path: root/
diff options
authorBrian Cully <>2009-03-26 20:41:21 -0400
committerBrian Cully <>2009-03-26 20:45:39 -0400
commita3b468b14046b54c781dbaedab39f3db5f65457d (patch)
tree4bf08cdbb96346e59ec3888ec1fc22cb952ae97a /
Work in progresspass-1pass-1
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f48edae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+* How dCVS is different
+** Everything is implicitly a branch
+The only ``central'' repository is the one you're in. Distribution of
+changes is a separate command. This means every repository is an
+inevitable branch of the first commit.
+** Merge becomes a required operation
+Since everything is a branch, a history merge is required in order to
+share changes up-or-downstream.
+** History is non-linear
+No more monotonically increasing version numbers. Instead version
+numbers must be crafted to at least identify the data of the commit
+itself so they can be universally addressable.
+* Create a demo repo
+** create
+ ~% mkdir sifl
+ ~% cd sifl
+ ~/sifl% git init
+ Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/bjc/Documents/git/sifl/.git/
+** clone
+ ~/sifl% cd ..
+ ~% git clone sifl olly
+ Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/bjc/Documents/git/olly/.git/
+ ~% cd olly
+ ~/olly% git remote show origin # Automatically set up and pointing to
+ # ../sifl
+ * remote origin
+ URL: ../sifl
+* Add some data
+** sifl commands
+ ~% cd sifl
+ ~/sifl% echo sifl > whoami
+ ~/sifl% git add whoami; git commit -m "Set whoami to sifl."
+ [master (root-commit) b211a60] Set whoami to sifl.
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 whoami
+** A moment on git refs
+*** commit id
+A git commit id includes a hash of the commit blob as well as a
+reference to the commit's parent. In this way a given commit and its
+history can be compared simply by checking the id. All other refs
+inevitably point to a commit id as the fundamental unit.
+*** HEAD
+This is the commit the working copy is based off of. Upon commit this
+will be used as the parent commit.
+*** branch
+A branch is a moving HEAD pointer. All working directories are
+implicitly branches, although it's easier to use a named one.
+*** tag
+A tag is a commit id with an optional message and signature.
+** sifl commit history graph
+ (b211a60)
+ O
+** olly commands
+ ~/sifl% cd ../olly
+ ~/olly% echo olly > whoami
+ ~/sifl% git add whoami; git commit -m "Set whoami to olly."
+ [master (root-commit) 536a095] Set whoami to olly.
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 whoami
+** olly commit history graph
+ (536a095)
+ O
+* Sharing changes
+** sifl commands
+ ~% cd sifl
+ ~/sifl% git pull ../olly
+ warning: no common commits
+ remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
+ remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
+ From ../olly
+ * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD
+ Auto-merging whoami
+ CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in whoami
+ Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
+ [1] 16566 exit 1 git pull ../olly
+ ~/sifl% cat whoami
+ <<<<<<< HEAD:whoami
+ sifl
+ =======
+ olly
+ >>>>>>> 536a095305749bacf3357e37eeb13676e8f9c4d0:whoami
+ ~/sifl% echo sifl > whoami; echo olly >> whoami
+ ~/sifl% git add whoami; git commit -m "Fix conflicts."
+ [master eb69ba9] Fix conflicts.
+** sifl commit history graph
+ (b211a60)
+ O ------- O (eb69ba9)
+ /
+ O -----/
+ (536a095)
+** merge commits
+* No semantic difference between branches and repositories
+** repositories are just part of the ref
+Repositories are implicitly branches, therefor, you can push and pull
+to branches in local repositories, although it is a little silly.
+* Rewriting (some) history
+** Rewrite as much as you want, but be careful
+You can make your local history look however you want, but since git
+commit ids include parent references as well as the commit itself, you
+can make your repository look totally different from everyone else's,
+making sharing changes difficult.
+** git complains under some circumstances for push and pull - elaborate
+** Reordering and merging patches
+*** Why would you do this?
+1. Need to get a feature out, but mixed in unwanted code.
+2. Presenting a logical history
+3. Segregating features for independant testing and acceptance.
+** Splitting patches w/ git-add --patch
+** git rebase -i
+** Using rebase with git-add --patch/git-reset to split changes
+* Screwing up your repo and fixing your changes
+** git reflog
+** git reset
+* Merge strategies
+** fast-forward
+** recursive
+** octopus
+** any more?
+* Brief `git svn' overview
+** Importing linear branches is straight-forward.
+** Use `rebase' if you intend to use `dcommit.'
+** SVN branches auto-tracked, just like master.