path: root/app/src/logger.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/src/logger.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/app/src/logger.rs b/app/src/logger.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f9452e..0000000
--- a/app/src/logger.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-use crate::rtc;
-use rb::{Reader, RingBuffer, Writer};
-use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
-use core::fmt::{self, Write};
-use embedded_hal::{digital::v2::OutputPin, serial};
-use log::{Metadata, Record};
-use trinket_m0::{
- gpio::{Pa6, Pa7, PfD},
- sercom::{Sercom0Pad2, Sercom0Pad3, UART0},
-static mut UART0: usize = 0;
-struct JoinedRingBuffer<'a> {
- lbr: Reader<'a, u8>,
- lbw: Writer<'a, u8>,
-impl<'a> JoinedRingBuffer<'a> {
- const fn new(rb: &'a RingBuffer<u8>) -> Self {
- let (lbr, lbw) = rb.split();
- Self { lbr: lbr, lbw: lbw }
- }
-impl fmt::Write for JoinedRingBuffer<'_> {
- fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
- for b in s.bytes() {
- if let Err(_) = self.lbw.unshift(b) {
- // Ignore buffer full errors for logging.
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
-static mut LB: RingBuffer<u8> = RingBuffer::<u8>::new(0);
-static mut JRB: JoinedRingBuffer = unsafe { JoinedRingBuffer::new(&LB) };
-// The UART isn't necessarily Sync, so wrap it in something that
-// is. As long as flush() is only called from one thread, we're fine,
-// but this is a guarantee that the logger module doesn't make.
-pub struct WriteWrapper<W> {
- w: W,
-impl<W> WriteWrapper<W>
- W: serial::Write<u8>,
- pub const fn new(writer: W) -> Self {
- Self { w: writer }
- }
-unsafe impl<W> Sync for WriteWrapper<W> {}
-pub struct SerialLogger<W, L> {
- writer: UnsafeCell<WriteWrapper<W>>,
- led: UnsafeCell<L>,
-impl<W, L> SerialLogger<W, L>
- W: serial::Write<u8>,
- L: OutputPin + Send + Sync,
- pub fn new(writer: WriteWrapper<W>, led: L) -> Self {
- // Stash this for unsafe usage in case there's an issue with
- // the rest of the logging.
- unsafe { UART0 = core::mem::transmute(&writer.w) };
- Self {
- writer: UnsafeCell::new(writer),
- led: UnsafeCell::new(led),
- }
- }
-unsafe impl<W, L> Send for SerialLogger<W, L> {}
-unsafe impl<W, L> Sync for SerialLogger<W, L> {}
-impl<W, L> log::Log for SerialLogger<W, L>
- W: serial::Write<u8>,
- L: OutputPin + Send + Sync,
- fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool {
- metadata.level() <= log::max_level()
- }
- fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
- if !self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
- return;
- }
- let jrb = unsafe { &mut JRB };
- write!(
- jrb,
- "[{}] {} {} -- {}\r\n",
- rtc::millis(),
- record.level(),
- record.target(),
- record.args()
- )
- .ok();
- }
- fn flush(&self) {
- // Unsafe due to mutable static. We can only deal with the
- // tail position of the buffer here to keep things safe.
- let jrb = unsafe { &mut JRB };
- if jrb.lbr.is_empty() {
- return;
- }
- let led = unsafe { &mut (*self.led.get()) };
- let writer = unsafe { &mut (*self.writer.get()) };
- led.set_high().ok();
- while let Some(b) = jrb.lbr.shift() {
- nb::block!(writer.w.write(b)).ok();
- }
- led.set_low().ok();
- }
-// Write to the UART right now, instead of putting it on a ring
-// buffer. This function is a huge hack, and only useful for debugging
-// either before the main loop starts or if the ring buffer is broken.
-pub unsafe fn write_fmt_now(args: fmt::Arguments, nl: bool) {
- if UART0 == 0 {
- return;
- }
- let uart: &mut UART0<Sercom0Pad3<Pa7<PfD>>, Sercom0Pad2<Pa6<PfD>>, (), ()> =
- core::mem::transmute(UART0);
- fmt::write(uart, args).expect("writing fmt now to uart");
- if nl {
- uart.write_str("\r\n").expect("writing nl now to uart");
- }