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2 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/configmanager.lua b/core/configmanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc7ffb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/configmanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+local _G = _G;
+module "configmanager"
+local parsers = {};
+local config = { ["*"] = { core = {} } };
+local global_config = config["*"];
+-- When host not found, use global
+setmetatable(config, { __index = function () return global_config; end});
+local host_mt = { __index = global_config };
+-- When key not found in section, check key in global's section
+function section_mt(section_name)
+ return { __index = function (t, k)
+ local section = rawget(global_config, section_name);
+ if not section then return nil; end
+ return section[k];
+ end };
+function get(host, section, key)
+ local sec = config[host][section];
+ if sec then
+ return sec[key];
+ end
+ return nil;
+function set(host, section, key, value)
+ if host and section and key then
+ local hostconfig = rawget(config, host);
+ if not hostconfig then
+ hostconfig = rawset(config, host, setmetatable({}, host_mt))[host];
+ end
+ if not rawget(hostconfig, section) then
+ hostconfig[section] = setmetatable({}, section_mt(section));
+ end
+ hostconfig[section][key] = value;
+ return true;
+ end
+ return false;
+function load(filename, format)
+ if parsers[format] and parsers[format].load then
+ local f = io.open(filename);
+ if f then
+ local ok, err = parsers[format](f:read("*a"));
+ f:close();
+ return ok, err;
+ end
+ end
+ return false, "no parser";
+function save(filename, format)
+function addparser(format, parser)
+ if format and parser then
+ parsers[format] = parser;
+ end
+ parsers.lua = {};
+ function parsers.lua.load(data)
+ local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k)
+ if k:match("^mod_") then
+ return function (settings_table)
+ config[__currenthost or "*"][k] = settings_table;
+ end;
+ end
+ return rawget(_G, k);
+ end});
+ function env.Host(name)
+ env.__currenthost = name;
+ end
+ local chunk, err = loadstring(data);
+ if not chunk then
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ setfenv(chunk, env);
+ local ok, err = pcall(chunk);
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, err;
+ end
+ return true;
+ end
+return _M; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_core_configmanager.lua b/tests/test_core_configmanager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..099ff3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_core_configmanager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function get(get, config)
+ config.set("example.com", "test", "testkey", 123);
+ assert_equal(get("example.com", "test", "testkey"), 123, "Retrieving a set key");
+ config.set("*", "test", "testkey1", 321);
+ assert_equal(get("*", "test", "testkey1"), 321, "Retrieving a set global key");
+ assert_equal(get("example.com", "test", "testkey1"), 321, "Retrieving a set key of undefined host, of which only a globally set one exists");
+ config.set("example.com", "test", ""); -- Creates example.com host in config
+ assert_equal(get("example.com", "test", "testkey1"), 321, "Retrieving a set key, of which only a globally set one exists");
+ assert_equal(get(), nil, "No parameters to get()");
+ assert_equal(get("undefined host"), nil, "Getting for undefined host");
+ assert_equal(get("undefined host", "undefined section"), nil, "Getting for undefined host & section");
+ assert_equal(get("undefined host", "undefined section", "undefined key"), nil, "Getting for undefined host & section & key");
+ assert_equal(get("example.com", "undefined section", "testkey"), nil, "Defined host, undefined section");
+function set(set, u)
+ assert_equal(set("*"), false, "Set with no section/key");
+ assert_equal(set("*", "set_test"), false, "Set with no key");
+ assert_equal(set("*", "set_test", "testkey"), true, "Setting a nil global value");
+ assert_equal(set("*", "set_test", "testkey", 123), true, "Setting a global value");