path: root/net/tls_luasec.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/tls_luasec.lua')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net/tls_luasec.lua b/net/tls_luasec.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e4e92ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/tls_luasec.lua
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+-- Prosody IM
+-- Copyright (C) 2021 Prosody folks
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+This file provides a shim abstraction over LuaSec, consolidating some code
+which was previously spread between net.server backends, portmanager and
+The goal is to provide a more or less well-defined API on top of LuaSec which
+abstracts away some of the things which are not needed and simplifies usage of
+commonly used things (such as SNI contexts). Eventually, network backends
+which do not rely on LuaSocket+LuaSec should be able to provide *this* API
+instead of having to mimic LuaSec.
+local ssl = require "ssl";
+local ssl_newcontext = ssl.newcontext;
+local ssl_context = ssl.context or require "ssl.context";
+local io_open = io.open;
+local context_api = {};
+local context_mt = {__index = context_api};
+function context_api:set_sni_host(host, cert, key)
+ local ctx, err = self._builder:clone():apply({
+ certificate = cert,
+ key = key,
+ }):build();
+ if not ctx then
+ return false, err
+ end
+ self._sni_contexts[host] = ctx._inner
+ return true, nil
+function context_api:remove_sni_host(host)
+ self._sni_contexts[host] = nil
+function context_api:wrap(sock)
+ local ok, conn, err = pcall(ssl.wrap, sock, self._inner);
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ return conn, nil
+local function new_context(cfg, builder)
+ -- LuaSec expects dhparam to be a callback that takes two arguments.
+ -- We ignore those because it is mostly used for having a separate
+ -- set of params for EXPORT ciphers, which we don't have by default.
+ if type(cfg.dhparam) == "string" and cfg.dhparam:sub(1, 10) == "-----BEGIN" then
+ local dhparam = cfg.dhparam;
+ cfg.dhparam = function() return dhparam; end
+ elseif type(cfg.dhparam) == "string" then
+ local f, err = io_open(cfg.dhparam);
+ if not f then return nil, "Could not open DH parameters: "..err end
+ local dhparam = f:read("*a");
+ f:close();
+ cfg.dhparam = function() return dhparam; end
+ end
+ local inner, err = ssl_newcontext(cfg);
+ if not inner then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ -- COMPAT Older LuaSec ignores the cipher list from the config, so we have to take care
+ -- of it ourselves (W/A for #x)
+ if inner and cfg.ciphers then
+ local success;
+ success, err = ssl_context.setcipher(inner, cfg.ciphers);
+ if not success then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable({
+ _inner = inner,
+ _builder = builder,
+ _sni_contexts = {},
+ }, context_mt), nil
+-- Feature detection / guessing
+local function test_option(option)
+ return not not ssl_newcontext({mode="server",protocol="sslv23",options={ option }});
+local luasec_major, luasec_minor = ssl._VERSION:match("^(%d+)%.(%d+)");
+local luasec_version = tonumber(luasec_major) * 100 + tonumber(luasec_minor);
+local luasec_has = ssl.config or {
+ algorithms = {
+ ec = luasec_version >= 5;
+ };
+ capabilities = {
+ curves_list = luasec_version >= 7;
+ };
+ options = {
+ cipher_server_preference = test_option("cipher_server_preference");
+ no_ticket = test_option("no_ticket");
+ no_compression = test_option("no_compression");
+ single_dh_use = test_option("single_dh_use");
+ single_ecdh_use = test_option("single_ecdh_use");
+ no_renegotiation = test_option("no_renegotiation");
+ };
+return {
+ features = luasec_has;
+ new_context = new_context,
+ load_certificate = ssl.loadcertificate;