("CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY");
+ if credentials_directory then
+ config.set_credentials_directory(credentials_directory);
+ elseif prosody.process_type == "prosody" then
+ config.set_credential_fallback_mode("error");
+ else
+ config.set_credential_fallback_mode("warn");
+ end
local ok, level, err = config.load(filename);
if not ok then
@@ -271,7 +279,6 @@ function startup.init_global_state()
config = CFG_CONFIGDIR or ".";
plugins = CFG_PLUGINDIR or "plugins";
data = "data";
- credentials = os.getenv("CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY");
prosody.arg = _G.arg;
diff --git a/util/x509.lua b/util/x509.lua
index 9ecb5b60..6d856be0 100644
--- a/util/x509.lua
+++ b/util/x509.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
-- IDN libraries complicate that.
--- [TLS-CERTS] - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6125.html
+-- [TLS-CERTS] - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6125.html -- Obsolete
+-- [TLS-IDENT] - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9525.html
-- [XMPP-CORE] - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6120.html
-- [SRV-ID] - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4985.html
-- [IDNA] - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5890.html
@@ -35,10 +36,8 @@ local oid_subjectaltname = ""; -- [PKIX]
local oid_xmppaddr = ""; -- [XMPP-CORE]
local oid_dnssrv = ""; -- [SRV-ID]
--- Compare a hostname (possibly international) with asserted names
--- extracted from a certificate.
--- This function follows the rules laid out in
--- sections 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 of [TLS-CERTS]
+-- Compare a hostname (possibly international) with asserted names extracted from a certificate.
+-- This function follows the rules laid out in section 6.3 of [TLS-IDENT]
-- A wildcard ("*") all by itself is allowed only as the left-most label
local function compare_dnsname(host, asserted_names)
@@ -159,61 +158,25 @@ local function verify_identity(host, service, cert)
if ext[oid_subjectaltname] then
local sans = ext[oid_subjectaltname];
- -- Per [TLS-CERTS] 6.3, 6.4.4, "a client MUST NOT seek a match for a
- -- reference identifier if the presented identifiers include a DNS-ID
- -- SRV-ID, URI-ID, or any application-specific identifier types"
- local had_supported_altnames = false
if sans[oid_xmppaddr] then
- had_supported_altnames = true
if service == "_xmpp-client" or service == "_xmpp-server" then
if compare_xmppaddr(host, sans[oid_xmppaddr]) then return true end
if sans[oid_dnssrv] then
- had_supported_altnames = true
-- Only check srvNames if the caller specified a service
if service and compare_srvname(host, service, sans[oid_dnssrv]) then return true end
if sans["dNSName"] then
- had_supported_altnames = true
if compare_dnsname(host, sans["dNSName"]) then return true end
- -- We don't need URIs, but [TLS-CERTS] is clear.
- if sans["uniformResourceIdentifier"] then
- had_supported_altnames = true
- end
- if had_supported_altnames then return false end
- end
- -- Extract a common name from the certificate, and check it as if it were
- -- a dNSName subjectAltName (wildcards may apply for, and receive,
- -- cat treats)
- --
- -- Per [TLS-CERTS] 1.8, a CN-ID is the Common Name from a cert subject
- -- which has one and only one Common Name
- local subject = cert:subject()
- local cn = nil
- for i=1,#subject do
- local dn = subject[i]
- if dn["oid"] == oid_commonname then
- if cn then
- log("info", "Certificate has multiple common names")
- return false
- end
- cn = dn["value"];
- end
- if cn then
- -- Per [TLS-CERTS] 6.4.4, follow the comparison rules for dNSName SANs.
- return compare_dnsname(host, { cn })
- end
+ -- Per [TLS-IDENT] ignore the Common Name
+ -- The server identity can only be expressed in the subjectAltNames extension;
+ -- it is no longer valid to use the commonName RDN, known as CN-ID in [TLS-CERTS].
-- If all else fails, well, why should we be any different?
return false