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1 files changed, 30 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua b/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
index 705420d0..b5958572 100644
--- a/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
+++ b/plugins/mod_http_file_share.lua
@@ -62,12 +62,33 @@ local upload_errors = errors.init(module.name, namespace, {
access = { type = "auth"; condition = "forbidden" };
filename = { type = "modify"; condition = "bad-request"; text = "Invalid filename" };
filetype = { type = "modify"; condition = "not-acceptable"; text = "File type not allowed" };
- filesize = { type = "modify"; condition = "not-acceptable"; text = "File too large";
- extra = {tag = st.stanza("file-too-large", {xmlns = namespace}):tag("max-file-size"):text(tostring(file_size_limit)) };
+ filesize = {
+ code = 413;
+ type = "modify";
+ condition = "not-acceptable";
+ text = "File too large";
+ extra = {
+ tag = st.stanza("file-too-large", { xmlns = namespace }):tag("max-file-size"):text(tostring(file_size_limit));
+ };
filesizefmt = { type = "modify"; condition = "bad-request"; text = "File size must be positive integer"; };
quota = { type = "wait"; condition = "resource-constraint"; text = "Daily quota reached"; };
outofdisk = { type = "wait"; condition = "resource-constraint"; text = "Server global storage quota reached" };
+ authzmalformed = {
+ code = 401;
+ type = "auth";
+ condition = "not-authorized";
+ text = "Missing or malformed Authorization header";
+ };
+ unauthz = { code = 403; type = "auth"; condition = "forbidden"; text = "Unauthorized or invalid token" };
+ invalidslot = {
+ code = 400;
+ type = "modify";
+ condition = "bad-request";
+ text = "Invalid upload slot, must not contain '/'";
+ };
+ alreadycompleted = { code = 409; type = "cancel"; condition = "conflict"; text = "Upload already completed" };
+ writefail = { code = 500; type = "wait"; condition = "internal-server-error" }
local upload_cache = cache.new(1024);
@@ -260,19 +281,19 @@ function handle_upload(event, path) -- PUT /upload/:slot
if not authz then
module:log("debug", "Missing or malformed Authorization header");
event.response.headers.www_authenticate = "Bearer";
- return 401;
+ return upload_errors.new("authzmalformed", { request = request });
local authed, authed_upload_info = verify_jwt(authz);
if not authed then
module:log("debug", "Unauthorized or invalid token: %s, %q", authz, authed_upload_info);
- return 401;
+ return upload_errors.new("unauthz", { request = request; wrapped_error = authed_upload_info });
if not path or authed_upload_info.slot ~= path:match("^[^/]+") then
module:log("debug", "Invalid upload slot: %q, path: %q", authed_upload_info.slot, path);
- return 400;
+ return upload_errors.new("unauthz", { request = request });
if request.headers.content_length and tonumber(request.headers.content_length) ~= authed_upload_info.filesize then
- return 413;
+ return upload_errors.new("filesize", { request = request });
-- Note: We don't know the size if the upload is streamed in chunked encoding,
-- so we also check the final file size on completion.
@@ -288,7 +309,7 @@ function handle_upload(event, path) -- PUT /upload/:slot
local f = io.open(filename, "r");
if f then
- return 409;
+ return upload_errors.new("alreadycompleted", { request = request });
@@ -297,7 +318,7 @@ function handle_upload(event, path) -- PUT /upload/:slot
local fh, err = io.open(filename.."~", "w");
if not fh then
module:log("error", "Could not open file for writing: %s", err);
- return 500;
+ return upload_errors.new("writefail", { request = request; wrapped_error = err });
function event.response:on_destroy() -- luacheck: ignore 212/self
-- Clean up incomplete upload
@@ -330,7 +351,7 @@ function handle_upload(event, path) -- PUT /upload/:slot
local uploaded, err = errors.coerce(request.body_sink:close());
if final_size ~= upload_info.filesize then
-- Could be too short as well, but we say the same thing
- uploaded, err = false, 413;
+ uploaded, err = false, upload_errors.new("filesize", { request = request });
if uploaded then
module:log("debug", "Upload of %q completed, %s", filename, B(final_size));